Upcharge is the spool-up time, how long between deciding and firing, and actually firing. So less delay and fires faster?
Yes, the spool-up time was long enough that by the time the weapon would actually fire its first shot the targeted interceptor had moved out of the firing arc and so the AI stops charging the weapon until a new target is found... and rinse and repeat. It made it rare to even see them fire in some cases. Its much more visually accurate from a fighter dogfight perspective now, and the heavy fighters can at least somewhat combat interceptors without being able to hit an interceptor with a full salvo of their weapon.
Now we just need them to send fighter escorts to the correct person....
I think I saw somewhere that has been suggested and fixed for the next update? Not 100% sure.
Difference skins had different Stats too? I mean, quality might say different stats, but did not expect that.
Yup! At least 70% or more of the skins come with stat modifiers. Faction skins, especially, tune the ship towards that faction's doctrine, weapons, built-in hullmods and ship systems.
Don't worry Warp gates are all equipped with phase shift drive coil thingies, so they can go through planets with no ill effects XD
This issue was you couldn't click on the base when it was encompassed by the planet, so you couldn't dock there for a time. It also looked quite messy.

Heh. In those systems, there is only war.
*Sad face* Well, more extreme measures may have to be taken and a script to remove cruisers and up from wrecks may be necessary. I thought distance mattered more. Oh well.
Heh. I would note that Hyperions have an above average chance to be vaporized due to their low health already.
Cruiser sized shields though! If you don't have major flux using weapons slotted it can take a serious beating when its shields are up.
Good. Although I would far prefer my idea of the Rep system, that is a good stopgap. The whole, Vengeful requires you to be an existential threat to the faction, and/or become well known for breaking your word (They surrender, you accept, get loot, and then you kill them anyway)
I would actually like to redo the rep system at some point, but it may already be happening in the next update since so much is changing on the campaign layer with faction colonies and blueprints. Since there are other equally cool and pressing things to do, such as Nex features, Tutorial (there is some really cool stuff there being backlogged by a single encounter not working as intended), more customize-able officers through mercenary recruitment centers, and talking to your officers on the campaign level for advice on engagements and nearby points of interest, I am taking a "wait and see" stance for now. I feel the same way about the current dialogue system implementing escorts from friendly factions and assaults on strongholds. Why take the time to build that when I will likely get a working (and probably better designed

) version of it when .9 comes out? If not, well, then I'll tackle that with the likely new API I'll have access to at that point.
New missions? YAY

Do those ships also have the new higher timers, which are cut by the hullmod? If not, adding/removing that hullmod later would require extra work.
Also, Yay!
I think they were boosted, but I can't remember to be honest. I know at the time I had a certain balance in mind. You should never be able to
always outlast CR in one of those ships compared to one with normal timers. I think I was factoring in skill boosts and hullmod boosts to that stat, so phase ship timers are probably pretty low, and ships like the Sunder and Hyperion. If not, those ships would be pretty broken since they can either move around unhindered due to speed, or attack from a seriously long range.
Good. Is the range modifier adjusted in any way from vanilla?
What is Pather anyway? Obviously slang for something.
I think its either 400 or 600 (plus 25% original weapon range, so weapons like the trebuchet actually still have a bit of range to them)
Ha, "Pather" is slang for Luddic Path. I think I saw it used in a blog post somewhere once upon a time. David maybe? You know I'm not sure at this point, I've been following this game for so long... maybe I made that up??

Nice. Does it stack with expanded flight decks?
I don't see that hullmod. I know I renamed the original hullmod this is based on, so maybe that is what you are thinking of?
Such a legendary ship, now with more customization... And upkeep.
It's pretty darn fun to fly now, imo.

Which one was Phase teleporter again?
The ship system the Hyperion uses. Long range teleport.
Huh. What if you had given it built in turret Gyros instead 
It's accelleration was pretty high considering you also have phase acceleration and the time warp ship system to increase. It kind of needed it, and the AI is much scarier with that ship now. Much, much, scarier.
As a fighter hullmod, I have no idea what that does. Sounds like a double nerf, but I can't be certain.
It is, and it was needed. Massing them was way too optimal against almost everything. Having the ability to keep many ships at high flux from long range is a big deal.
Don't Ion torpedos work through shields (direct impact, either way dumps flux into the buffer?)
If so, yea, I approve. Otherwise unsure.
They do equal damage to all defense types, but they don't penetrate shields. I nerfed their hit points because massing Renegade fighter-bombers could kill almost anything regardless of point defense. They feel adequately strong now.
No details, only vague understanding of mechanic, so no comment.
Essentially, I reworked NPCs to ask for bribes less often, and only when a player has not offered a bribe themselves. I also made it harder to negotiate a cease-fire without a bribe, but the bribe tiers give a lot of customization to how much you are willing to invest to end hostilities and avoid a fight. It's not fully fleshed out yet, but there is also some political ramifications to certain bribes for certain factions, but I'm not telling there...

But we can still go for joyrides, right?
Good. Although, wasn't that EMP on small PD weapons mainly to overload fighters? Not complaining, but yea.
It was so fighters would do more damage to weapon and engine hardpoints. It had the side effect of making PD better against fighters, but that was unintended and actually caused me to have to build in the anti-emp hullmod in a few cases of the higher-tech fighters and bombers that don't have shields.
Huh. So you refuse Tribute AND are trying to hack their Comm-Relay. I guess they ought to just try and kill you?
Have you tried it? I believe that is likely how that would end, haha. They are far less forgiving than any other faction.
Fluff! Yay!

more of that in the future for sure!
What kind of scripts? Code scripts, Dialog Scripts, or what?
Code scripts. Technical explanation: some of my nested loops in certain calculations were redundant and could be reduced to a single loop higher up in the script. It causes the script to run and load a bit faster. Probably not noticeable for most, but optimization is always good.
*As a side note for those technically inclined, my code in this mod is purposefully not isolated in classes so that players new to coding can find everything that's manipulated in a single script. I find it amusing that when I started out it was easier to read "bad" code. I could more clearly see how the data was manipulated downstream in the code's workflow since it was contained in a single file and not passed into new classes all the time. I obviously won't go too crazy with that for readability, but for those that were wondering that's the reason.
Wait, so was it looking at ratio between your fleet and your fleet, instead of their fleet and your fleet?
No, but your own fleet size played too large a role in how much of a bribe was required, rather than how many enemies you would theoretically be paying off. This just feels more intuitive.
Well, If you are seriously outnumbered, attempting to Surrender (with a bribe) should be an option, but just a cease fire (to conserve resources on both sides) should be reasonable.
As for requesting stuff, well, Allies should be more willing if you are weak, enemies if you are strong. Maybe.
Try it out. I think you will find bribing while outnumbered is possible if you are willing to pay a large amount to do so. Cease-fires without a bribe would be pretty rare unless dealing with a nice faction and a generous commander. As for requesting things, its actually pretty complicated. Allies typically are more willing to help in general, but there are a lot of variables. Commanders who are more aggressive are less likely, and not every faction treats fleet strength the same way. Warlike factions are swayed by strength far more (almost 4 times more influenced if I remember) and greedy factions will often agree only if you pay an exorbitant amount for the goods. There are definitely many patterns and trends to discover in how different cultures will react to things, but I wouldn't expect or rely on the same result in the same circumstance each time. Its meant to be as unpredictable as real people would be.
Cool. I still think Reputation system is more important 

See above explanation for why I am not tackling that just yet.