Alrighty, so I have an update to current dev progress. As stated before, I've slowed down development a bit, in preparation for a new professional position, but I'm still working on cool things!

Specifically, improving the fleet encounter dialogue mechanics takes a lot of trial and error. The scripts have random components that are supposed to generate a certain subjective "feel" and that can take a while to get right.
I really wanted to make bribes more mainstream if the player wants to avoid a battle, even if heavily outnumbered (or sometimes,
specifically in that case). Currently in the available build, bribes only occur when prompted by the enemy commander. This just doesn't feel complete to me, so I am in the process of adding upfront bribes, and increasing the volatility of the results between the various factions.
This, of course, also presents a fair workload in dialogue- faction specific responses, etc. But I think it will feel much more natural and provide some interesting choices for the player in the end.
I've also worked on another small balance pass, and added in previously requested content: new missions, start scenarios and the reintroduction of a peak performance time.
Here's a summary of
current progress. Asterisks* indicate W.I.P status:
Content Additions - *Improved Bribery mechanic: Now also allows for bribery upfront- greatly increases the chances of a successful ceasefire negotiation.
- Can include several increments of bribes(with varying levels of cultual implications per faction) to increases chances of success- the highest bribe almost guarantees success with certain factions.
- Should the player choose not to bribe upfront and the negotations fail, the player will have a second opportunity to bribe the enemy commander at a higher cost.
- Improved Cease-Fire mechanic: Now can successfully negotiate a ceasefire with Vengeful rep Pirates (was guaranteed to fail before) and new bribery mechanics allow for more controllable, consistent results for the player, should they really want to avoid a battle.
- 2 new missions featuring the Hyperion-class Experimental Frigate as a flagship.
- Added 3 new starting options for new factions- now consolidated with the former two additions under "Advanced Start".
- Consolidated "Normal Start" options (containing the basic start options and separating the destroyer-sized starts more clearly)
Balance Changes - Peak Performance mechanic implemented back into all vessels. Timers greatly increased for all but phase ships, and ships with High Maintenance from their experimental nature, such as the Sunder, Hyperion etc.
- Safety Overrides' Peak Performance reduction now greatly limits prolonged combat performance as a downside to balance out its benefits. OP to install reduced by 33% as a result. This will also make Pathers less annoying to fight in prolonged engagements where the player doesn't happen to have any pursuit or interdiction vessels.
- Reduced Flux per Salvo of Trebuchet LRM by 33%, missile speed reduced by ~20% (This should make the missile less of an issue when massed and allow it to be more easily added to load-outs. It was also too powerful/useful for its tier and in comarison to the advanced Hunter LRM).
- Nova Cannon damage increased by 25% to compensate for loss of EMP component. It should now properly take its place as a top tier PD option with a secondary assault role.
- Added the Refit Time effect of Damaged Flightdeck to Civgrade Hullmod.
- Op Cost of Operations Center hullmod reduced by 33%.
- Converted Hangar hullmod now increases the number flight decks on existing carriers by +1/+1/+2 on destroyers/cruisers/capitals in addition to its normal effects. This hullmod can now also be installed on existing carriers.
- Significant buffs to Hyperion and now has medium universal hardpoints at each wing. Increased cost and supplies to maintain/deploy.
- Reduced flux use of Phase Teleporter by 15% and increased its range.
- Decreased Tyrant-class Battleship's turn rate by 60%. It was too inaccurate with beams otherwise.
- Liberator Heavy Fighter has had one of its Icer Guns removed, and Limited Range Finders hullmod is now built-in.
- Ion Torpedo projectile hitpoints reduced by 40%.
- Changed starting variant load-out for Medusa.
Bug Fixes - Fixed description for civilian Star-Liner to include its built-in, yet poorly operating fighter bay.
- Correctly implemented extra damage to weapons/engines from fighters- normalized this stat to 50% extra damage in order to reduce combat layer complexity. Removed EMP component from all small PD weapons.
- *Updated and corrected Tactics Manual to reflect changes since release.
- *Fixed bug with Adamantine Consortium Comm-Relay encounter not taking priority over Tribute requests.
- *Added story text to "The Great Restructuring" mission.