The Brawler(T)'s tooltip still states that it has manuvering jets while it was replaced with High Energy focus.
Added a blurb to the hull skin description describing that fact, as well as one to the the Pather version of the hull, which uses an ammofeeder. If I have time, I will do a full check of the skin files for this sort of discrepancy.
I've finally got a Cruiser up and running. Given I still am trying to keep a relatively fast fleet, I am using tugs and Augmented Drive fields.
I looted a wrecked Falcon class Cruiser (which still had full engine power) and gave it plenty of anti-shield assault weapons. Tried a few combos before I ended up using a heavy annihilation launcher to deal with armor. Also gave it Injector for speed.
It is quite nasty. Despite having 3 damage mods, Its extremely effective, and can take a decient amount of fire comapared to destroyers. The fighters help too.
Glad to see someone getting deeper into the campaign

Touching on one of your earlier suggestions:
Why not modify the 14th Battlefleet hullmod to add the core-strain effect? It currently says "No downsides", but you can change that to point out the strain on the core.
I did change the description to reflect that there are downsides for the next small release, but I'm fairly sure combining the hullmods into a single one would break saves for anybody with hegemony ships in their fleet or nearby (so most people, I would assume

). I'm not sure that would be worth it, but maybe for the next major content release- like the tutorial or something that would likely break saves anyway- I may look into it then.
Some inquiries, if anyone feels like giving some targeted feedback:- So I am hoping the new balance changes and weapons/fighters make the early game more exciting and accessible during frigate combat. I would call my implementation a "light balance" pass though due to time limitations, so let me know if anything seems overly broken. I have a model I follow, so nothing should be too crazy, but things still may need adjustments here and there.
- Also, I haven't really heard anything on this so I assume it hasn't been too much of an issue, but how is supply and fuel management in the mod? Is it more accessible? Less? Are people running out often or constantly oversupplied? I lowered the payout for bounty fleets and increased the payout for general bounties, so attempting to ensure bounty-hunting is still profitable.
- Similarly, do people feel that using the fuel/supply request feature for NPC fleets is mandatory for effective play? Is is too farmable? Are the downsides not potent enough to discourage that, too potent? Etc.
Assuming the combat system is in a pretty decent spot at this point, and most of the pet peeves are eliminated, I am going to start work on the tutorial again, and finally get around to polishing and adding to the Intimidation and Bribery systems since they are far behind the Commodity Request feature in complexity and nuance.