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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - *hotfix* 4/14/22  (Read 802101 times)


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It seems the converted hanger hullmod only adds 1 flight deck to the Atlas despite it being a capital ship. Is this because it is also a civilian ship or actually counted as a cruiser?

Another good catch, yes, it was set as a cruiser in it's ship file. Fixed! Going to add a little more before another release, but next patch notes currently at this point:

Balance Changes

 - Reduced upcharge, increased recharge of Iridium Cannon. -This will allow Hellcats to combat interceptors a little better. Before they could almost never effectively target them. They are still inaccurate at it, just less so.

 - Replaced one of the Drover-class Light PD Carrier's Hydra Gunship wings with a Hercules Gunship wing to give it a fair amount of assault potential for an insignifcant loss in overall PD strength.

Bug Fixes

 - Fixed min crew requirements of Hydra, Renegade, Liberator, Cyclops and Hellcat fighter-craft.

 - Fixed OP of Hegemony, Pirate and Luddic Church Condor skins. Variants adjusted accordingly.

 - Atlas now correctly read as a capital ship, so Converted Hangar hullmod will add 2 fighter bays, as intended.


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I just finished all the missions with 100%. The balance is pretty good. They are hard, but not impossible. The only one that I have an issue with is The Captain's Gambit. It's fairly easy if you outfit all the ships with sparks, xyphos, renegades, and daggers. The issue is getting all the carriers to actually engage the tyrant. After killing all the other ships, they just kited away from it. Only the fighter only carriers sent their wings against it, doing almost nothing. I had to run the tyrant out of CR and then switch to a carrier to bomb it.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 06:38:32 PM by Death_Silence_66 »


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I just finished all the missions with 100%. The balance is pretty good. They are hard, but not impossible. The only one that I have an issue with is The Captain's Gambit. It's fairly easy if you outfit all the ships with sparks, xyphos, renegades, and daggers. The issue is getting all the carriers to actually engage the tyrant. After killing all the other ships, they just kited away from it. Only the fighter only carriers sent their wings against it, doing almost nothing. I had to run the tyrant out of CR and then switch to a carrier to bomb it.

Ah nice! Hope you had fun with those!  :)

Hm, as far as the carriers in The Captain's Gambit, did you keep the stock loadouts on weapons?

AI wise - The Epiphany is a pure carrier, and won't engage directly without Full Assault + Eliminate command and may even need a reckless officer if facing a capital with the firepower of the Tyrant.

**Edit** You probably know this already, but just in case: a combat carrier or carrier defaults to the "Fighter Strike" command when mass selecting ships and right clicking enemies on the tactical map. If you want the carriers to follow an "Eliminate" command on the Tyrant, select the Tyrant itself and then select "Eliminate" under the available commands for that ship and then mass select your carriers and right click the Tyrant to assign that specific command to them.

The Apogee, on the other hand, is a combat carrier, so it should be more willing to directly engage things. That said, they are default equipped for long range missile strikes, and so would be pretty unwilling to engage things directly no matter what orders you gave them. Their Twin Tactical Beam is just a deterrent for the stray destroyer or frigate that gets too close.

The direct engagement vessel in this scenario is the Hyperion. Though, that ship will struggle against the Tyrant: A single volley from its main battery is enough to one shot you, in most cases. You are supposed to whittle it down and distract it with coordinated fighter strikes as your carriers flee, and let it burn its ship system so it can't turn fast enough to get you within a full batteries' arc.

Even then, one of the harder missions to do the upfront way. The running it out of CR solution is not the most fun of scenarios... may look into that.  ;)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 07:49:51 PM by Morrokain »


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The issue was that I was using fighter strike, but the epiphanys were not sending their xyphos and bombers to engage. Even when I put the whole fleet on an eliminate order they still fled without using their bombers.

These were the ship loadouts I was using.




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The only thing I can think of at first thought is the effective range difference between the two classes somehow confusing the AI.

Gunships have about half the effective range of bombers and interceptors, as a generalization. There are exceptions, but I don't believe the Xyphos is one of them.

Try one carrier full bombers, one full gunships, and see if that solves the issue.


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I was flying around Askonia and saw this...

The gate's orbit might need to be extended a bit :P



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You might want to change Hybrasil a bit, at the moment the Tri-Tachyon-Archean Order fighting continually creates debris fields and high tech derelicts. It can make the early game easy if you snag an Aurora or Doom.


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I was flying around Askonia and saw this...

The gate's orbit might need to be extended a bit :P

Ha, yeah never considered that such a close orbit might put the Archean Outpost within the gas giant at points during its orbit. I'll expand the orbit radius of the gate, though it will take a new game to see the effects.

You might want to change Hybrasil a bit, at the moment the Tri-Tachyon-Archean Order fighting continually creates debris fields and high tech derelicts. It can make the early game easy if you snag an Aurora or Doom.

Yeah I see what you mean. Those are powerful cruisers and they would make many smaller factions' much easier to defeat.

However, their war is the centerpiece of the ToBe story, and part of the difficulty behind the Archean Order start scenario. So, completely removing their clashes would be a bit hit to the continuity of the lore and the "feel" of the sector.

I'm wondering if there is any way to make a reasonable middle ground. It is kind of a difficult scenario to tackle without an EveryFrameScript removing the most potent derelicts...

Or... hmm... maybe, just maybe this may work:

So, if I understand it correctly, derelicts and board-able vessels rely on the those ships not breaking apart during combat. At the very least, it greatly reduces the chances they will be recoverable, right?

If I set the majority of hi-tech vessels that are too powerful for such a new start character to always break apart, then that should render them purchase-able, but difficult to obtain otherwise. I think I am ok with this, but if others disagree feel free to respond!


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Hmm. A hullmod, probably that delicate machinery one. Gives a 90% chance of breaking up. :p
I think is easy for Simba and Mufasa sing the Circle of Life when they're on the top of the food chain, I bet the zebras hate that song.

Cigarettes are a lot like hamsters. Perfectly harmless, until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire


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If the conflict is intended, you should buff up the spawnrate of TT fleets. Whenever I show up in the system 2-8 huge Templar fleets with multiple megaliths swarm Eochu Bres.


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Hmm. A hullmod, probably that delicate machinery one. Gives a 90% chance of breaking up. :p

Yeah, that could work, and would be descriptive to the player as to why they rarely find the ships. Originally I was thinking of just putting in the stat under ship_data.csv, but I like this idea better.

If the conflict is intended, you should buff up the spawnrate of TT fleets. Whenever I show up in the system 2-8 huge Templar fleets with multiple megaliths swarm Eochu Bres.

For reference, how late are you in the campaign, typically? I have noticed it tends to go back and forth. They kind of take turns overrunning each other with bigger and bigger fleets over time.

Since I'm already editing the campaign layer for Askonia, I may as well test a couple tweaks. Maybe putting the colonies a little farther apart would help things a bit.


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Quite late, got a fleet of 2 paragons and a few Auroras.


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Penembrous and Eochu Bres get pretty damn close.



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Penembrous and Eochu Bres get pretty damn close.

Quite late, got a fleet of 2 paragons and a few Auroras.

Great! Thanks for the info! I haven't tested that late in the campaign in a while and this is really good data to help adjust strongholds for those very reasons. If you happen to find anything else amiss while on that save let me know and I'll incorporate more stronghold adjustments, if needed, in hopefully one or two updates. I don't want to keep breaking everyone's saves, if possible, as that's already inevitable enough as it is.  :)

I may try and get to those built-in hullmod consolidations for some factions while I'm at it.


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Ran into an issue. Tried to start a game. Got 3 shipping orders to another system, took them. Got to the stations, the person requesting them wasn't there. Maybe he went out for a smoke break?

Hyperion doesn't seem to have delicate machinery hullmod. Not sure why.
I think is easy for Simba and Mufasa sing the Circle of Life when they're on the top of the food chain, I bet the zebras hate that song.

Cigarettes are a lot like hamsters. Perfectly harmless, until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire
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