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Author Topic: [0.97][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.75c ( Hotfix 3 )  (Read 830484 times)


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #675 on: March 07, 2023, 06:35:15 PM »

Do I have to be commissioned by UAF to unlock Automata and November Markets? Can I unlock both markets as their allies (in Alliance with UAF)?

In my experience, access to the Queen has been only available when I was commissioned by UAF. Alliance didn't matter. Meeting up with her immediately opens access to AER-1A (robot queen).

Once you have both Automata and November markets open with 50 relationship points, you can stop being commissioned as you'll keep your access privileges.

Interactions with AER-1A were still open after I stopped flying under their banner. Her Majesty will no longer be talkable, however. Guess I'll have to eat all of this ice cream by myself.

All of these were tested in both the current new version and the previous major version of UAF mod.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #676 on: March 09, 2023, 06:21:48 AM »

Hay been playing the Uaf mod for long time hands down my favorite mod, just one thing some form of a bug or something been looking for the taufan(nx) fighter lpc could never find them in any of the markets. Then while scavenging found the lpc in an arsenal station grabbed it but after leaving the menu the lpc has litreally vanished from my inventory has anyone else experienced anyhting like this before?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #677 on: March 09, 2023, 01:47:35 PM »

First off discovered the mod and love it. I had a blast adding it to my game, but I keep trying to figure out how to get the super caps. I don't want to you know betray the UAF by raiding their shipyards till it falls out but I don't know what to do at this point D: I keep running missions for the queens but nothing.

Hugh Zephyro

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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #678 on: March 10, 2023, 03:19:11 AM »

Great Mod

I started a new playthrough and i cant seem to find yimie thompson. last time I just went to the bar in lumanmunu station and she was there.
am i missing something?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #679 on: March 10, 2023, 08:16:37 AM »

Thanks for trying out the UAF. You should probably keep exploring until you bump into our lootable hullmods and see if that helps. Oh and get the Omniscan too from Nia. Make sure you drag along the Eyeseau because the access options are hidden until you have the ship and enough reputation for it.
Please drop some in game hints towards this because there is no way to ever know this and there isnt any reason to go to Nia after getting the recomendation for the Queen, so its very easy to miss, making the Eyeseau a rather useless ship for the player.

Similarly the fact that UAF things are always just found as loot and never as rewards makes it actually harder for you as modder to control when people get access to what and building a rewarding gameplay curve.

I know from your tweets that you want to encourage exploration, Im not sure making the player go on a random goose hunt throu several hunderd systems is the best way to go about it. A extensive traitor fleet that escaped with an Eyeseau prototype and in return for hunting in a multi step persuit(similar to Secrets of the Frontier)you get the hull mod seems more engaging than scanning planets for a few hours.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #680 on: March 10, 2023, 04:01:16 PM »

This mod is wack
Sorry in advance for the text wall xdddd

It's very interesting to see y'all in this process of finding a clearer role for all your ships and weapons, most notably in this last round of weapon balancing. I think more or less all the changes as far as weapons go were positive ones, but I will say I think the energy weapons in general could use just a tiny bit of extra range. I think all the energy weapons could use 100su extra range or so. I'm sure you've played with those numbers at least as much as I've used those weapons both in their current and previous states, but compared to the updated ballistic weapons, the energy railguns in particular are significantly less appealing than they were, and don't seem to have gotten much more damage/flux-efficient to offset the lack of range. I'll defer to your judgement, but that's how I feel about it as a player.
That said, I am certainly enjoying the excuse to use ballistic weapons extensively for once.

I've also noticed a few issues.
First off, I don't think the medium mount Exoscar pod is properly spawning in shops. I'm at cycle 223 in this one playthrough with the new version and I haven't been able to acquire those pods except through NPC nanoforge production offers. As far as I remember they are available in some blueprint or other, so maybe with heavy industry in a colony I'll be able to produce them myself, but it still looks like unintentional behavior. I also saw someone else mentioning Taufan fighter LPCs not appearing in shops either, and I can confirm that as well; given the Taufan's nature it would make sense if it's not obtainable in shops normally, but just in case that's unintentional I'll mention it here.

Second, I noticed you reworked the Optimized Ordnance Assembly hullmod, but it seems to still be functioning according to its old behavior, increasing missile ammo regeneration rate rather than outright replenishing ammo. It may be that the description is simply unclear or not entirely correct, but if the system isn't meant to regenerate ammunition for missiles that don't already regenerate ammo by themselves, I think it might be worth clarifying that detail (I was particularly looking forward to abusing Nia's ScalarTech hyperpulse torpedoes and various Blade Breaker missiles on UAF ships ;-;). If it is meant to regenerate ammunition for missiles with limited capacity, then I'm letting you know it isn't working.

Third, Rafflesya seems to behave very weirdly and inconsistently after docking with Isenoria following her first bombing run in a given engagement. Sometimes Raffy functions normally on subsequent sorties, but just as often she has this funny habit of launching her bombs without leaving Isenoria's flight deck, keeping her point defense drones active and orbiting while docked, and/or using her own point defense weapons while docked.
Isenoria's system itself also behaves oddly. It allows you to apparently deactivate the system (make the progress bar gradually return to its initial empty state) and reactivate it more or less whenever. I have absolutely no clue what is going on or why, but something is going on there that probably shouldn't be.

Fourth, on the subject of Isenoria in particular, her ship system still has no description which I can see being a bit of a problem as far as figuring out how Raffy works. Speaking of descriptions in general, there are still a few items missing them entirely, and several which need them updated to align with how those items currently function. I think there are still some inconsistencies with certain weapon descriptions, but I'd argue the description for the EYESEAU Omniscan should probably get looked at before those.
I think it's fairly important to not give the impression that the Omniscan is just a more efficient neutrino detector, because it definitely isn't just a neutrino detector. It only returns man-made sensor contacts, and does not give any false positives.

Oh and I nearly forgot, I've been playing this mod for at least several months on and off across several different experimental versions and for some reason I simply never get keycards from anywhere. Ever. A friend of mine says he gets them normally, so I have a feeling it's something to do with mod compatibility, but I don't even know where to start with troubleshooting that. Would you or anyone else happen to be aware of anything in particular that might interfere with keycard loot spawns? (Edit 3/12/23) Apparently I'm getting keycard drops all of a sudden now. No clue what that was about.

Anyway, love the mod, and am very excited for its continued development. Keep it up!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2023, 08:29:19 AM by Lappers »


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #681 on: March 11, 2023, 05:59:30 AM »

I started a new playthrough and i cant seem to find yimie thompson. last time I just went to the bar in lumanmunu station and she was there.
am i missing something?

Sometimes she's there, sometimes she's not. She's not always there. I had to stop by that station often to check if she was at the bar.

First off discovered the mod and love it. I had a blast adding it to my game, but I keep trying to figure out how to get the super caps. I don't want to you know betray the UAF by raiding their shipyards till it falls out but I don't know what to do at this point D: I keep running missions for the queens but nothing.

I've been looking around for this myself with the current new version and I can tell you right now that on my screen is a Solvernia (the supercap with nuke artillery railguns) for sale on Lunamun Automata special store for 134 mill credits. I've also rarely seen other supercaps on both November and Automata special stores. Check both UAF worlds in Aoi often!

I got a weird bug/interaction to share myself. So in my own playthrough, I did a big oopsie and got myself deeply hostile to the Independents.

I left my transponder on while selling a ton of stuff on the black market and the moment I set course for somewhere else, Independent patrols pulled me over for an inspection. I refused, as I didn't want them touching those Alpha cores I still had in my cargo holds. And then the fleet-to-fleet interaction got hard locked into "open comms" (didn't work, they refuse to talk anymore), engage the fleet, and spend a story point to evade. End of the story, I killed them all with my transponder still on and they knew who killed them.

Now I'd need to have my transponder off to dock in Independent stations. Visiting Aoi system, I decided to do a pit stop at Vermilion purely out of habit as I usually say hi to Nia over there. Lo and behold, I am blocked from reaching her. The message says the Bureau's security team marched in and dragged me out of their place. Okay, fine. Despite being still commissioned by UAF, Independents see me as a criminal, so this is understandable.

When I go to any other screen right after this communication denied message though, I can talk to Nia just fine when I come back. Opened up my fleet management screen with F hotkey, closed it, and bam, Nia's standing there so I can ask if she's got any missions or drop my cartload of chocolates. Same thing with the colony management screen and a few others. Even visiting the bar or the market and coming back immediately sends me into a talkable screen with Nia. I can interact with her fine.

If it helps, this secret backroom meeting has been available while I'm currently commissioned by UAF and having done practically all of her UAF access interactions (getting access to all UAF NPCs, affiliate program on Favonius, coming back after talking with Solvernia, and activating Eyeseau's Omniscan) that I know of, unless there are more that are secretly hidden. I haven't tested if this is still the case on a fresh playthrough with zero prior interactions with UAF but with a deeply negative Independent rep.

Oh and by the way, Eyeseau's new hullmods are everything that I've dreamt of. Now I don't have to dump a sizeable amount of story points and ordnance points for those fun hullmods.

Edit: added supercap question answer
« Last Edit: March 11, 2023, 09:32:01 AM by DMesse »


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #682 on: March 11, 2023, 04:01:50 PM »

How do I use the rogue wave landing ability when invading?
I had the required atmo munitions and a sunami[MP] carrier yet the ability tells me I don't have the required ship to do it.
I do carry around 600 marines and heavy armaments each so could it be I need a second carrier? given they support 450 according to their tooltip.

Texas Redhawk

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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #683 on: March 12, 2023, 06:41:31 AM »

How do I use the rogue wave landing ability when invading?
I had the required atmo munitions and a sunami[MP] carrier yet the ability tells me I don't have the required ship to do it.
I do carry around 600 marines and heavy armaments each so could it be I need a second carrier? given they support 450 according to their tooltip.

I believe you also need two Machi APA troop transports in addition to a Sunami.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #684 on: March 13, 2023, 07:16:37 AM »

Hello there,

i got a nullpointerexception error in combat, from the text i presume it's from this mod so wanted to report it. Loving the mod so far, some great ships.

15378457 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
   at org.niatahl.uaf.weapons.uaf_chemicalWeaponEffect.onFire(uaf_chemicalWeaponEffect.kt:97)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.ship.A.if.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.ship.A.if.fireProjectile(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.ship.trackers.D.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.ship.trackers.D.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.ship.A.if.advance(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.Ship.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)


P.s. 0.73c1
« Last Edit: March 13, 2023, 07:24:27 AM by SlavenOlupina »


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #685 on: March 13, 2023, 08:38:22 AM »

I've been absolutely enjoying the heck out of this mod now, so all I have for feedback (other than to fill out the missing tooltips and edit some existing ones) is that I'm really looking forward to more content!


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #686 on: March 13, 2023, 06:02:58 PM »

Is this mod worth using? Or is it heavily imbalanced? Is it quality comparable to things like Vayra/Tahlan/Junkyard Dogs, etc?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #687 on: March 14, 2023, 03:51:12 AM »

Question about yimie quest
1)yimie quest have timer? Bcs i take the quest but i forgot about it after few ingame months and yimie was send to jail, I can't get the quest anymore.

2) i search help in Reddit and someone help try to reset the quest but after many times of resetting and testing it didn't work at all,is there anyway of resetting the quest in a save game?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #688 on: March 14, 2023, 08:04:20 AM »

Is this mod worth using? Or is it heavily imbalanced? Is it quality comparable to things like Vayra/Tahlan/Junkyard Dogs, etc?

The mod is using, and personally, it's in a good enough state right now that it's worth using. Keep in mind that the imbalance is largely because the mod is a work-in-progress, and Cy's approach is to get the content out first, then do balance passes later. In fact, the mod wasn't (and still isn't, AFAIK) listed on the mod index because it's not finished yet.

I don't think that the ships are particularly overpowered unless you deliberately try to get the high-end capitals very quickly, but at that point you can just get a Paragon and slap on Tachyon lances. UAF ships are weak against beams, after all.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #689 on: March 14, 2023, 08:37:33 AM »

but the supercapitals is there a short info on them , how to obtain them? because would like to try them out without using console commands.

You can get the super capitals in a consistent way by Maxing out the Relation for this Specific Characters.

Queen(Aria) Gives you the Super Capital Battleship. for 50-60 million

AI Robot Queen Gives you the Super Carrier. for 50-60 Million

Alexandra Yamato gives you the Super Freighter (Forgot the price)

You need to have your relation with them at max (100). After that just strike up a conversation with them and you will see
a new line saying. LOYALTY REWARD (or something along the lines of loyalty).
They will then offer(sell) you the ship after a few dialogues.
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