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Author Topic: [0.97][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.75c ( Hotfix 3 )  (Read 824212 times)


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #720 on: March 27, 2023, 04:28:38 AM »

Just tried to start a new UAF campaign and got a nasty 2-part bug.

This is the first time I heard of such disastrous glitch, see if you can replicate the thing and get a crash log outta it. That or tell me step-by-step so that we can find out about it.

Insolent Peon

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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #721 on: March 27, 2023, 06:03:46 AM »

This is the first time I heard of such disastrous glitch, see if you can replicate the thing and get a crash log outta it. That or tell me step-by-step so that we can find out about it.

No crash log, since the game itself didn't crash - the error message was in the chat window for AER-1A, not a popup. It just says "NullPointerException: null". But I was just now able to replicate it with both her and Aeria Charlotte. Started new games until I got one of them as a contact, tried to talk to her, game acts like I've been defeated and spits me out elsewhere with the official Restart FleetTM of one Wayfarer and one Kite. No error message with Aeria, just the boot.

One important bit that I missed the first time around is that this only happens when trying to contact them through StelNet's contact menu in the intel screen, not in person. They still won't see me in person, of course, but nothing happens afterwards and there's no error message with AER-1A.

Don't know much about modding, but hopefully this is just a matter of adding certain contacts to a blacklist so you can't start with them.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #722 on: March 27, 2023, 06:28:29 AM »

I have a question,i finish the uaf win event,and get my prize of super caps and other stuff but there's one thing I can't get,the queen's battlecruiser,it says i only need 1mil and 3 story point,i got them after i purchase the super caps,still left with 63mil and 19sp,but i can't buy it for some reason,it says i was out of credits,but i have them though,how can i get it?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #723 on: March 27, 2023, 11:28:39 AM »

This is the first time I heard of such disastrous glitch, see if you can replicate the thing and get a crash log outta it. That or tell me step-by-step so that we can find out about it.

No crash log, since the game itself didn't crash - the error message was in the chat window for AER-1A, not a popup. It just says "NullPointerException: null". But I was just now able to replicate it with both her and Aeria Charlotte. Started new games until I got one of them as a contact, tried to talk to her, game acts like I've been defeated and spits me out elsewhere with the official Restart FleetTM of one Wayfarer and one Kite. No error message with Aeria, just the boot.

One important bit that I missed the first time around is that this only happens when trying to contact them through StelNet's contact menu in the intel screen, not in person. They still won't see me in person, of course, but nothing happens afterwards and there's no error message with AER-1A.

Don't know much about modding, but hopefully this is just a matter of adding certain contacts to a blacklist so you can't start with them.
This has happened to me too, but slightly differently. I tried talking to Nia through Nex's "Call Contact" option that lets you talk to a contact without being docked at their market (I think it's Nex, it might be a different mod). I tried to give her a gift, which was obviously impossible because I was docked at Prism Freeport at the time, and the error described above happened: NullPointer Exception, my fleet instantly blew up, and I respawned as if I was defeated in combat.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #724 on: March 27, 2023, 04:17:24 PM »

I have a question,i finish the uaf win event,and get my prize of super caps and other stuff but there's one thing I can't get,the queen's battlecruiser,it says i only need 1mil and 3 story point,i got them after i purchase the super caps,still left with 63mil and 19sp,but i can't buy it for some reason,it says i was out of credits,but i have them though,how can i get it?

Were you trying to buy Solvernia (supercap with railguns) and special Rillaru (battlecruiser) on the same in-game day? I got this bug as well but it fixed itself after spending a few days when I bought one of them.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #725 on: March 30, 2023, 04:56:29 AM »

Noticed a bug with the Isenoria/Rafflesia. The Rafflesia deploys fine the first time, but when it returns to dock it just circles the Isenoria endlessly. Had it happen every time I tried to use the ship, about a dozen or so instances total. Tried commanding the Isenoria myself, tried moving into the Rafflesia's flight pattern, no joy.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #726 on: March 30, 2023, 09:54:48 AM »

I have a question,i finish the uaf win event,and get my prize of super caps and other stuff but there's one thing I can't get,the queen's battlecruiser,it says i only need 1mil and 3 story point,i got them after i purchase the super caps,still left with 63mil and 19sp,but i can't buy it for some reason,it says i was out of credits,but i have them though,how can i get it?

there's a win event? just bought myself a solvernia - the expensive way :( 50m offer never happened - time for a purge of core sector!


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #727 on: March 31, 2023, 05:59:04 PM »

Glad to know that the Rafflesia AI / mechanic is still as buggy as before.

Bug trigger as far as i know and test :

1 .CHanging from Engage to regroup or vice versa while raffle is trying to dock / attack with F command
2 . If raffle- chan is already docking due to regroup command and is already armed, and then you order it to attack with ENGAGE, not F, it will take off and then just hovering over Isen refuse to attack, then if you press F it will try to redock but failed to do so and just SPEEEN. (Note: if you stay still there is chance that raffle chan turn radius will cause it to SPEEN and failed to dock, just move in a straight line or wiggle butt and receive raffle chan in that case, still doesn't solve the none attack bug tho)

Something along those line. My guess is the AI doesn't like it when you order like 3 of them at the same time. Also having to BOTH in engage mode and pressing F to even get the raffle out seem causing a lot of bug and in a gameplay stand point is very clunky and somewhat weird...i think.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 06:08:24 PM by Aevita »


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #728 on: April 01, 2023, 03:10:44 PM »

so i encountered a problem, i have commision with the uaf, got special permission to build interplanetary confectionery, but i still can't build it. What am i missing? or is this a bug?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #729 on: April 02, 2023, 12:15:00 AM »

so i encountered a problem, i have commision with the uaf, got special permission to build interplanetary confectionery, but i still can't build it. What am i missing? or is this a bug?

Are you still on 0.73c? The hotfix version fixes that (0.73c1).
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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #730 on: April 02, 2023, 04:02:01 AM »

small bug
when was using the reisen II battle ships speed boost i flew, i flew over the entire map with speed 400. while this was fun i dont think this was intended.
i  have used the abilty often but this was the first time it happend. i think that what happend is that when the boost was active an emp hit the engines and disabled it thereby removing the abillity for the ship to break to its normal speed. dont think that anny time soon again, but wanted you to be aware of this


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #731 on: April 02, 2023, 03:46:05 PM »

This is the first time I heard of such disastrous glitch, see if you can replicate the thing and get a crash log outta it. That or tell me step-by-step so that we can find out about it.

No crash log, since the game itself didn't crash - the error message was in the chat window for AER-1A, not a popup. It just says "NullPointerException: null". But I was just now able to replicate it with both her and Aeria Charlotte. Started new games until I got one of them as a contact, tried to talk to her, game acts like I've been defeated and spits me out elsewhere with the official Restart FleetTM of one Wayfarer and one Kite. No error message with Aeria, just the boot.

One important bit that I missed the first time around is that this only happens when trying to contact them through StelNet's contact menu in the intel screen, not in person. They still won't see me in person, of course, but nothing happens afterwards and there's no error message with AER-1A.

Don't know much about modding, but hopefully this is just a matter of adding certain contacts to a blacklist so you can't start with them.
This has happened to me too, but slightly differently. I tried talking to Nia through Nex's "Call Contact" option that lets you talk to a contact without being docked at their market (I think it's Nex, it might be a different mod). I tried to give her a gift, which was obviously impossible because I was docked at Prism Freeport at the time, and the error described above happened: NullPointer Exception, my fleet instantly blew up, and I respawned as if I was defeated in combat.

Happened to me once too.  Not using the Call Contact on them ever again

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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #732 on: April 02, 2023, 05:25:43 PM »

This is the first time I heard of such disastrous glitch, see if you can replicate the thing and get a crash log outta it. That or tell me step-by-step so that we can find out about it.

No crash log, since the game itself didn't crash - the error message was in the chat window for AER-1A, not a popup. It just says "NullPointerException: null". But I was just now able to replicate it with both her and Aeria Charlotte. Started new games until I got one of them as a contact, tried to talk to her, game acts like I've been defeated and spits me out elsewhere with the official Restart FleetTM of one Wayfarer and one Kite. No error message with Aeria, just the boot.

One important bit that I missed the first time around is that this only happens when trying to contact them through StelNet's contact menu in the intel screen, not in person. They still won't see me in person, of course, but nothing happens afterwards and there's no error message with AER-1A.

Don't know much about modding, but hopefully this is just a matter of adding certain contacts to a blacklist so you can't start with them.
This has happened to me too, but slightly differently. I tried talking to Nia through Nex's "Call Contact" option that lets you talk to a contact without being docked at their market (I think it's Nex, it might be a different mod). I tried to give her a gift, which was obviously impossible because I was docked at Prism Freeport at the time, and the error described above happened: NullPointer Exception, my fleet instantly blew up, and I respawned as if I was defeated in combat.

Happened to me once too.  Not using the Call Contact on them ever again

In my experience I've been able to use Call Contact on contacts without any errors, but I've never tried to give them any gifts before. Maybe whatever piece of code prevents Midnight from offering a certain mission remotely could be used here to avert the bug?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #733 on: April 03, 2023, 09:23:02 AM »

This is the first time I heard of such disastrous glitch, see if you can replicate the thing and get a crash log outta it. That or tell me step-by-step so that we can find out about it.

No crash log, since the game itself didn't crash - the error message was in the chat window for AER-1A, not a popup. It just says "NullPointerException: null". But I was just now able to replicate it with both her and Aeria Charlotte. Started new games until I got one of them as a contact, tried to talk to her, game acts like I've been defeated and spits me out elsewhere with the official Restart FleetTM of one Wayfarer and one Kite. No error message with Aeria, just the boot.

One important bit that I missed the first time around is that this only happens when trying to contact them through StelNet's contact menu in the intel screen, not in person. They still won't see me in person, of course, but nothing happens afterwards and there's no error message with AER-1A.

Don't know much about modding, but hopefully this is just a matter of adding certain contacts to a blacklist so you can't start with them.
This has happened to me too, but slightly differently. I tried talking to Nia through Nex's "Call Contact" option that lets you talk to a contact without being docked at their market (I think it's Nex, it might be a different mod). I tried to give her a gift, which was obviously impossible because I was docked at Prism Freeport at the time, and the error described above happened: NullPointer Exception, my fleet instantly blew up, and I respawned as if I was defeated in combat.

I've had the same bug, though it was just trying to open a comm with a locked contact. Only seems to happen with the locked contacts though.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #734 on: April 03, 2023, 12:24:40 PM »

It's more Stellar Networks' issue than UAF, IMO. I had that happen a few weeks back when I called Karlos Pononzi (PAGSM) after mentioning Andrada to him.  :P
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