missing post
I'm sorry, you've been fixing what? Those INFO entries are a list of classes that are already compiled into a jar (you'll find the same message for eg the ion beam (Class [com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.combat.IonBeamEffect] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.) followed by an NPE on some projectile spec with no real context. I have no idea what problem you're having.
Thanks for the reply! I solved the problem! I have a mod: "id": "prv_unofficial_exp",
"name": "prv Starworks unofficial expansion",
"author": "Maelstrom (thanks a lot Prav and Sylva!)",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Adds a big ship to PRV Starworks, maybe more ships will be added in the future!",
It requires weapons from prv Extraworks v2 mod "prv_ljungeld_conquest_prototype". I did not install it and do not want to. I took the weapon files and transferred to the prv Starworks v24.2 mod and everything works.