If I found them very useful when you have a big fleet, you need probably add, like the future 0.8.1a, a specialization carrier or no-carrier.
They cannot have a industrial skill except if you have buy them with one industrial skill.
Efficient Operations:
Level 1: -50% Crew Requirement (piloted ship)
Level 2: -25% Supply Use for Maintence(piloted ship)
Level 3: -25% Fuel Use (piloted ship)
Freight Management:
Level 1: +40% Cargo/Fuel Capacity (piloted ship)
Level 2: +2 Burn Level (piloted ship)
Level 3: -50% Sensor Profile (piloted ship)
My feedback on the description value, not on game:
Efficient Operations:
The level 1, maybe insert a -5% per level of officer, max 50%? (More you are good, more the requirement is low, logic, no?)
The level 2 et 3 need maybe exist only if the ship have a salvage hullmod or surveying equipment? Else only -10%?
Freight Management:
The level 1 need maybe a small nerf, or increased per the size of the ship.
The level 2 need maybe +2 only if the ship have a freighter or tanker hint, else +1, no?
The level 3 do not seems logic with Freight Management.