Caught you red-handed!Lay in course changes are good, I'll finally be able to avoid stars without having to hold LMB.
Obsolete (D)-hulls go away, that's better.
Changes to Ox make it interesting ship, though I'd say that until AI learns how to avoid/disable Sustained Burn it's mostly there for the looks. It doesn't look that expensive even.
Officer QoL change, gut, even though it didn't affect me much.
memetic upgraded Colossi are memetic
Wait, wait, hyperspace storms
move? What sorcery is this?! I've always thought there either are lone dots, clear "skies" or goddamn apocalypse.
The best thing about person bounties is that scaling with player level and not having to race with time for the bounty.
If we fight Domain Survey Fleet in the tutorial, does it even deserve being redacted?
Speaking of redacted... How's "REDACTED REDACTED" made? You cut a text form paper, then cut a hole in space-time? It doesn't sound healthy for the universe.
Sustained burn changes are a mixed bunch, slowing down already made you thought of curling. On the other hand, AI uses it now too and there's no (neutrino) scanner penalty.
Interdiction Pulse is used for ambushes mostly, right? *pirating intensifies*
I like buffs to Coordinated Manoeuvres, Recovery Operations, Advanced Countermeasures, but nerf to Logistics makes my efficiency-bent soul sad.
Odyssey became a high-speed nightmare, but TT Brawler, I think, doesn't actually benefit from plasma jets (unless you want to make dedicated EMP boat).
Damper Field...
I can't say much about fighters because I use them rarely and don't pay much attention to them even then. It's nice to see more countermeasures and PD buffs, though. Locust should be a nightmare now...
Any plans to make the Combat skill tree more appealing? As it stands, the other three seem to be outshining it pretty hard. Everyone I have spoken to says they don't use any Combat skills.
I think Alex dislikes combat being better than fleet, don't bet on it anytime soon.
I'm very concerned about a capital that outruns cruisers and has a damage boost system.
Hell, 90su base is faster than most capitals in .7.2, even after skills.
It sort of needs that speed to offset low range of energy weapons and it's low durability.