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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.9.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.6.9 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!  (Read 443395 times)


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Thanks for the reply Axle and it is good to hear that is not the problem as it removes an option as to what is causing the problem. I have attached a screenshot of my full mod list in this thread if you don't mind taking a look:



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Hmm, I can't see any problem mods in that list. I also see you referenced another user with the same issue - they said they'd only recently installed the game, have you as well? If so (or even if not), perhaps try re-installing the game, as it has been known for the game to sometimes load incorrectly. A delete-and-reinstall usually fixes that, if that is indeed the cause.

Are you also using the latest version of all those mods? And, in fact, the latest version of Starsector itself?


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Thanks for your help the other day Axle! Looks like the user above also had a conflict with SCY maybe:)

The mods a nice addition to S/W pack and adds a lot of diversity to the grind:)

Btw, is there a reason why the Sunburst scattercannon is 28 points? Its dps and range are pretty abysmal for 28.   The Devastator cannon seems quite better at 20, and 100 more range.


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Glad you're enjoying the mod, and I'm only too happy to be of service.  ;)

Btw, is there a reason why the Sunburst scattercannon is 28 points? Its dps and range are pretty abysmal for 28.   The Devastator cannon seems quite better at 20, and 100 more range.

Have you tried using it at all? Numbers don't always tell the whole tale: it's actually a far more efficient armour-cracking tool than you might think, and highly accurate at that.

As for comparing it to the Devastator, while that capital-grade flak gun has a lot of damage up its sleeve, it's spread out over much of its range band so its effective damage is much lower than it would suggest. Also while it has similar per-shot damage, the Devastator's shells are proximity-fused flak shells, so only rarely will they do the full damage against a target. Again, pure numbers don't tell the whole story of a weapon's (or ship's!) capabilities. ;D Try the Sunburst out for yourself perhaps and then come back to me, eh?

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Btw, is there a reason why the Sunburst scattercannon is 28 points? Its dps and range are pretty abysmal for 28.   The Devastator cannon seems quite better at 20, and 100 more range.
I have yet to use it in any serious battle as I have yet to buy it (Rarely seen it actually). However, at mac range, the spread is VERY good. You'll actually hit a good chunk of shots on a broadsword at max range, and the shots that miss won't miss by much.
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Since it looks like SS might be updated soon-ish and I've managed to get myself hopelessly addicted to this game (and its mods) in the past month, I might as well make an account to put in my 2c.  First, thanks for this mod, it's a really sweet expansion!  I'm particularly enjoying the Machete laser, Swift Launchers, and the Piranha (LP) bomber (bombers with Hammer torpedos/missiles seems like so common-sense to me in hindsight that I wonder how no one came upw ith that before).  I wish I could find any Lysander DDs or the Starlifter Platform in my current campaign play-through but that's certainly my fault for having a dozen different mods on at one time.

I'm a bit confused on the Scattergun myself.  Comparing it to the Devastator's odd IMO since the latter is a quirky point-defense flak gun, but I came up with a similar conclusion on my current campaign but comparing it to the Hephasteus Assault Gun.

Although keep in mind that I slightly altered a few specs with the base game (increased the Officer & Player level cap, as well as the max # of ships possible in the Player's fleet), have the fleet battle size setting set for larger battles than normal, have only been playing for ~1 month, and have exactly 1 post to my name, so feel free to take the entire thing with a mountain of salt.

Basically, my experience was that I looted some Sunburst Scattercannons from some large fleet, used them myself on some Capital ships for a while, but ended up substituting them for the vanilla Hephasteus Assault Gun, didn't miss 'em at all and with the spare 8-24 OP I think I ended up with overall better designs.

If I could sum up all my observations into one overly-simplistic sentence, it's this: The Sunburst is a Hephasteus Shotgun.  The damage per shot is similar and both are HE weapons.  The biggest difference between the two is the Hephasteus delivers its damage as a stream, like a big machinegun, and the Sunburst delivers its damage in... well, bursts, bursts of space buckshot every 1.5 seconds.  In theory the Sunburst should have a slight advantage for bunker busting due to slightly higher projectile damage if I'm understanding the intricacies of armor on the wiki correctly, in practice I found the Heph's slightly higher DPS to ultimately make that difference up so I didn't notice any significant difference in performance for blowing out plates.  Coupled with the Heph's lower flux costs, slightly more forgiving flux profile (steadyish stream of flux for firing instead of a modest jump per blast), and a 900 unit range (typical among ballistic weapons), IMO it's more versatile and a cheaper alternative, and made the Scattershot really hard to justify in my configurations no matter how much of a shot I gave it.

If it helps at all, the ships I tried with the Scattershot include the Underworld mod's Infernus(?)-class Battlewagon on the front-right large hardpoint and this mod's Vendetta BB.  I never even bothered mounting it on an Onslaught as that hull is choking for flux as it is.

Again, just my observations, I'm loving the mod overall and I'm looking foward to seeing what else you cook up.


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Hi there Retry, welcome to the forums, and thanks for using the mod!  ;D I'm glad you're enjoying the aspects of it - do keep an eye out for Starlifters and Lysanders. They aren't common, but they aren't hugely rare either, so if you look around in a mid-late game situation you should spot one in a fleet or market soon enough.

As for the Sunburst, I think I will review its stats when I get a chance. I haven't done much for DaRa in the last few weeks as I've been busy with other projects (not all SS related) and there's not a huge amount more I can add to the mod, but there's always balancing to be done - I just try not to look sideways at my own content balance (unless it's a straight bug) until multiple people call the same thing out. Majority rules after all.  ;)


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Re: [0.8.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.3.1 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!
« Reply #172 on: September 16, 2018, 01:38:08 PM »

The problem with the Starburst is that a shotgun-style weapon has anti-synergy with the HE weapon type. HE weapons function best as either steady-stream weapons, like the LAG and Haephestus, or heavy burst weapons, like torpedoes and the Hellbore. Steady-stream HE weapons have a high fire rate to force shields to be continually raised and pounded by kinetics, but take a while to break through heavier armor due to low per-shot damage; heavy burst HE weapons quickly bust through heavier armor with their high per-shot damage but are easily shield-flickered due to low fire rate. The Starburst has the per-shot damage of a steady-stream weapon but can be shield-flickered like a heavy burst weapon; the worst of both paradigms. This isn't a fundamentally crippling problem, it just needs slightly higher numbers than you'd expect to make up for this. Unfortunately the Starburst has 800 range and (IIRC) less than 1:1 flux efficiency, so it's not starting off well. I think all it needs is 900 range and its flux cost reduced, as the other aspects of the weapon are good.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.3.1 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!
« Reply #173 on: September 16, 2018, 03:07:55 PM »

The problem with the Starburst is that a shotgun-style weapon has anti-synergy with the HE weapon type. HE weapons function best as either steady-stream weapons, like the LAG and Haephestus, or heavy burst weapons, like torpedoes and the Hellbore. Steady-stream HE weapons have a high fire rate to force shields to be continually raised and pounded by kinetics, but take a while to break through heavier armor due to low per-shot damage; heavy burst HE weapons quickly bust through heavier armor with their high per-shot damage but are easily shield-flickered due to low fire rate. The Starburst has the per-shot damage of a steady-stream weapon but can be shield-flickered like a heavy burst weapon; the worst of both paradigms. This isn't a fundamentally crippling problem, it just needs slightly higher numbers than you'd expect to make up for this. Unfortunately the Starburst has 800 range and (IIRC) less than 1:1 flux efficiency, so it's not starting off well. I think all it needs is 900 range and its flux cost reduced, as the other aspects of the weapon are good.
How about range + more projectiles instead of a flux cost reduction?  If a 5th (or even 6th) projectile is added w/o too big of a flux increase then it's even more of a space shotgun and may be worth 28 OP just by raw power.  Another good high-performance large ballistic weapon would be a very nice option to contrast with the plethora of common medium-cost and cheap ballistic guns in Vanilla and sometimes other mods (Devastator, Hellbore, Mk.9, Hephasteus in Vanilla, + the Aegis in SWP)

I still haven't found a Starlifter, but I did get my hands on a Lysander.  It's definitely a joy to fly!  Also discovered that the Manta can be surprisingly lethal with Thunders as its air wing, pesky buggers.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.3.1 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!
« Reply #174 on: September 16, 2018, 10:58:52 PM »

Interestingly I've actually opted to go the opposite route with the Starburst, to slide better into the "heavy burst" category rather than the "steady stream" one. It's now got vastly better on-hit damage, and longer range too at the expense of number of shots and a little accuracy, and I've made it even more flux hungry to account for the upped damage (so it's still a less than 1:1 damage/flux ratio). For those curious, these are the current notes in the development changelog:

- Altered characteristics of Sunburst Scattercannon:
   - Reduced shots per burst from 4 to 3
   - Increased range from 800 to 1000
   - Increased damage per shot from 160 to 250
   - Increased flux per burst from 800 to 900
   - Increased spread from 5 to 7 degrees

I still haven't found a Starlifter, but I did get my hands on a Lysander.  It's definitely a joy to fly!  Also discovered that the Manta can be surprisingly lethal with Thunders as its air wing, pesky buggers.

Super-glad you're enjoying the Lysander!  ;D It was designed wholly to be fun to fly, and it's really inspiring to know that somehow I achieved that. Just be careful with the Stormrider Drive, if you make a mistake or get into a bad place, it's far harder to get out again than other mobility systems might allow.

As for the Manta, that humble little destroyer continues to surprise people! It's always been that ship that people are dubious of its potential... Until they give it a go.  :P And aye, it definitely synergizes with a fast fighter - and there ain't much faster than a Thunder!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 11:02:20 PM by AxleMC131 »


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Re: [0.8.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.3.1 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!
« Reply #175 on: September 17, 2018, 03:39:56 PM »

Interesting changes to the Sunburst.  I'll be sure to give it another try in the next update.

I originally didn't think much of the Manta until I got unexpectedly and completely schooled by one (in the Simulator, so no actual losses fortunately).  The small mounts don't seem like much until those Thunders wiggle around your shields and disables your engines with ion cannons, most of your PD/anti-fighter systems, and leaves you rotating in space as a helplessly easy target for the Manta itself.  (Come to think of it, maybe I'll try it with Claws.)

Any chance to see more variants of current DaRea craft?  Like a Vendetta XIV, a Manta XIV, a Lysander XIV?  Or a Knights of Ludd version of the Manta?  A Lion's Guard Lysander?  Tri-Tachyon Lysander? (+flux stats and/or switching ballistics to energy)

Or even "super" variants of something like, say, the Lysander with its own fleet for SWP's International Bounty Board?
No, I don't have a problem, thanks for asking


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Re: [0.8.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.3.1 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!
« Reply #176 on: September 17, 2018, 11:11:08 PM »

Just gonna gloss over the facts of:
- I detest (and suck at ) doing paintjobs;
- I was hoping to avoid excuses to add more content to this mod.

Now then.

Any chance to see more variants of current DaRea craft?  Like a Vendetta XIV...

"F*** spriting capitals."  :-X A Vendetta XIV would be mad fun and full of cool concepts, I'm sure, but given that it's still a WIP sprite and has been so for like a year now, I really don't want to make another one.  :P

... a Manta XIV, a Lysander XIV?  Or a Knights of Ludd version of the Manta?

Hmm. Potentially, potentially. I wouldn't mind doing some CGR skins of ships, though I wasn't sure which ones. A Manta (CGR) wouldn't be a bad one - doesn't have to have any stat changes after all, just a green livery. Lysander XIV is less likely for lore-related reasons - it's a quite unique ship already. An XIV version of it might be too good, though changing some weapons around on it could be fun.

A Lion's Guard Lysander? 

The Lion's Guard variants of ships are part of the Ship&Weapon Pack mod, ie. not a vanilla feature, so a pretty definitive no to that I'm afraid.

Tri-Tachyon Lysander? (+flux stats and/or switching ballistics to energy)

Now that could be interesting. Though, beyond changing ballistics to energy and perhaps improved flux stats, I'm not sure what I could really do to it to make it work. The Lysander is already a "high mid-tech" ship as it is - converting it to high-tech probably wouldn't do that much to it.

Or even "super" variants of something like, say, the Lysander with its own fleet for SWP's International Bounty Board?

Sadly that one can't happen since I can't setup such a mission at my end - Dark.Revenant handles IBB missions in SWP itself. But I agree it's fun to think of, hehe.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.3.2 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!
« Reply #177 on: September 21, 2018, 04:37:41 PM »

Minor Update: Version 1.3.2

Just a couple of fundamental changes to the Vendetta and the Sunburst. Why not take them for a spin together?  ;D


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Update - Version 1.4.0


Repurposed Fighter Bays now costs OP, but it reduces monthly maintenance for every bay it removes. Cool? Cool. :D Moving swiftly on.

Luddic Path fighters? Out! Overclocked Nanoforges? Gone!

Instead of trying to deal with those balancing nightmares, I've taken a step back and concatenated the best of both worlds into something new: Overclocked fighter LPCs. Currently we have three available: the Thunder; Dagger, and Longbow, the first two of which have replaced the Thunder (LP) and Piranha (LP) in all sensible ways. More may come in future, though I don't intend to do more than four or five of these total, so don't hold your breath.  :-X

Modelling these new fast-rebuild, low-stat fighters are a run-of-the-mill Condor and a new (God help me) frigate carrier in the form of the pirate-converted Brawler Mk.II. What could possibly go wrong!?  8)



As always, check the OP for more details, and enjoy!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 11:04:34 PM by AxleMC131 »


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Update - Version 1.4.1

Looking for a runabout with pezazz? Tired of the dullness of common transports and couriers? Then why not take the new Red Arrow-class Private Yacht for a spin! Comes complete with a built-in C-Type General Purpose Shuttle armed with a mounted machine gun, and expendable High-Burn Fuel Canisters for epic nitro-boosts into or out of a fight. Go wild!  ;D


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