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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.9.1a] Disassemble Reassemble v1.6.9 - Another lovingly kitbashed ship pack!  (Read 443396 times)


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Yes, I know what! I'm gonna reverse-engineer and upgrade a copy of that laser into the most gruesome particle-laser to slice'n'blast my foes to chopped up blown scraps! Awesomely metal AF! :D *downloads the mod and starts testing & modifying the new weapon*

Oh nice, it is indeed a particle beam and a decent one but exclusive to the Starlifter, time for me to install a more OP version of it into one of my super-ships. Mwhahah!

*some fiddling later*
Finally I now possess a proper "frell off" prototype particle-laser(death)beam. 8) Love the fact that the default particle-beam already has an unique sound with a kick to it.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 07:52:39 AM by Drokkath »
For I dipt in to the future, far as my gazer eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be.


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I held back for the longest time as I thought that some of the ships looked kinda bad but these new ones are approaching vanilla quality.

Gonna download dis.


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I love that bull carrier, really nice for support carrier. good stuff in general but that one takes the cake both in aesthetics and usefulness
also is it just me or some of the ships are really hard to come by? I have seen most of the smaller ones for a while now, but the Starlifter and the capital are nowhere to be seen


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At first I told mysell "Oh **** a new version, I need to finish next patch for my own mod so I can play both!", so thanks for ultra-motivating me :D

The new sprites are rellay nice. I especially love the new Wren (the old one was a little bit, cartoonish?)


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I love that bull carrier, really nice for support carrier. good stuff in general but that one takes the cake both in aesthetics and usefulness

Glad you like it! It was fun to find a role for it, and the "raider carrier" I felt was fairly unique.

also is it just me or some of the ships are really hard to come by? I have seen most of the smaller ones for a while now, but the Starlifter and the capital are nowhere to be seen

Some ships are definitely less common than others, the Starlifter for one, and the Sturmovik (S) is exceptionally rare - if you find one then do let me know by the way!

As for the Vendetta, you won't see that anywhere in the campaign as it isn't integrated yet. (I'm sure I mentioned that next to its sprite in the thread...  ??? ) It's undergoing sprite cleanup - a pretty monumental task - and it won't be integrated into the campaign until it's in a better state.

The new sprites are rellay nice. I especially love the new Wren (the old one was a little bit, cartoonish?)

The problem with the old Wren was that it was, well... Old.  ;) Seriously, it was one of my first ever kitbashes, before I learned how to make stuff look good. It's been in desperate need of a resprite for a while for that reason.


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Minor Update: Version 1.1.0

Cleaning up my biggest mistake from the previous update, the Warhammer Superheavy Fighter, now with a much tamer and more transparent loadout. Still packs a punch though, don't worry!

Other than a few other minor changes, we also have a brand-spanking new ship in the form of the Lysander, an elite Destroyer Leader designed for one purpose and one purpose only: To be piloted by the player alongside late-game capital ship combat fleets. It might be taking leaves out of the books of other elite destroyers, such as Blackrock's "Desdinova" and Dassault Mikoyan's "Snow Goose", but the Lysander is unique in its own special ways and sure to impress.

Two other additions are the new Manticore Cannon, an oversized flak cannon that plays the ballistic counterpart to the Mining Blaster; and a modular hullmod for overhauling a carrier's nanoforges.

I've got a list of other changes to make in future, but those will be for another update, so for now, enjoy!

As always, check the OP for more details.


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I need to remember that all disassemble reassemble updates LOOOOVE breaking saves.

There goes my lv-58 run ;_;
Somewhere... somehow... some when.... there's a Kantai Collection mod for Starsector.....


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I need to remember that all disassemble reassemble updates LOOOOVE breaking saves.

There goes my lv-58 run ;_;
Use save transfer to continue it.


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I need to remember that all disassemble reassemble updates LOOOOVE breaking saves.

There goes my lv-58 run ;_;

Wait, this update doesn't break saves.  ??? It doesn't remove anything.


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Well it happend during the switch from 1.0 to 1.1, not sure what went wrong but something happened.


Also Kev I've wasn't expecting a this to be an accidental save breaker  :-\ . Can't get it back I'm afraid. Since reusing to older version of the mod to loadup the save file didn't work.
Somewhere... somehow... some when.... there's a Kantai Collection mod for Starsector.....


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That's... Strange. I'm genuinely lost as to why this update would break saves, but ah well. That kinda sucks.

A Random Jolteon

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That's... Strange. I'm genuinely lost as to why this update would break saves, but ah well. That kinda sucks.
The name of this mod has gained so much power that it is now striking out against everything in an attempt to disassemble everything involving Starsector so that it may reassemble it to its own liking.
Hi. I exist. Bye.


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Oh no they're onto me and my master plan!  :P


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Patch Update: Version 1.1.1

Just some housekeeping. The Triton has received a rejig of its logistical capacities to be somewhat more sensible; Mining Beam Nodes no longer target ships; and the Burst Flare Launcher on the Harrier and Sparrow has been given a more random spread. Nice and simple - your saves should be perfectly safe!

As always, check the OP for more details.


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Nice! That Sturmovik MkII (I'm not sure how my eyesight managed to miss this one weeks back) and Triton look quite interesting to me along with Wren (P), Gladiator, Gladiator-F and Katrina. The latter three I've been noticing more often due to their design.

One could scrap together a nice low-tech/mid-tech salvage/combat fleet with only this mod consisting of ships like Mirage, Taurus (D), Junker, Gladiator, Katrina, Vagrant, Sturmovik MkII, Mousetrap and Bull. The ships I just listed fit relatively well with each other looks-wise in a piratey scavenger clunker fleet as they share the same bulky rustic robust look and feel. Not sure how well would they actually work in the game as I haven't tried such a combination of ships yet. A couple of Mousetraps and a Bull or two ought to certainly give some considerably stronger edge in combat.

One of these days I gotta make my low-tech raider fleet idea finally a thing in SS, in fact I'm considering just that for my next playthrough.
For I dipt in to the future, far as my gazer eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be.
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