Hey there, I remade a ship from an old mod. the Weapons Pack by Apophis. The sprite was created by Medikohl. It's a midline destroyer with good shields and armour, but somewhat light armament.
A note on the Assassin, the weapons are all inbuilt to further simulate the behaviors of fighter type ships.
EDIT: Any advice on balancing, optimizing campaign integration, etc. is extremely welcome. This is the first time I've published anything on here and I don't really know what I'm doing!
Forgot to remove rules.csv for testing. re-uploaded.
V. .5 Adjusted some stats, less armour, changed description a bit, decreased shield radius a bit.
V. .6 Added a light carrier, stats are probably going to be changed, I just finally got a working draft going that isn't crashing.
V. .61 Fixed engines, shields, stat issues with dachsund. Added it to markets and patrols. Set barrage to foreward shield to better fit lasher style, changed weapon system to ammo accel.
Known Bugs, fixed, let me know if you find any.
V. .7 Added Assassin heavy fighter, playable 2 ship fighter squad, further changes to stats. Changed name of Barrage destroyer to Thrasher, changed mod name (would love a name for the mod that isn't... this)
V. .7a changed Assassin graphic.
To do:
Normalize dachsund skin with hound/cerberus. Make D versions of both ships, possibly add more ships, waiting on a sprite for a third one. Possibly further tone down stats except speed on barrage to put it into more of a light destroyer role, not sure about this. open to thoughts.
Sharpen up the Assassin sprite, figure out a way to make it so the secondary ship won't dock for repair and re-arm.
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