Looking for someone that has experience to answer a few questions relating to this.
After changing the jre files over to 64-bit Java in the Starsector folder, and set the vmparams file to use 4 gigs, I started the game only to run into an error message that says Starsector only supports version 7 of Java. There is an option, which I located and changed, to allow any version of Java to be used in the settings.json file. I currently have Java 8 installed, which is the version I migrated over to Starsector. I need Java 8 for a work related application and am not sure I can install Java 7 without overriding 8. Starsector started fine and I managed to play a bit of the tutorial, but I was wondering if anyone knows if running Starsector on Java 8 is going to cause any problems. Warning messages exist for a reason, after all.
If it works for you, it'll be fine.
Of course it'll cast some doubt on the cause of any future problems you may have.
That said, I'm a staunch proponent of using Java8; you just have to make sure you configure its launch parameters properly, as Java8's default GC behaves very differently to Java7's.
The specific launch parameters I use (just add them to your vmparams), are:
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
It's much better suited to Starsector's use case than both Java8's default GC, and Java7's GC.
FYI there's no problem having many different JREs installed; the Java Control Panel allows you to specify which is the system default
More importantly Starsector doesn't use the system JRE anyway, it uses the one in the starsector\jre folder. (or the one specified in starsector.bat/.sh)