Hi Nick XR! Great job with this mod, it's been absolutely
invaluable in figuring out what actually happens during combat.
I think I've found a bug for DCR. It tends to overstate beam damage. After doing some testing, it seems like when the game is paused, if there's any ship hitting another ship with beam weapons, it'll continue to register that damage for as long as the game is paused. Pausing can mean either during combat (space bar), or switching over to the tactical map, since combat is paused during that time. This happens both in the sim and in actual combat. I'm guessing there needs to be a check added for if the game is paused when it decides whether or not to count the ongoing beam damage.
Also, it doesn't seem to count beam damage correctly if there's time dilation, such as when using the Scarab.
I've put up a video of the bug in action here: