Okay, I can see you had a though about my mod when implementing this, but unsurprisingly I still have a
couple of questions/requests since this is going to replace most if not all of TwigLib.
The big one is: Can modules be moved around? I know you loved Scy's Nemean Lion opening armor, so will it be possible to do that with the API? I see modules are spawned on top of "module" mounts, but those aren't movable (yet?). So if I manually move them via everyframe scripting will the game force-replace them on top of their mount?
How are collision handled with the modules? Are they on an intermediary layer between ships and fighters or do they need bounds that do not touch their core? Do ships and asteroids collide directly with the modules or only with the core? If they do, are collision forces and weapon impacts automatically transmitted to the core? Can weapons on the core fire through a module? (that was one of the biggest issues with twigLib, most of the issues it currently has stems from this)
I suppose the module's AI is a fair bit simpler than a ship AI, but can they still use ship systems?
You said the modules take time to repair, that is nice but will the refit UI indicate that? With Debido we had a nice system in place (it is not working in 0.72 because I'm nowhere near his coding skills and messed up his stuff but it was a thing previously)
And how does the game handle repair cost? Are destroyed modules visible in campaign view?
How are modules stats handled in the ship codex info card? Are they added to the core stats? Or not displayed at all?
I'm not sure this one has been asked, but do emp weapons hitting a module arc only withing said module of do they hit the core too? Do they also hit other modules?
That should do it for now ><.
And in case anyone forgot, the hype train has no brakes