A few fixes, and various miscellaneous improvements.
Change LogVersion 1.8.2:
- Gala Parade fleet has better loot but takes longer to respawn, especially if you kill it
- Palace always deploys and cannot retreat, like a station
- Cabal bar event can now occasionally generate Cabal contacts
* Dice wagers depend on the importance of the contact
- New text for Cabal reputation level descriptions
- Cabal fleets spawn less often near player colonies at higher reputation levels
* This is in addition to the behavior described in the 1.8.0 patch notes
- Cabal submarket no longer allows the player to sell items back to them
- Nexerelin Random Sector compatibility fix
- Slight performance optimization when Underworld weapons/ships are not present in a battle
- Slight performance improvement in campaign when using Cabal
- Palace music doesn't play in the menus erroneously
- IndEvo crash fix