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Author Topic: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)  (Read 6008 times)


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'Ello fellas.

So, I've noticed that the price gaps from Green crew members up to just the veteran level is a doubling of your investment (If you can deal with having 60% ish CR)
In order to confirm my theory, I need to know if anyone has any details on the way that crew members level up? (Mathematical formulas are welcome)
If it's based on deployment into battle, wouldn't getting a couple of crew style ships and fighting off a few pirates be sufficient to level 100s of crew members per fight?

Here's the free money making method (About 2-5 times ROI)
- It's quite good for the new guy starting out in 0.71

Any "Barren" class world, usually has 30x Marines for about 700 Credits a pop on the black market.

Starting out, going straight to Asharu and buying 30 marines will double or triple your starting capital in the first 2 days - Enjoy
- Extra note - Whenever you visit these worlds and buy marines, always check the prices of Supplies and Fuel while you're there. I often find supplies for less than 100c a pop which in .71 is quite fantastic savings
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 04:08:46 AM by ChrisH »


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 06:45:04 AM »

Leadership in 0.7/0.7.1 is a money-maker skill set.  Advance Tactics at 5+ lets you buy ships (or more accurately, marines that seize new ships from an enemy) at up a 50% discount (because you need less marines to board ships).  Command Experience 10 generates twice as many Elites, giving you surplus to sell at times (Elite is worth about eight times as much as Green crew), and Fleet Logistics lets you ships eat a little less (minor).

Without Leadership, I do not have enough excess Elite crew to sell more than once or twice per game.

If I built for Leadership, I would pack some liners full of Elites and cash them in.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2015, 09:30:39 AM »

Leadership in 0.7/0.7.1 is a money-maker skill set.  Advance Tactics at 5+ lets you buy ships (or more accurately, marines that seize new ships from an enemy) at up a 50% discount (because you need less marines to board ships).  Command Experience 10 generates twice as many Elites, giving you surplus to sell at times (Elite is worth about eight times as much as Green crew), and Fleet Logistics lets you ships eat a little less (minor).

Without Leadership, I do not have enough excess Elite crew to sell more than once or twice per game.

If I built for Leadership, I would pack some liners full of Elites and cash them in.

So does crew transport ships HAVE to be deployed in the battle for the crew to recieve experience? I've just bought a starliner and packed it with greens and gave it a timid officer so it stays the *** away from the action.. Any thoughts?


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2015, 10:06:23 AM »

No.  I would not even bring liners along until I am ready to sell crew.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 11:50:12 AM »

No.  I would not even bring liners along until I am ready to sell crew.

Would you care to expand on this "leadership" tactic that you're mentioning? - I figured that for the people who started in 0.7 this may be a little cryptic, so for myself and all the other dudes reading along, a few lines would be much appreciated! :)


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2015, 01:04:39 PM »

It is straight-forward, your marines are twice as strong with Advanced Tactics 5 (you lose half as many marines, meaning you only need half as normal), and crew gain twice as much XP with Command Experience 10 (and Making Do halves the crew need to pilot ships as well).

When crew gain normal experience, you will level enough Elites to crew your ships and some extra to replace losses and maybe sell a few.  In my last 0.7a game, I had a few thousand elites beyond fleet requirements by the time I reached level 50, meaning I could sell two or three liners worth of elites once per game.  If you max Command Experience, you can level twice as many at the same time, and you have half crew requirements.  You can sell several liners worth of elites then.

When you fight, you level up only so much crew at once.  Once your fleet and crew are big enough, you will not level everyone at once.  If you have a big endgame-sized fleet, you probably have enough crew to level without the need of liners, much like there is no need for tankers unless you want to haul thousands of fuel for trade.  Starliner is a relatively slow pig that eats more supplies than most ships.  Using Starliner for anything aside from carrying personnel to sell is wasteful of supplies.

I have not tried human trafficking strategies because I want to focus on Combat and Technology skills now.  Fighting with overtuned ships is more fun for me than grinding up assets.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2015, 01:21:33 PM »

Leadership in 0.7/0.7.1 is a money-maker skill set.  Advance Tactics at 5+ lets you buy ships (or more accurately, marines that seize new ships from an enemy) at up a 50% discount (because you need less marines to board ships).  Command Experience 10 generates twice as many Elites, giving you surplus to sell at times (Elite is worth about eight times as much as Green crew), and Fleet Logistics lets you ships eat a little less (minor).

Without Leadership, I do not have enough excess Elite crew to sell more than once or twice per game.

If I built for Leadership, I would pack some liners full of Elites and cash them in.

Emergent, yes, wanted.. no. If we reached the point where as a game mechanic we're selling crew and it makes no real sense and just using it to 'farm' the game since other options are worse.. we need fix those other options.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2015, 01:45:28 PM »

This may be a bug, but in every 0.7 playthrough so far Marines sell for around 230 credits on Maxios, with guaranteed 30 in-stock every time markets reset. Guaranteed profit buying / selling within the system for 7-800, and even more when taken to military stations. That said, I tend to supply my fleet from there exclusively as I feel like that price point is more in line with their worth to the player, given seldom boarding opportunities and heavy discounts on selling ships.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2015, 04:12:28 PM »

Maxios has zero stability, meaning prices are rock bottom.  They are also Decivilized, meaning they do not investigate (unless this was changed from 0.65).  Buying marines from there is a very good idea.  Stockpile marines here and there, then sell elsewhere or keep them to acquire more ships.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2015, 04:28:27 PM »

All I want to know is who are those chums and how did they got stuck there. Certainly they couldn't have been trained on the planet, since the worlds are decivilized and all that.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2015, 04:35:04 PM »

Your tariffs are only 20%? Thought it was 30% or do you get discounts with high rep?


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2015, 06:09:27 PM »

This may be a bug, but in every 0.7 playthrough so far Marines sell for around 230 credits on Maxios, with guaranteed 30 in-stock every time markets reset. Guaranteed profit buying / selling within the system for 7-800, and even more when taken to military stations. That said, I tend to supply my fleet from there exclusively as I feel like that price point is more in line with their worth to the player, given seldom boarding opportunities and heavy discounts on selling ships.
Maxios has zero stability, meaning prices are rock bottom.  They are also Decivilized, meaning they do not investigate (unless this was changed from 0.65).  Buying marines from there is a very good idea.  Stockpile marines here and there, then sell elsewhere or keep them to acquire more ships.
Killa is the same way - Decivilized, leading to zero stability and no smuggling investigations, and has 30 marines in the Black Market.
All I want to know is who are those chums and how did they got stuck there. Certainly they couldn't have been trained on the planet, since the worlds are decivilized and all that.
Who says they're formally trained?  Maybe they're survivalists tired of merely surviving, bandits who you're binding with oaths, native barbarians being tempted with bits of shinies and the most powerful weapons they can carry.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2015, 08:39:19 AM »

Your tariffs are only 20%? Thought it was 30% or do you get discounts with high rep?

I too am curious about that, a tooltip says tariffs fall with high rep (and I believe Alex mentioned at least planning to implement this a while ago) but I've never seen less than 30% for Open Market or Military transactions. I've had rep upwards of +85 with the Hegemony since the patch.


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Re: A question about crew and a BONUS moneymaking method for you :)
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2015, 09:22:44 AM »

Your tariffs are only 20%? Thought it was 30% or do you get discounts with high rep?

When I started that playthrough there was a Hegemony and Independant bounty in the same system, so I farmed scouts with 2 wolfs for the first month. Got me near friendly with both factions