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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.7.1a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 305529 times)


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Starsector 0.7.1a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: November 30, 2015, 06:11:52 PM »

Blog post/download links here.

Changes as of December 05, 2015 (3rd hotfix)

  • Fixed issue with ship sales not being reported as transactions

  • Fixed bug where it was possible to get a person bounty by attacking the bounty fleet after another fleet had killed off its flagship
  • Fixed more market procurement mission issues
  • Fixed issue w/ empty bounty reason when causing faction was the independents
  • Fixed bug where player would become hostile with "Knights of Ludd" (which aren't in the game) on accepting a Tri-Tachyon commission
  • Fixed some issues in post-battle crew loss calculation
  • Fixed issue with ship sales on the open/black market not affecting suspicion levels
  • Fixed issue with person bounties not being paid
  • Procurement missions properly show that they're "over" in intel filter
  • Fixed issue with non-combat capital ships being too aggressive

Changes as of December 04, 2015

  • Jangala will now always have fresh bounty on game start
  • Can ask mercenary officers what they can do when at officer limit
  • Added military market indication to star system tooltip in intel tab
  • When joining a battle with overwhelming odds in your favor, the allied fleet is more likely to harry instead of pursue
  • Player fleet less likely to be pursued if it consists of ships that easily outpace the enemy in combat
    • Will be harried instead
  • "Low engine interference" bonus is now based on the sensor profile of your fleet, so that hullmods like Augmented Engines properly interact with it

  • Ship AI
    • Fixed issue where EMP emitter system wasn't generating a proper kind of threat
    • Improved autofire logic when using beam weapons for point defense (less likely to keep turning beam on and off vs a fast moving target)

  • Your credits will properly update for next officer hire after hiring one officer
  • Fixed bug where allied damage to allied ships could cause friendly fire incidents
  • Fixed visual glitch with accident report dialog

Changes as of November 30, 2015

  • Removed half damage option from global settings
  • Easy difficulty in campaign:
    • +50% damage dealt
    • -50% damage taken
    • +500 sensor range
    • +50% extra salvage
    • Halved enemy officer level
    • Extra starting money (10,000)
    • Extra starting ship, with officer
  • Added faction commissions
    • Offered by Hegemony, Tri-Tachyon, Luddic Church, Sindrian Diktat, and the independents
    • Can be accepted via the mission board if your standing is at least favorable
    • Makes you immediately hostile with the faction's enemies
    • Automatically annulled if your reputation with the faction drops to suspicious or below
    • Grants a small bounty for fighting faction's enemies, similarly to a system bounty but not restricted to a specific system
    • Required for most military-market purchases (anything requiring "welcoming" or above)
    • Small monthly reputation penalties for being hostile with neutral factions, and for not being hostile to faction enemies
  • Turned off "faction ties" investigations
  • Added faction hostility events
    • Otherwise non-hostile factions may become hostile to each other for up to a cycle
    • Hostile player actions while holding a faction commission increase the chance of inter-faction hostilities
  • Faction capital ships now available on markets of size 5 and above
    • Tri-Tachyon capital ships available on Ogma in Hybrasil
  • Increased range at which most pirate fleets can be detected by making (D) hull hull-mods increase sensor profile
  • Faint "near sensor range" indicators now shown for fleets that are only at "unidentified contact" level
  • Safety Overrides:
    • Can no longer be installed on civilian-grade hulls
  • Increased number of pirate fleets
  • Coming into market will now automatically turn off Emergency Burn
  • Improved procurement mission variety
    • Increased low-end prices
  • Sensor strength/profile will now show fractional values where necessary (i.e. phase ships, civilian ships, ships with Augmented Engines)
  • Smuggling investigations
    • Take 3-4 months to finish instead of 2-3
    • Won't happen if the faction is already hostile to the player
  • Black market:
    • Reduced number of (D) variants
    • Added ships and weapons drawn from the "independent" faction
    • Slightly higher chance of getting ships/weapons from market's faction, even at high stability
    • Better odds for some specific weapons to spawn:
      • Light Assault Gun
      • IR Pulse Laser
      • Phase Lance
      • Sabot Pods
  • Fleet compositions: reduced number of fighters in carrier groups, improved algorithm to more closely match intended ship distributions
  • Removed reputation decay/increase from not interaction with a faction for a while
  • Boarding: when multiple ships are potentially boardable, more expensive ships have a higher chance of being picked in proportion to their cost
  • Damaging allied fighters no longer causes friendly fire incidents
  • Increased damage threshold for friendly fire incidents
  • Changed "mission accept" shortcut to T
  • Officers now retained upon losing full fleet and respawning
  • Missions the player can't accept are now sorted to the bottom of the list
  • Missions the player can't accept now look dimmer in mission list
  • Market procurement missions show days left in intel filter
  • Added star system and faction to system bounty in intel filter
  • Commodities available for sale on markets reduced to more reasonable quantities
  • Increased "deserter" bounties by 50%
  • Fleets now have a minimum sensor strength of 4; fleets with a lower strength receive a "low engine interference" bonus to make up the difference
  • Immediate area around player should mostly not have hostile fleets on spawn or respawn

  • Enabled escort commands when selecting allied ships
  • Venting will now interrupt travel drive
  • Gryphon:
    • Reduced ordnance points by 15
    • Missile Autoforge:
      • Increased flux generation
      • Limited to 1 use per battle
      • Removed CR cost
  • Timid officers behave as if they were cautious if only timid officers/non-combat ships are deployed
  • Fortress Shields: now takes 1 second to ramp up to full damage absorption bonus
  • Ship AI:
    • Will now properly turn off missile groups set to autofire instead of leaving them on and firing all missiles at the first target

  • BattleAPI
    • Map<FleetMemberAPI, CampaignFleetAPI> getMemberSourceMap()
  • Fixed crash caused by spawning ships in campaign battles
  • Ships spawned in the campaign battle via scripts, that aren't added to the member source map, will not show up as "disabled", "destroyer", etc
  • LocationAPI.addTerrain() now returns CampaignTerrainAPI, for clarity/to avoid extra cast
  • Added Misc.getHyperspaceTerrain() method that returns the CampaignTerrainAPI for the main hyperspace terrain
  • MissionBoardAPI
    • void makeAvailableAt(CampaignMissionPlugin mission, MarketAPI market)
  • Fixed issue where procurement missions were made available using the market id instead of an entity id
  • Fixed bug with decorative weapons not rendering properly on fighter wing icons
  • Removed speed cap of 600 on missiles
  • Fixed bug where buffs would not apply to ships in the refit screen or in simulation
  • Fixed bug where calling MarketAPI.removePerson() on a market with no people would crash
  • SettingsAPI:
    • List<RoleEntryAPI> getDefaultEntriesForRole(String role);
    • void addDefaultEntryForRole(String role, String variantId, float weight);
    • void removeDefaultEntryForRole(String role, String variantId);
    • List<RoleEntryAPI> getEntriesForRole(String factionId, String role);
    • void addEntryForRole(String factionId, String role, String variantId, float weight);
    • void removeEntryForRole(String factionId, String role, String variantId);
  • RoleEntryAPI;
    • String getVariantId();
    • void setWeight(float weight);
    • void setVariantId(String variantId);
    • float getWeight();
    • boolean isFighterWing();
    • float getQuality();
    • void setQuality(float quality);
    • float getFPCost();
  • Added "faction crests" - square version of flag for UI use
  • FactionAPI
    • String getCrest()
  • CampaignMissionPlugin.playerAccept() now has a SectorEntityToken parameter
  • Added FleetEncounterContextPlugin.computePlayerContribFraction()
  • Added FighterWingAPI.getWingLeader()

  • Changed message when clicking on identified contact on map to "... course for unidentified contact" instead of including (as yet invisible) fleet name
  • Fixed issue where transferring ships with officers/yourself assigned to command into storage could result in temporary duplicate officers
  • Fixed issue where person bounty would report full amount when a player only got a share due to ally participation
  • Fixed issue with Tachyon Lance EMP arcs passing through shields
  • Fixed issue where terrain info UI element would sometimes get out of alignment
  • Advanced Tactics perk description no longer mentions crew
  • Fixed assorted typos
  • Fixed issue where boarding a ship with an officer would keep that officer in command of the ship until it was unassigned
  • Fixed issue where player crew casualties weren't being reported after battle
  • Fixed tooltip for "High Maintenance" hullmod
  • Fixed "free port" markets not allowing open transponder-off trade
  • Fixed issue with smuggler fleet commanders sometimes showing independent flag when functioning as pirates
  • Fixed xyphos description referring to phase beam instead of pulse laser
  • Fixed issue where AI could cancel the retreat drive burn by venting
  • Fixed encounter flow where the player joins a battle but their allies elect not to fight
  • Fixed issue where missions would not show up in orbital stations' comm directories
  • Fixed issues with "Volatiles Depot" and "Dissident Population" market conditions
  • Fixed bug with excess casualties from boarding; should now be close to the number of lifesigns detected
  • Fixed bug where autoresolving pursuit without having allies yielded no salvage
  • Fixed issue where ships that are too expensive to be bought after tariff, but not before, could be bought, resulting in negative credits
  • Adjusted help message that mentioned the now-non-existent logistical priority button
  • Burn level tooltip now properly shows slower ships first in the ship list
  • Fixed issue where procurement missions could target markets that had that commodity for sale in sufficient quantity
  • Suspicion chance for smuggling investigations no longer shows "none" for <1% chance
  • Fixed bug with Squall missile launcher getting reduced range from taking Missile Specialization
  • Fixed out-of-memory crashes some players were experiencing (before battle, transitioning jumppoints, taking screenshots)
  • Fixed issue with the Apogee not firing the Squall MLRS due to it pointing at an off angle
  • Fixed issue where if a bounty fleet lost its commander, but wasn't entirely destroyed, the player would still get a bounty for them
  • Updated some obsolete tooltips
  • Fixed 20% chance for fleet tutorial to crash
  • "Military Base" market conditions should properly increase local fuel stockpiles
  • Fixed bug where player fleet could join battle against itself
  • Fixed bug where the confirmation for attacking a non-hostile enemy was using the faction of the combined player-side fleet, which wasn't always the player
  • Fixed later-game framerate stutter issue in campaign
  • Fixed issue where having emergency burn enabled would prevent CR loss from star coronas and hyperspace storms
  • Fixed issue where combat tutorials would end automatically after a couple of minutes
  • Fixed rare case where using phase cloak and venting at the same time could result in both overloading and venting
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 11:11:30 AM by Alex »


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2015, 06:12:47 PM »

Going to spend a bit of time testing this, see how it goes, and then make a release if all is well. Planning to do a .2 release at some point after that to address other lower-priority issues.


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2015, 06:57:36 PM »

Will this be compatible with 0.7a saves?


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2015, 06:57:49 PM »

Those faction commissions!  Awesome!

Do what you want 'cause a pirate is!...wait, wrong faction. :)
Quote from: Trylobot
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Note: please sacrifice your goats responsibly, look up the proper pronunciation of Alex's name. We wouldn't want some other project receiving mystic power.

Abradolf Lincler

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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2015, 06:58:17 PM »

Will this be compatible with 0.7a saves?

I hope so...


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2015, 06:58:35 PM »

Doh, since I decided to play Ironman for my first .7 game I went with Easy to get the hang of all the new changes but now those easy changes are waaaay too easy for me, lol. Are the Easy mode changes retroactive to current save games or no? If they are is there a way to change it to Normal mode via some command?


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2015, 07:00:56 PM »

Will this be compatible with 0.7a saves?

Should be, and as far as I can tell right now it is (i.e. .7a saves load just fine). It's possible I'm missing something obscure, though, so I can't say 100%. 99%, perhaps? :)

Doh, since I decided to play Ironman for my first .7 game I went with Easy to get the hang of all the new changes but now those easy changes are waaaay too easy for me, lol. Are the Easy mode changes retroactive to current save games or no? If they are is there a way to change it to Normal mode via some command?

You can configure every easy mode effect through settings.json:

It's also possible to change to normal through code, and iirc the console mod lets you run code, so it should be doable. Also probably a pretty easy save-file-edit.


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2015, 07:06:25 PM »

The commission mechanic is an elegant way of giving the player incentive to pick a faction. Likewise, factions declaring open hostility draws some lines in the sand that the player will need to make a choice about.

A lot of nice other changes. Can't wait to try it out.


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2015, 07:09:20 PM »

More pirate fleets - thank god, I was starting to run out of cannon fodder and cash. :)

By the way, I feel like the Pirates have been left out of a lot of the faction interaction - if anything, they should also be able to take advantage of this "mercenary" thing the rest of the factions have going for them.  Also, regarding the faction commissions, can those be canceled at any time without dropping down to Suspicious?

...Also, as a side note, can we edit those Easy Mode modifiers to make the game harder, e.g. lower the salvage or up damage multipliers?  Just out of curiosity, if the game can even comprehend what I'm trying to do with that so-called "Easy Mode", heh.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 07:11:21 PM by The Soldier »
Quote from: Trylobot
I am officially an epoch.
Quote from: Thaago
Note: please sacrifice your goats responsibly, look up the proper pronunciation of Alex's name. We wouldn't want some other project receiving mystic power.


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2015, 07:11:07 PM »

So can you have a commission with the Independents + one of the big four and still be cool?


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2015, 07:18:21 PM »

It seems like it, at least until a temporary faction hostility event ensues.

I probably need to restart a new game.  I am Vengeful with everyone except Hegemony and Independents.  No way to raise relations even after doing bounty work.

Abradolf Lincler

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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2015, 07:29:20 PM »

It seems like it, at least until a temporary faction hostility event ensues.

I probably need to restart a new game.  I am Vengeful with everyone except Hegemony and Independents.  No way to raise relations even after doing bounty work.

I wouldn't feel that bad about consoling some relations in the wake of the changes, I felt jipped because of the Investigations(looking at you Diktat) and I wouldn't feel like I was cheating.


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2015, 07:30:13 PM »

Also, regarding the faction commissions, can those be canceled at any time without dropping down to Suspicious?

No, they can't.

...Also, as a side note, can we edit those Easy Mode modifiers to make the game harder, e.g. lower the salvage or up damage multipliers?  Just out of curiosity, if the game can even comprehend what I'm trying to do with that so-called "Easy Mode", heh.

I like the way you think! Probably; seems like it all ought to work.

So can you have a commission with the Independents + one of the big four and still be cool?

You can only have one commission at a time.


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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2015, 07:31:11 PM »

Aaaaaah, so much awesome. Man I remember the best feeling ever in game dev was watching the bug count fall. Looks like you have been busy.  :)

Wondering about the SO change on civilian hulls, though. Now Kite(o) will no longer be hilarious fast.   :'(

The faction changes sound awesome.  :D
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Re: Starsector 0.7.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2015, 07:47:58 PM »

The new commission system sounds awesome.

Also I've only encountered some of the bugs you fixed, but that one where you can fight yourself sounds hilarious. Especially if you got it to correspond with the clone yourself to all your ships.
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