Hello there! First of all i want to thank you Tartiflette for making this mod, i can't imagine playing SS without it anymore! Sleek, easily readable designs, and interesting gameplay, you did really great job making it. And if you allow me, i wanted to leave a feedback. I have a couple of questions about ships:
Draft - they are constantly dying, and it becomes annoying really quickly, layout is great, firepower is really decent (officered one can wipe the floor with destroyers and light cruisers even) but survivability is an issue. Rugged construction hullmod is just mandatory, and direct buffs to HP and armour would be really nice in my oppinion.
Versant - low PPT and "Cramped" hullmod kinda ruins the ship. And it's niche is kinda uncertain. If you want frigate to capture points - there is Vapor. Pay 3 more DP, and you will get Hayle, which is fast and decently armed DD.
Rime(base)- love this ships and their role, but they feels kinda lacking (yeah i know that basic one is "outdated", but it can't be more outdated than low-tech, it's kinda unfair then). If this system was somehow usefull on Sleet, (which is small and nimble) on cruiser-size hull it's just useless. The ship is slow, it can't just run away and return with charges available, and all of this while AI just wasting all charges instantly when reaching the enemy. I would like to suggest improving system by speeding up the charging time and duration both by a factor of two, and also increasing the ammount of OP by 15. Rime has a large number of problems and unfortunately with the current number it cannot completely solve at least one, so this addition would greatly benefit it, and make it more "whole" and interesting to use. Unfortunately in current state it's just looks like an oversized light carrier, and it feels like a wasted potential.
Rime(F) - same as above. The game considers it to be a civilian vessel, despite the fact that it is an armed freighter like Mule, or Gemini, and i would love to see this issue fixed. The ship could create competition to aforementioned armed freighters, and it would be really cool to see it in that role.
Storm - with 23 DP it is kinda expensive, and it feels a bit underperforming. Maybe changes in firing arcs of it's back turrets allowing to fire all four of them in the same direction will improve it's perfomance? At least it would justify it's DP, and not making it more annoying to fight against.
And about Virtuous. Is there no other way to obtain it rather than breaking the face of "The Last Line"?