Well u was just confused on why fighters have to have hanger space and fp? Having both makes no scince other than if there was no fp then they could be spammed, but I'm saying is that fighters, although very useful without, needs a carrier to survive long term battle, and if you don't have one, and your facing a big fleet...you can say bye to all your fighters.(like 70% of the time)
One last thing, well what I was thinking is a carrier can only deploy 1 frigate in a period of time, or per flight deck.(time based on what's balanced) and so the only really menacing carrier is the capital ship(which the name escapes me) and this should be a meanesing ship.
Oh and just of a fix for that issue!! So fighters have a "early deployment" fp if you want/need to deploy them without a carrier. And fighters have a special fp that pertains to them an acts like fp, in the fact that you gain more with beacons and such.
Ps: just though most of this up and not sure what this would limit or make things op.