Uh guys using the EB when your CR is zero is still possible (I'm pretty sure I tried this last night and it kept working). But I guess this is one of the things Alex will change. And accidents will be tied to CR instead of supplies which is good. But I don't know, CR threads confuse me so much.
But seriously, now this really makes me want to rename CR to "energy level" or something. I'll bet it will be kinda confusing to new players that this thing called 'combat' readiness is involved in a bunch of non combat stuff and is actually more just the ship's reserve energy level. Just do a find & replace.
Think about it:
-Ships with low energy can't maintain sheild, systems, etc,so they malfunction, or explode.
-When ships make contact with equivalent sized enemy ships they go into alert mode and start using more energy to keep weapons powered up etc.
-Better crew, skills, etc make the ship more efficient and give it higher energy level, and they fight better.
-Going into the sun drains energy.
-Using your fleet afterburner drains the energy.
CR makes sense now! You can replace every instance of "CR" in the game with a little icon of a cel phone battery
Bang, the game got 30% easier to understand.