If you have the Drone Manufactory or whatever it's called (I forget)
You get a new commodity. Drones.
Drones are automated troopers of relatively primitive intelligence. They cost a bit of money. They don't have to be paid a salary. They are not kept as crew. They are instead a commodity.
Drones could be additionally acquired from Remnants. And every Remnant Battlestation (undamaged one maybe) would include a Combat Drone Replicator (checked by now).
Remnants need civilian ships. Well, "civilian" as they are inherently a military organisation. The Automated Defense Fleets or whatever.
However AUTOMATED trait removes all crew. Making it difficult to design a Remnant siege ship for attacking colonies.
So, a Remnant AUTOMATED ship of logistical kind would have cargo and fuel only. And then would carry drones in its cargo holds.
Planets I would expect to have a Combat Drone Replicator.
Culann, Kazeron, Nova Maxios (also give Nova Maxios a Pristine Nanoforge and a Star Fortress)