Reddit post I made about it here but I improved on the subject and I wanna ask you guys
Say if Alex, or someone, or me created Starsector multiplayer, what would it look like?
note: I'm not trying to create it, I just wonder what it would look like. I'm sure some people, including Alex, are probably creating it.
Of course, Starsector on the campaign level is impossible, with pauses and battles that happen on a different time frame, it's impossible to synchronize it with other players
So instead, we focus on the fleet combat instead!
What would multiplayer fleet combat look like?
Me, I assume it would be a lot like Nebulous Space Command.
You can build your fleet up to a certain amount of credits, (say, 1mil, 2mil, 500k) and you battle with other player's fleet with similar cost until one side remains, or the objective is completed. You get a limited amount of s-mods to put on your ship, (say 5 s-mods for 1mil), and officers cost extra, with more for higher levels. D-mods will actually lower the cost of the ship, and reduce the DP requirement. Certain ships (Usually ships that can't be bought) will be unavailable, like Omega ships and the Ziggurat. Of course, civilian ships are useless and therefore won't be there (With the exception of tankers, for...reasons)
One problem that we might face is phase ships, since they slow down time. The simple fix to it is remove the time dilation completely, and just have the phase ships move faster.
There are many types of game modes I thought of:
Frontline: All ships battle it out until one side remains (There's no DP, all ships are deployed immediately)
King of the Hill: Hold on to the center control zone until you get enough points.
Domination: Same as king of the hill, but there's more control zone
Station: You have to destroy the enemy's station, while protecting your own.
Convoy: One side protects a few civilian ships, while the others tried to destroy the ship before it escapes.
And many more!
Of course, I'm just imagining. I always have ideas such as that. What you guys think?