Hi there!
See: data.scripts.world.SectorGen, specifically this bit of code:
SectorEntityToken deep_hyperspace = Misc.addNebulaFromPNG("data/campaign/terrain/hyperspace_map.png",
Global.getSector().getHyperspace(), // location to add to
"terrain", "deep_hyperspace", // "nebula_blue", // texture to use, uses xxx_map for map
4, 4, Terrain.HYPERSPACE, null); // number of cells in texture
The hyperspace terrain is initialized from data/campaign/terrain/hyperspace_map.png.
In addition, com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.procgen.SectorProcGen randomly messes with the otherwise-solid hyperspace areas outside the core, starting on line 161.
Just a quick warning: making hyperspace terrain that big may (and probably will) have an effect on performance. Things to watch out for:
1) A frame rate (or idle time) drop, both in and out of hyperspace, but especially in; could be severe
2) An increase in savefile size; could be quite significant with the size you've got
There are some optimizations already in the hyperspace code that may help here, but that would only work to a certain point, so, definitely keep an eye on how it's affecting the game's performance.