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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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 on: Today at 05:23:38 PM 
Started by Histidine - Last post by Histidine
There's a setting for NPC factions to only invade markets that didn't exist at the start of the game; can be accessed ingame with the LunaLib mod (press F2 in main menu/campaign, or use the top-left GUI button in menu), or if you don't have that, in Nexerelin/exerelin_config.json.

 on: Today at 04:57:20 PM 
Started by Dazs - Last post by Dazs
v0.2 Released today - Save Game compatible
   - Added a line (1 frigate, 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser) of Hybrid ships that are not quite battle carriers but do carry wings and can put up a good fight for their weight
      -Note: The above addition will allow Tri-Tac to field some wings in their game made fleets and bypass their Carriers=0 setting
   - Gave the descriptions another pass - TY BladedQueen for your suggestions and submissions
   - Removed some extraneous lines in the generation scripts - Streamlines the memory load
   - Added a bonus to energy projectile speed to the built in hull mod - This benefits pulse weapons and not beams
   - Lowered the range bonus of the built in hull mod from 20% to 15% - In further testing I felt when combining it with a targeting core it was a little bit too much
   - Added a new weapon, PD Pulse Mining Laser - Essentially a mining laser pulse analog with roughly the same stats - To give a lacking option and better take advantage of the hull mod
   - Re-designed the Dajeil wing by replacing the weapon to the new PD Pulse Mining Laser and giving it similar stats as the Borer wing but retaining the support role of the mining drone
   - Re-made the "All Ships Image" on the mod forum to reflect the new ships from this and the previous patch

I hope the players who have downloaded the mod have been enjoying the added content. I look forward to any comments or suggestions you may have on the mod before I release it out of modding forum to the main mod forum.


 on: Today at 04:47:31 PM 
Started by SirHartley - Last post by Michael00181
Got a bug where if I ever try to add reaper's blood to my recipe book the reaper's blood isn't added to the book and it just deletes itself.

 on: Today at 04:14:07 PM 
Started by Zsar - Last post by Zsar
Seems to happen as soon as another ship will be placed in front of a ship with Orion Drive on combat start.

Steps to reproduce:
  • Have a fleet of at least one ship with Orion Drive and sufficiently many smaller ships that the Orion Drive ship will always spawn behind another ship.
  • The Orion Drive ship will use the Orion Drive and close in on the ship in front of it. (Sometimes it will actually ram it, but generally it will slow down enough not to.)
  • The ship in front will raise its shield, killing its 0-flux bonus (including from Elite Helmsmanship and S-modded Auxillary Thrusters) and stalling both itself and the Orion Drive ship behind it.
  • (Most of the time but not always) the ship in front will slowly, with raised shields, evade to the right or left, but it will never drop its shield immediately, always wasting several seconds.
    • Somewhat interestingly and unlike when evading "proper" missiles, I have never seen the shield-raising ship actually try to face the Orion Drive (if front shielded) or raise its shield towards the Orion Drive (if omni shielded). Apparently some sort of handling code already exists?
Workaround: Deploy Orion Drive ships first, let game time pass for ~one second, then deploy the rest. Annoying due to number of key presses required.

Screenshot attached. Here the Orion Drive ship is the Retribution in the upper center, the Hammerhead next to it has just dropped its shield again, after having it raised since start of the combat. From the captured point and position of the other ships (no ECM skill) the extend of the stall can be seen. Time measured was ~15s of shield uptime.

Suggested solution: While the Orion Drive projectile is technically a missile, and technically can cause damage, it might still be best if allied ships just outright ignored it. Otherwise, AI improvements might solve this issue if e.g.
  • Ships ignore unguided missiles when other ships are inbetween.
  • Ships do not raise their front shield due to missiles in its blind spot, unless they simultaneously rotate.
  • Ships do not keep their shield raised after the last cause to do so has disappeared.

Side-note, probably unrelated: The projectile definition mixes 'MISSILE_NO_FF' and 'MISSILE_FF'. If AI behaviour were looking for these flags, it would probably be inconsistent. The weapon itself has no flag whatsoever that would mark it as harmless. 'MISSILE_NO_FF' at least has the sound of being that flag (presuming it mean "no friendly fire").

 on: Today at 03:44:09 PM 
Started by Daynen - Last post by FooF
Maybe it's not such an extreme one trick pony if people use different setups and are having success at their playstyle.

Oh, I wasn't dogging anyone else's loadout. It's just every time I get a Retribution and try something else, I gravitate back to the short-range murder chainsaw that it can be. The current setup I use has 1743 HE DPS (3x Devastator), 1280 Kinetic (4x HMG), and then 5x Vulcan up front. I don't bother with missiles. Obviously, you want Elite PD and yes, it's close-range but nothing is terribly expensive OP-wise and with max Vents and Ordinance Expertise, you're very close to flux neutral. You just get nose-to-nose and win the flux war. Even Capitals pop really quick at point blank range. It also goes without saying that you never have to fear missiles or fighters.

I'll try some other loadouts but in player hands, you can go around the edge of the battlefield and act as a Capital/Cruiser assassin.

 on: Today at 03:31:02 PM 
Started by AttitudeJacket - Last post by AttitudeJacket
When I had abunch of extra story points I had used that fleet to fight the Cryosleeper Guardian but I had re-specced one of those steady officers into timid to see how it changed the Gemini. It still fought consistently ahead of the ventures when ordered to escort or to stay behind. I had reloaded once I had realized it wasn't having the intended effect. Wish I had grabbed a save just before the fight.

I'll try vulcans instead of flaks to see what effect that has.

While looking for Sunder builds I came across this guy talking about the gemini and his experiences more or less mirror my own:

 on: Today at 03:25:23 PM 
Started by Ladean - Last post by Demulidor12
I don't know if it's a bug but missile specialization is increasing the shooting flow, although the description says it improves

 on: Today at 02:37:49 PM 
Started by Knight Chase - Last post by Haka
Glad the file is hosted on Mediaflare now! Don't know why my other comment got deleted, but thanks  :D

 on: Today at 02:17:48 PM 
Started by Cycerin - Last post by Ruddygreat
I don't think so, added:

ah yeah, that makes sense
and ty!

coming back to this to ask another question about the backgrounds, how is the parallax handled?
is it just rendered as a screenwith * screnwidth quad centered on the middle of the screen or is there some more dark magic behind it?

 on: Today at 12:29:46 PM 
Started by Bungee_man - Last post by Phenir
I don’t rely on lore descriptions (that are often outdated)...

Do you know any more examples of this off-the-cuff? I'm always happy to update such issues.
I feel like Temporal Shell doesn't generate any flux when used... Or at least not an amount noticeable by Scarab any more than say Fast Missile Racks.

I think this is partially tied to the fact that in accelerated time there is accelerated venting. So that flux build up is simply negated.
It costs 25% of base capacity to activate and also prevents zero flux during activation by way of a very small amount of constant flux cost. For frigates, base cost is really low compared to how much value they get from extra vents and caps. A scarab can almost double its capacity with 10 vents and its base dissipation is enough to dissipate the flux cost before the system even finishes warming up. So the description of the system isn't really wrong, it's just not as significant as it says.

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