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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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 on: Today at 07:35:49 AM 
Started by poppindancers - Last post by Megas
Another frustrating thing about fake signals from Neutrino Detector.  I get fake signals more often than real signals.  It is like "crying wolf".  Along with the other annoyances with the detector, it is so bad that I do not want to use Neutrino Detector except as a last resort.

 on: Today at 07:31:55 AM 
Started by Bozogan - Last post by David
How about no.

Per the first and second rules of the forum, don't act like a jerk. Consider this a warning. If you make a pattern of such behaviour, you will be invited to leave.

 on: Today at 07:25:09 AM 
Started by Bozogan - Last post by PixiCode
1. Remove max ship limit and DP system, the ship maintenance and fuel usage and supply recovery are already mechanics that provide an incentive on keeping your fleet size reasonable. Arbitary 30 ship limit and DP mechanics are weird and pointlessly restrictive. Also remove the capure points, naturally.
The game is prone to lag a bit too much if you deploy too many ships in battle at once, but more importantly the AI starts falling apart when you have many ships in battle at once. The game just isn’t balanced around being able to deploy 50 ships or more at once on both sides. I could see the ship limit being increased though, especially since you have to hold onto some logistic ships for your fleet. I would like to have civilian ships have a separate ship count for them too that can share the combat ship limit. Say, you can have 35 combat ships and 5 civilian ships, but civilian ships can also start using up combat ship limit if you want to use more than 5 of them.

2. Remove or provide the option to adjust deep hyperspace and hyperspace storms, for me they're making long distance travel an absolute pain in the ass. At least keep them restricted to the northeast of the map where the galatia questline has a bunch of quests.
The fact you suggested outright removing deep hyperspace is silly. It’s one of the few things that keeps travel interesting in the early game and overall makes travel faster thanks to it. I don’t see any harm with a setting at new game to do whatever you want though.

4. Allow to contact your contacts while in range of a comm array, like the marketplace.
like said by Ruddy in the suggestion thread that recently suggested this, this makes contacts less meaningful of a decision for development, you just call them and that’s it. I think it’s useful to be able to call them to see what missions they have on offer but you need to actually go there to get the finer details in person, being more secure and all that.

6. Make planet surveying faster, you gotta click the survey command, then confirm it, then click again to fasten up the survey, then leave the survey screen, then leave the planet screen, it should be just one button to survey and one button to leave afterwards, the survey costs should be shown on the first planet screen.
I don’t care either way, just wanted to say how the use of hotkeys makes this a non-issue due to how responsive the UI is.

9. Add "Trade" or "Merchantry" skill line (tree?), make extended cargo/crew/fuel hull mods locked at the beginning. You can put skills here to unlock them or buy the blueprints for them like other hull mods. Add a hull mod that lets you see info as if you were near a comm array, or at least extended the range comm array info could be recieved.
I think Starsector needs fewer campaign layer player skills sharing space with combat ones, not more. I hear a lot of complaints from players who feel obligated, for whatever reason, to take skills like Hull Restoration. Players already feel obligated/forced to go the officer skills. This would just make the issue worse if this is added without a skill rework. Merely adding a higher player max level would not fix the core of the issue, it’s a bandaid fix for the players who feel trapped and a power increase for players who don’t feel that way.

14. Add radar into combat, you tab out and all the ships are on top of each other it looks like a mess.
what do you mean by a radar? Anyway, all we need is a zoom-in feature on the tactical map that shrinks selectable things as you zoom in. You’re right that if ships are closely huddled together it becomes a big pain to select individual ships, commands or objectives.

20. Provide a way to neutralize relations with a faction when at low relations, a simple cash payment, should be massive if on really bad relations, like -80 or worse
I already think it’s silly that we can fix almost any relations issue by flooding them with AI cores. This dials that up to 11, at least AI cores are lore unique.

21. Tone down bounty missions, seems like theres an inexhaustible, infinite supply of pirates and deserters, just hanging out in empty *** space doing nothing waiting for you to arrive. Make more reasonable ways of earning money more prominent, increase comission salary on better relations but maybe make it harder to reach that?
bounties aren’t the best way to make money. Personally, I would like more interesting bounties. More bounties with s-mods or special skills.

22. Colonies shouldn't have something like "hazard pay", upkeep increasing with hazard is already there. The way it should work is: if you own the colony and the money, there is no arbitary limit on what industry you can build. if you have the cash, build as many as you want, the wages of the workers you need to run the thing is already represented by the upkeep mechanic, the population grows as more industries are build and more people move there: workers, their families, independent traders and service providers, and so on. Basically no "you need to wait months and pay tons for hazard pay and only then you can build a light industry or something" that is awful game mechanic.
unless we make these industries have full production despite your colony still being small, what you’re asking for is basically the same as the current system. You build a bunch of industries but lack the population to operate more than one, so you’re just building more industries to draw higher growth. Isn’t that basically same as the hazard pay system? I don’t remember if you can remotely tell a colony to start producing a slot without being there, but if you can then what you’re suggesting has no purpose. Unless your goal is to make every industry on a planet have production as if the population multiplied more quickly than it does currently, which can also just be achieved by increasing how fast population grows.

 on: Today at 07:07:50 AM 
Started by Dal - Last post by cghhj
Hello, sir! I have made a Chinese Localization of your mod Quality Captains, and wish to share it on Chinese Starsector forum
May I have your permission to do so? Last time I asking for it and didn't get answered.
Many thanks.

 on: Today at 07:03:12 AM 
Started by VladimirVV - Last post by Asd90275
I am loving this mod and Ross higgins is a true waifu. Well done.

Anyways, I encountered 2 bugs.

Diktact researcher rescue mission --> if you fail it after you get a pegasus (either purposely or accidently) you can repeat the mission and get another pegasus. This can be looped and u can get like 3 pegasus battleships. To fix this, I dont think this mission should be time constrained so you can fail. There seems to be no hurry in the dialogue between characters.

Research mission where u are told to go somewhere. I declined the mission in order to do it later and it never appeared again. Lol.

 on: Today at 06:40:29 AM 
Started by Bozogan - Last post by Dadada
1. Remove max ship limit and DP system, the ship maintenance and fuel usage and supply recovery are already mechanics that provide an incentive on keeping your fleet size reasonable. Arbitary 30 ship limit and DP mechanics are weird and pointlessly restrictive. Also remove the capure points, naturally.
Fleet sizes and amount of ships would get out of hand, there will also be more cheese and lag.
The current capture points are imo somewhat boring-ish, I hope this system gets expanded (see SOTF mod. for inspiration)

2. Remove or provide the option to adjust deep hyperspace and hyperspace storms, for me they're making long distance travel an absolute pain in the ass. At least keep them restricted to the northeast of the map where the galatia questline has a bunch of quests.
I am agnostic about the storms/idc about them, I just ignore them since I am speed.
Well, they "do fit" as "world mechanics" I guess. (I think there are mods to bonk the clouds, maybe Adjusted Sector)

3. Give option to make game autopause when a hostile or pursuing fleet is spotted, and also a faster speed-up option.
+1 for faster Speedup. (there are mods which do 3. -> probably QoL mod/Speedup/Hostile Intercept + Autopause)

4. Allow to contact your contacts while in range of a comm array, like the marketplace.
Big +1. I'd even accept some kind of cost to get it. (probably stelnet mod)

5. More starting scenarios: trader that starts with a freighter and 1 or two escort ships, smuggler that starts with hounds or cerberuses, option to start with a commission but you cant leave it or buy ships you only get what your faction provides you with, better equipment available with promotions/reputation, pirate that starts with pirate ships and positive reputation with pirates etc.
+1 for more starting fleet options.

6. Make planet surveying faster, you gotta click the survey command, then confirm it, then click again to fasten up the survey, then leave the survey screen, then leave the planet screen, it should be just one button to survey and one button to leave afterwards, the survey costs should be shown on the first planet screen.
-> Survey on touch (when your fleet touches the planet) toggle?

7. Just make the UI better, it looks like it's made for console, awful use of space and layout, a PC interface could be so much better, fleet screen should let you sort and filter your ships just like the screen where you make ship hull orders, the market ui should have tinted frames in orange/red and green to quickly show what goods are in excess or demand.
It may need improvements but it aint horrible.
I'd like a reworked officer management panel etc.

19. Make the faction market tariffs or prices a bit lower, im on 100/100 relations with the guys, do i really have to pay the full price+30% tariff??
What are tarifs?
<- black market enjoyer

20. Provide a way to neutralize relations with a faction when at low relations, a simple cash payment, should be massive if on really bad relations, like -80 or worse
Contacts may be of help...

23. Once you complete galatia questline in a game have the option to start the game with gates already usable.
+1 and the questline finished.

E: I don't remember, but it's probably not just Arroyo who can improve relations for TT a bit for some coin, dunno about relationship level requirements (with Arroyo and TT) for that...
So, is it just Arroyo or all TT contacts or does it work for/with other factions too? I don't remember, but since TT is all about monies...

 on: Today at 06:26:40 AM 
Started by BigBrainEnergy - Last post by PixiCode
I can’t think of any carrier where I can’t use EDC because of the OP cost and also have a good build. If a loadout is too expensive I just choose a slightly cheaper version until I S-mod it. Like, I’m not going to try using tridents on an astral without s-mods.

 on: Today at 06:10:01 AM 
Started by poppindancers - Last post by Dadada
In hyperspace? hey let's damage your ship at random AND slow you down cause screw you!
I am speed, so... Ehhh.
Inside a system? hey let's obscure your scan, slow you down for no reason because f you!
Well, but you can also hide in a cloud.
Oh remember neurtrino scan? Hey let's gives you false reading far off the map and be extremely unhelpful. SUCK IT!
False readings don't move and always point to the same direction, but yeah, I am also not fond of the Neutrino scanner.
I spend thousands of supplies, almost a full hour going circles in a cloudy system with no indication as to what to do
I am always able to find what I am searching for in a 100% vanilla game.

 on: Today at 06:04:28 AM 
Started by poppindancers - Last post by Megas
Neutrino Detector is awful.  Even confirming a "suspected signal" is fake takes too much distance and wastes too much time (and supplies if the fleet is big) to know for sure if the signal is fake.  Fake signals need to go.  Another problem is the signals for actual loot objects are often too faint or too small to see and sometimes hidden by the bigger signals from planets and/or the star (and celestial bodies can be seen just by looking at the map).  If the planet is too distant, it too can be small enough to resemble a closer loot object.  Most of the time, Neutrino Detector can be replicated by spamming Sensor Burst, and the latter does not need Volatiles.  It is very rare when Neutrino Detector did not disappoint me.  The best time I had with Neutrino Detector was finding the secret cache at Alpha Site for the first time before I knew more about said Alpha Site.

For a big fleet, nebula will cut speed significantly regardless if you have Navigation or burn 20 outside nebula.  The bigger the fleet, the more speed loss the fleet gets.

I wished intel bounties flat out told you the name of the system the bounty is in.  The description is vague enough that if there are multiple locations that fit the description, I save the game in hyperspace, then check it out.  If I guess wrong the system, I reload and try a different system.  Guessing wrong eats a lot of time (from traveling) and, if the fleet is big, a lot of fuel going in-and-out of systems.

In hyperspace? hey let's damage your ship at random AND slow you down cause screw you!
It does not do both at the same time.  If you get hit by a storm, the fleet will get a massive speed boost.  Until you get gate travel or various hyperspace abilities, storm riding is all you have for fast travel.  Frequently, I dive into clouds with storms to purposefully take hits and get speed beyond 20.

Be thankful it is not an earlier release years ago when storms paralyzed the fleet and sucked down CR and supplies about as fast as getting caught in a black hole, and emergency burn at the time also paralyzed the fleet for a second before it kicked in.

 on: Today at 05:36:04 AM 
Started by Killer of Fate - Last post by Ptirodaktill
 Beams are just like missiles - the more you use, the better they become. Try beamogon with 5 gravitons, 2 Hils 1 ion and all tacs equiped and it will de-flux every ship in the game from extream range and melt it in seconds. You do need enhanced AI mod cause vanilla AI don`t understand the concept of focus fire and will waste beams .

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