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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Sozzer

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Discussion / Re: A Noob's Insight on: Ships!
« on: September 05, 2021, 10:04:35 AM »

Unfortunately thats not how armor works. Each cell in the armor grid gets 1/15 of the rated armor value, and then the damage from each hit is spread out over neighbors and nearest neighbors at a 2:1 ratio which sums to 15, so damage has to deal with the full rated value. This means that physically larger ships have more total armor, though of course only 1 section needs to fail for a ship to take hull damage and die.

Isn't it? I could've sworn it was. It being broken down by 1/15 regardless of size is a bit odd, honestly.
Either way, the point stands for the Venture - I think I have a screenshot somewhere of me managing to get it to... 2328 armour, IIRC? With modded hullmods mind, but even so, it's just got so, so much base armour and barely needs to spend OP on anything but more of that.

EDIT: Yep. 2328 armour, 19250 hull. 750 less hull and 578 more armour than a baseline onslaught.
DOUBLE EDIT: Only 1 modded hullmod lmao. CCH from Vayra's. Otherwise, all Vanilla - Assault Package on a Venture, especially with the skill buff, is just... insane.

General Discussion / Re: A Noob's Insight on: Ships!
« on: September 05, 2021, 09:46:27 AM »
I think that most of this is... "fine" opinions, in that a lot of the ships listed are more matters of taste than of actual raw performance (especially when you're inexperienced, where you'll mostly find that the ships you happen to take better to are the ones you get the most out of barring really strong stuff), but I'll note that the Shrike, Venture, Lasher, Shepherd, and Ziggurat are all ratings I strongly disagree with.

Shrike - In AI hands, a bit too suicidal to be ideal, for sure. But with an experienced player and a good fit, it can punch miles above its deployment weight, even compared to other ships in player hands, and especially considering its relatively easy availability in the earlygame.

Shepherd - Really doesn't deserve to be relegated to C-Tier just because it's not exceptional lategame. Earlygame, it's incredibly cheap, efficient, reliable, the drones are a deceptively handy support to keep shield pressure so the AI makes riskier decisions, and it's just all-around a handy pick.

Lasher - Impressively tough for its size and can dish out some NASTY ballistic firepower. I'd honestly say it's about on par with a wolf if you're using it well, the wolf is just going to be easier to get the most out of thanks to the AI having easy options to escape.

Venture - Yeah, it's never going to be the best brawler. Its killing power on its own is pretty poor at the best of times. But it is an absolutely insane brick. You can absolutely make it into a cheaply-deployed unkillable anchor with armour-per-section comparable to or even exceeding an Onslaught (keep in mind that while it may have a lower base value, it's spread over a smaller area, so it can reach some NASTY values), and it'll eat an ungodly amount of fire without breaking a sweat.

Ziggurat - Honestly, this one's purely a matter of skill. The motes can be immensely dangerous once you get good at using them; it just takes a bit of practice. The armament is also plenty powerful, and the phasing can be used to great advantage if you pilot phase ships more (and, moreover, if you pilot them and play them more directly, rather than playing them 100% around their systems - it'll make it much easier to learn how to use PHASE rather than the specific ships).

Oh, also the Gemini isn't "civilian-turned-military" - Venture is a rugged civilian ship designed to hold up acceptably in a fight, so its inclusion is fair enough, but the Gemini flight deck is frankly just a defensive asset, not something that makes it a carrier.

Modding / Re: nutella jar rebalance mod
« on: August 29, 2021, 07:17:36 PM »
this is very good
i think this should be vanilla
its much more balanced

Blog Posts / Re: Skill Changes, Part 2
« on: July 15, 2021, 02:48:37 PM »
mm. Not sure how I feel about the phase speed thing.
On one hand, it's good to have a balancing aspect to make overextending matter more, since they just don't have any consequence to it as it stands unless you well and truly blow it out. But on the other, it feels like it may make them a lot less enjoyable to play.
Sure, they're still effective. And externally they're still just as fast.
But if you're piloting one and you're gradually taken down to 1/3rd the speed your ship normally has, I'm concerned it might feel as crippling as when engines blow out and you're left limping along at a fraction of the speed you were working with a moment prior, which could easily both discourage engaging and, as mentioned, simply make it feel very slow and "boring" to pilot.

You guessed my gender correctly - call it a difference of tonal reading. I thought it sounded quite reasonable and there was no malicious critique intended. Just: "this seems redundant, here's a suggestion for making the system an Empire-wide +% bonus rather than a dedicated single hull production thing".

haha yes guess i will read all that

here's the thing, though
that's not what you said.
"this could be better if you did x, y is a problem, and z probably needs changing" would have been vastly nicer than than "no-one is ever going to remember to do this, this entire function is insane to most people, you're wasting my time with a function i don't have to use in any way, but i'm guessing english might be your second language based on nothing more than a communication mixup on my end the kind of word ordering mistake native speakers make too from time to time when tired or otherwise not focused on writing, so take it as a compliment"

look at the post where he first quoted you - right near the bottom, you may notice a quote from someone else where they gave much the same feedback, but in a far nicer form
it really isn't hard
you really can do it

as someone who has come off purely as a *** before when not meaning to, the trick is to look at what you're saying and ask yourself: if someone said all this to me, without any context on intent or tone beyond what's written, how would i feel?

(and just as an aside: as much as you insisted on it at the start, you evidently don't understand the mechanics, as hartley aptly pointed out. an air of misplaced confidence does not do wonders for how your tone is interpreted either)


i ain't reading all that
i'm happy for u tho
or sorry that happened

Is there any way to make a custom item function as crew or marines?
I've been poking at the concept on and off for a while, but everything I've come up with just doesn't work, no matter what I do to it. I'm coming to be quite sure it's impossible, at least short of replacing every script calling for crew or marines to just call for commodities with the "crew" and "marines" tags respectively (which I don't want to do for... obvious reasons, seeing as that is TC territory), but I figure this would be the place to ask if I've overlooked something.

I realise this has been asked at least once before in this thread, but I'm hoping that some way may have been added with 0.95.

Damn - had a feeling it'd be problematic to resolve, figured it was worth reporting anyways.

When connected to a device and then disconnecting that device (such as, say, wireless headphones that automatically switch off when folded up), sound is lost until the game is restarted, even if the same device is reconnected.

Steps to reproduce are implied, but it doesn't hurt to have then written down separately for convenience:
1) Connect an audio device.
2) Set that device as default output.
3) Start the game.
4) Disconnect that device and reconnect it.

Sound should be dead still, and remain that way until restarted.

See title. This is a niche problem, but does mean that some mod weapons will get assigned to the wrong mount type when it replaces a weapon with alternatives - there are a number of mod weapons that deal energy damage and thus have the energy tag, but are ballistic, and so will be crammed into the wrong mount type. Here's an example of it doing exactly that.

While the issue doesn't manifest in vanilla (AFAIK) due to the available weapons, it's autofit ignoring mount type, so I figure it belongs here and not in the modded subforum. Apologies if I'm wrong on that.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.3.14d
« on: March 08, 2020, 08:09:12 AM »
How TF do you change the missile engine color/fxs of the missiles in the game files?

in tahlan\data\weapons\proj\hekaton_torp.proj
change the following line:

of course, there is the problem that doing so may make it a bit confusing
if you encounter problems... well, you asked for it
literally :P

Modding / Re: [0.9.1a] Sozzer's Ship Pack
« on: March 04, 2020, 12:23:03 AM »
interim update (again) because god only know how long content is going to take, and most new stuff has been moved over to something else now anyway
this covers most of the reported bugs and balance issues, though
"most" for reasons explained in the changelog, which is now a thing that exists

i still don't remember what i did in version 1.1

Modding / Re: [0.9.1a] Sozzer's Ship Pack
« on: February 19, 2020, 07:58:09 AM »
god i hate scripting shipsystem ai

Modding / Re: [0.9.1a] HullMod Expansion Pack [Unknown]
« on: February 14, 2020, 06:09:11 PM »
Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was "Oh no, not again."

Modding / Re: [0.9.1a] Sozzer's Ship Pack
« on: February 14, 2020, 03:04:48 AM »
progress on the next update:
still slow, but mostly finished
reality consumes much of my daylight hours, and at night i generally just want to unwind
i am, however, still working on things
it might be another... idk, 2 or 3 days?
sorry about that, but there are still a few sprites that need retouching (or in two major cases, redoing practically from scratch)

there will also be more mods before toooo long, but those will be after this thing has been updated
they include:
- a vayra's sector addon with a bunch of listening post entries, a pair of colonial factions that sell competing models of the same ship lines w/ distinctly different playstyles, and some secrets (if my spaghetti code ever stops crashing the game that is)
- oh god oh ***, the pirates have rediscovered fire
- maybe something else idk, we'll see

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