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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Warnoise

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General Discussion / Re: Slow ships are lackluster now
« on: March 29, 2021, 06:12:31 AM »

Here is my build. I dropped heavy armor because it makes the dominator so slow that even cruisers can outflank it. I tried many loadout and i found this to be the most effective against a fast army (anything non low tech).

My problem is that i dont understand the role of the dominator, is it escort? or a brawler? I really want to play with it but every time i face a fast adversary i just buy one way ticket to kite city. Sometimes i get baited by burn driving and a bunch of frigates rush in and ruin my life xD

I know however the dominator shines in a winning battle, but when under pressure, it will just get caught up and die. You will notice that too when you fight against a big armada of fast ships like Conquests and big remnant ordos

General Discussion / Re: Feasibility of Climbing Back After Defeat
« on: March 29, 2021, 01:01:18 AM »
I'd like to play ironman, but I hate in when I can't climb back up after a huge loss due to difficulty scaling. For example, I can't really climb back up in Battle Brothers after many days (90+) due to its time-scale difficulty and lack of difficulty adjustment for now weaker units. This makes it really painful to play ironman as every missions are now almost impossible to complete.

Since there's a new version now, I have to ask: Is it possible to climb back up by playing as normal? I define normal here as being able to do bounties and trades as normal after you lose badly and goes back to step one, like when you start a new game. Also, does the difficulty scaling in Starsector always increment? Does it have window of opportunities after failure?

New question might rise: why not start a new game then? Well, I like to immerse myself in the game I play and will not back off after losing before I get completely wiped out. This kind of gameplay that I do creates an interesting gameplay and story compared to winning every single thing by loading saves. It's also why ironman is there in the first place: to be able to play with whatever the game throws at the players however conditions they currently have.

I lost all my fleet (8 capitals, 4 cruisers, and a bunch of destroyers) fighting some bs enemies.

I managed to climb back (I bought back my first capital).

I recommend you to keep a colossus in storage somewhere because the fastest way to climb back is through trading.

Some missions give cheap bounties so it is a great way to gain some picket change.

Considering how people who are extremely knowledgeable about the game talk about them, I know for a fact that I will never be able to beat them so I won't even bother fighting them. Peace and love.

General Discussion / Re: Slow ships are lackluster now
« on: March 28, 2021, 08:52:33 PM »
I have a dominator right now in my fleet and have no trouble sending it up against Radiants. Its not beating them 1v1, but its a 25DP heavy cruiser that can pin it down, not a capital

I am curious about the loadout you're using because dominator will overflux quickly when firing 2 large weapons+shield tanking.

General Discussion / Re: Slow ships are lackluster now
« on: March 28, 2021, 07:52:52 PM »
Range advantage doesn't mean much when enemy cruiser/capital can get in your face in a second. Range advantage means a lot when you have the speed to kite with it. Conquest for example can benefit a lot from range advantage. Same goes for the new midline cruiser.

I think to make up for lack speed and shield flux stats (2 most important stats in the game) dominator and onslaught need at least excellent flux dissipation stats.

Nobody plays with dominator now because it is the worst cruiser in the game. And onslaughts are always replaced by either conquests and paragons (if we talk cost/performance) because they are more useful than a mini orbital station with *** flux stats.

General Discussion / Re: The Frigate Bias
« on: March 28, 2021, 04:19:28 PM »
Killing onslaughts and dominators feels like a hunting squirrels and rats. Those ships are absolute memes...

General Discussion / Slow ships are lackluster now
« on: March 28, 2021, 06:43:47 AM »
Since everything zips around like a formula 1 and hits like a truck, ships like dominator and onslaught just get bullied and die.

If you want experience how being kited forever and not being able to kill anything feels like, then just play one of the ships above.

General Discussion / Re: 0.95- First Impressions
« on: March 27, 2021, 11:30:38 PM »
I hate the new quest balance.

A quest that tells me to kill a fleet that has a bunch of cruisers in the other side of the universe for like 70k? Just going there would cost 70k, excluding the potential losses and everything.

Quests got nerfed so hard that there's no point in doing them anymore.

I do love the new frigate balances though. Even though some frigates now punch way above their weight classes though

General Discussion / Re: Doom is Just Unbalanced
« on: March 27, 2021, 06:33:11 PM »
High-tech always get the overpowered stuff.

As a low-tech person, I miss the days of "onslaught is overpowered!" Threads ;(

General Discussion / Re: Impressions about skills in 0.9.5
« on: March 27, 2021, 06:31:35 PM »
Writing a literal essay after 30min of gameplay...that's impressive

General Discussion / Is it the end of system override?
« on: March 23, 2021, 07:29:48 PM »
With the nerf of assault chaingun a, I think there is no point in ever using system override now.

Considering its op cost the and the disadvantages it brings with there simply no weapon that fully benefits from it anymore.

Personally I disagree with assault chaingun need since it is a high risk/high rewards weapon. With the nerf now it is a high risk low reward weapon.

On top of that, we don't have any other weapon that fills that nich (low range high dps).

I guess this patch will kill off system override and proves the supremacy of range playstyle.

Your take on this?

General Discussion / Re: Let's talk about low tech ships
« on: March 22, 2021, 04:22:47 AM »
Recently I was playing a game with Rubin's patch notes mod on: the new Onslaught is very good and has a ton of extra OP. The TPC efficiency buff makes a large difference given how often they fire and miss, and the 30 extra OP (when mounting large weapons) is excellent. This was a Mjolnir-Mk IX-Mk IX build I posted somewhere else. It had enough extra OP that I threw on Augmented Drive Field (rest of the fleet was destroyers) without having to sacrifice anything major.

Happy to hear that!

General Discussion / Re: Let's talk about low tech ships
« on: March 19, 2021, 04:44:52 PM »
Here's the thing with low tech: The AI is specifically written to flank you. Especially enemy carrier, those bastards would manoeuvre their bombers behind you and will attempt to decimate you from behind.

In my opinion in general I feel low tech ships require more hullmods than other techs in order to be competitive, therefore I think low tech ships should have 1.2~.5 times the op of their respective counterparts from the other techs.

Also, I wish we had more weapons that suit low tech pkaystyle, by that I mean weapons that have low range but high damage output (something like assault gun), because of low tech ships have offensive movement skill whose sole purpose is to rush into targets face and unleash hell. High risk high reward kind of playstyle.

With the nerf of assault chaingun there's no point now though..

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.61RC2 (2020/09/19)
« on: March 17, 2021, 07:48:29 AM »
I think there is an issue with scy nation ships AI. It seems like they don't fire some of the weapons. When I fought with them (as allies) I thought they were extremely weak. But after observing them they don't seem to fire some of the weapons. They just fly near target and launch some blue homing orbs and that's it.

General Discussion / Re: Your first 0.95 run - what will you do?
« on: March 16, 2021, 11:07:53 PM »
I want to try a frigate heavy build. This is something that I have always wanted to do but because of Cr I couldnt

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