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Messages - bombasticmori

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General Discussion / Re: This Forum's Stance on AI-Generated Content
« on: July 21, 2023, 09:11:49 PM »
That said, one of the main arguments I see time and time again against the use of AI is that its using 'stolen' content, and I think its important to make it clear that its a lot more complicated then that.

(Thank you for the link! And, sure, but I think the paper linked by Wisp shows pretty conclusively that some images are stored, functionally in a lossy format, doesn't it? Not that this is necessarily addressing your point; I'd only mentioned this as a response to a statement that the models don't do that. But yeah, tangent.)

I mostly just wanted to point out that there are valid creative uses for generative AI as a creative tool.


Ah I hadn't seen that link, sorry. But I have seen that paper before, briefly, and it does seem valid. I know the paper itself is a bit divisive due to the methodologies used in it, but here is a big reddit thread discussing the paper and its implications in a machine learning context.  I won't comment more on the specifics because anything I add would be me injecting my own biases into the topic.  But I uh, also think I've derailed the topic enough, lol.  Thank you all for listening and for your perspectives, I'm glad we're able to have a rational discussion on the matter.

General Discussion / Re: This Forum's Stance on AI-Generated Content
« on: July 21, 2023, 08:47:34 PM »
(Hmm - I'm not sure that "converts it into a formula" is sufficient to say that it doesn't store the images, right? It's just a very, very different format; it's probably fair to think of it, in some way, as very lossy encoding, at least for the cases where the training images are retrievable. But I don't want to go too off-topic here from the primary point of the thread, which is about its use for mods on this forum.)

I'm probably not doing a great job explaining how the training process works, but there are guides if you're curious (such as here).  It's a complicated topic and I won't even pretend to understand all the math involved, and your right in that it's a bit of a tangent to the overall discussion.  That said, one of the main arguments I see time and time again against the use of AI is that its using 'stolen' content, and I think its important to make it clear that its a lot more complicated then that.  I mostly just wanted to point out that there are valid creative uses for generative AI as a creative tool.  While this doesn't negate the valid criticisms of it, there's a lot of intense emotions and reactions to the technology, and its important we all kind of keep a level head (not throwing blame on anyone in thread, to be clear). I just usually see a lot of very negative takes dominate these discussions and wanted to make say my peace, since I am affected by the new policy.

General Discussion / Re: This Forum's Stance on AI-Generated Content
« on: July 21, 2023, 07:59:01 PM »
"AI" generated art is 100% using stolen art from artists that it's being trained on (And yes, I do mean stolen. Just cause it's on the internet doesn't mean you can just take it and use it). Alex is on the mark about calling it kitbashing.. cause that is what it is, they take bits and pieces from a hundred different pieces of arts in an attempt to emulate a style.

The idea that the programs are so smart as to be able to think, feel and have the mental acuity to process to learn from art, understand the art, understand what they put to canvas, to put meaning into it without simply copying is.. Sci-fi. Fiction.

It will always be lifeless, soulless and it will always completely misunderstand the purpose of art. Because the people who make these programs don't understand it either, they only see another way to make money, another way to scam people and rip them off with little to no effort on their part (well aside from the coding).

"AI" art might be as vast as an ocean.. but it's as shallow as a puddle.

Edit: I also find it hilarious that people are going "Well who cares about the ethics???" as if that's a good thing. What, you mean to say that it's totally fine to use data that's 80-90% of the time been taken without any sort of consent from the artist that the so called "AI" program is trying to reproduce?

There was potential for Generated content, for a very brief window, but it was all soured by greedy.. corporations, techbros, scammers, thieves, jealous people and so many more people who don't care about art, but just that they can annoy people or "Get back" at people who've spent their lives studying art to become good at it.

We're supposed to hate data scraping and the companies using it to sell our info, it's immoral and intrudes on our privacy. But when it comes to art it's suddenly perfectly okay to use the exact same kind of data? Just because it has a picture attached to it?

I am a creator who uses AI art a lot in my creations. And this attitude is one that I see a lot.  I'm primarily a developer and technical person.  Most of my mods I've made before are for Bethesda games, that are more script heavy or using their engine.  Art has always been something that has been out of reach for me to do, despite trying to learn multiple times.  After Stable Diffusion started getting popular, I was able to start using it to make some of the ideas I and concepts I had in my head a reality.  My first published mod for Starsector, beyond some ports for older mods to new versions, was an AI Portrait pack (AI Portraits of AI Cores).  Under the current rules that mod is now gone.  Honestly, its water under the bridge, as I'm not attached to it.  Had I known the devs opinion on it before making it, I never would have done it.  I try to honor artists wishes when it comes to working in existing systems.

What I take a lot of issue with is the moralistic stance.  I mentioned all the stuff about how I use AI art for ideas and concepts, because I frequently use it nowadays for that. I've had a lot of story ideas in my head for a long time, and I frequently use AI for concept art for those stories. It's completely changed my life for the better and given me a good chance of actually making something out of those stories, even if it'll take a while.  AI is a tool, more then anything else, and how you use that tool is up to the user. That said, there are absolutely 100% people in the AI community who do use that tool poorly, whether its trying to pass lazy or copied art off as genuine, or in trying to antagonize artists. The techbros and "AI will obsolete artists!" people are completely moronic in this regard, and I think you'd probably agree with this. 

I know a lot of the issue is how AI has been trained, and you're 100% right in that most AI models are trained using copyrighted content.  They were very much hoping to ask forgiveness then permission on this, and that take is wrong.  That said several AI groups are trying to do better about this, such as StabilityAI and such, who are removing artist's images and real people's likenesses from their models.  This doesn't negate the fact the old models will forever still be out there and exist, but it does at least show they're trying to listen.  The other main point of critique I'd bring up is use of copyright materials is NOT theft; it's infringement. Legally, these are very distinct.  There is reasonable basis to assume in America at least, based on previous rulings, that AI training could constitute a fair use of copyrighted material, due to the nature of how training works.  For reference in that regard, training doesn't store copies or data based on the images being trained on, it converts those images into a mathematical formula and maps information on it to words.  All the data stored is essentially 'weights' in the model's equations, which are just numbers.  Typically, they're not supposed to be able to reproduce the images they're trained on exactly, and most of the time they don't unless they're overtrained, which isn't a good thing.  Anyway, the point is that its possible creating the model itself is a transformative use of copyrighted content because of that, but until a court ruling comes down we don't know.  And even if it wasn't ruled fair use, it doesn't mean the models using copyrighted content simply vanish, either.  As people said, its kind of like Pandora's box - AI is just around now, and we can only try to push for more responsible use, not try to suppress it.

Ultimately I don't want to ramble too much, but I wanted to state that while there are bad actors in the AI community, that this policy is not future proof and a bit reactionary. I will take down my portrait mod if it goes into effect but I'm adamant in viewing AI as a creative tool that can help people realize their visions.

Mods / Re: [0.9.51a-RC6] AI Portraits of AI Cores (As People)
« on: February 26, 2023, 06:56:55 PM »
Thanks guys! I'm glad you like it!  :)

Mods / Re: [0.9.51a-RC6] AI Portraits of AI Cores (As People)
« on: January 29, 2023, 10:08:00 AM »

Re: Sierra, I've definitely thought about generating portraits based on her, but would feel kinda weird about doing it unless I get permission from SotF's creator. 

Re: Ziggurat Captain, I did *not* think about that and it sounds interesting, lol.  I may consider doing it at some point but no promises.

Mods / Re: [0.9.51a-RC6] AI Portraits of AI Cores (As People)
« on: January 25, 2023, 08:20:44 AM »
That's really awesome! Let me know when you finish it, I'm very interested. I'm glad you like the mod  :)

Mods / Re: [0.9.51a-RC6] AI Portraits of AI Cores (As People)
« on: January 15, 2023, 08:56:42 AM »
There was a minor issue with a missing bracket in the Full Remnant Patch. I uploaded a new version in its place.  Thank you Puretide for diagnosing it!

Mods / Re: [0.9.51a-RC6] AI Portraits of AI Cores (As People)
« on: January 14, 2023, 08:57:53 PM »
Thank you! I'm really happy with how they turned out.

Mods / [0.9.51a-RC6] AI Portraits of AI Cores (As People)
« on: January 14, 2023, 03:03:04 PM »
AI Portraits of AI Cores

Hey everyone! This mod is a side project I've been working on while trying to distract myself from bigger projects for other games.
  The central premise for these portraits is "What if an AI core created a human avatar for itself?" but there's nothing restricting anyone from using these with characters that aren't AI.
  All the portraits were generated using Severian Void's Stable Diffusion model for Starsector portraits, using images of each AI core as a base. The images featured at the top are a selection of Alpha Core portraits.

There are currently two versions of this mod:

The lite version is an "Author's Cut", containing a selection of what I thought were the best and most varied portraits. There are 10 male and female portraits for each core, for a total of 80 new portraits.

The full version contains all the "decent" (read: non-cursed) portraits I generated for this project.  It contains 295 new portraits.  This can be a bit overwhelming, which is why I made the lite version.

Currently, both versions only add portraits to the player faction, so you can use them when selecting new characters, and they'll show up for officers in your faction.  However, I'm also posting a patch that also adds the non-Omega based portraits to the vanilla AI portrait list.  This is just an extra file, not a mod in and of itself, and should be merged with the base mod folder (the zip file already has the right folder structure).

Permissions are open, so if you want feel free to use any of these in your own mods.


Full Portrait Pack                                      Lite Portrait Pack
   Full Remnant Patch                                   Lite Remnant Patch

Here's a selection of some of the portraits for each core:
Alpha Core (In addition to above):
Beta Core:
Gamma Core:
Omega Core:

If you wanted to try your hand at making portraits like this, here's some resources to help!
First, you'll need a working version of Stable Diffusion and Severian Void's Stable Diffusion Model.
I used a 2K upscaled version of each vanilla AI core to generate these portraits, which you can find here.
I used the same prompt and settings for each portrait (excepting a few that worked out nice while I was fine-tuning the prompts).
Female Portraits:
a starsectorportrait of a holographic artificial intelligence, cute young adult woman with circuitry in the background, ai core, ai, artificial intelligence, hologram, glitches, visual artifacts, aura, visual corruption, jpeg artifacts, distortion
Negative prompt: helmet, eyepiece, earpiece, massive eyes, old, bad anatomy, missing fingers, cameo
Steps: 20, CFG scale: 7, Seed: -1, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 35a0bad3, Denoising strength: 0.75, Mask blur: 4
Male Portraits:
a starsectorportrait of a holographic artificial intelligence, handsome young adult man with circuitry in the background, ai core, ai, artificial intelligence, hologram, glitches, visual artifacts, aura, visual corruption, jpeg artifacts, distortion
Negative prompt: helmet, eyepiece, earpiece, massive eyes, old, bad anatomy, missing fingers, cameo
Steps: 20, CFG scale: 7, Seed: -1, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 35a0bad3, Denoising strength: 0.75, Mask blur: 4

Severian Void for making the Starsector Portrait SD model in the first place.
The Unofficial Starsector Discord off-topic chat for putting up with my sh*t (I love you guys <3)
The Starsector team for making a great game!

Mods / Re: [0.9.5a] Hiigaran Descendants v2.0.4/v5
« on: June 20, 2022, 01:00:57 PM »
Hey sorry, I just edited/updated some stuff so I'm not really the author, but I'm pretty sure Gotcha would be cool with this. I can't fully speak for them however, but I don't see why it would be a problem to post the update, it just wouldn't be added to the front page until they see it.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] ED Shipyard 2.1.2 (crash fix)
« on: May 14, 2021, 03:12:11 PM »
   "name":"ED Shipyard",
   "description":"Adds some fun ships, fair and balanced!",
try replace it to 0.95a-RC15 under gameVersion it run well and didn't crash when starting up the game but during the game play on battle it will crash so play at your own risk
The issue is many of the weapons use special OnHit effects that have to be updated to the modern implementation of those methods.  Its super easy to do, but requires you to recompile the mod's jar file.  Otherwise it'll crash whenever you try to use those weapons.

Mods / Re: [0.9.5a] Hiigaran Descendants v2.0.4/v5
« on: May 06, 2021, 03:24:54 PM »

You're very welcome of course, especially since you're doing old fans and me a favour. I'm happy this old mod still holds some interest. (My other mod seems to have died though. Ah well. :P)
Unfortunately I can't commit to updating the mod itself, and doubt I will be able to in the future.
If you drop a new update, feel free to PM/email me; I'll also try to check this topic once in a while.

If you or someone else wants to take over this mod, I'm also fine with this person opening a new topic so they can maintain the mod themselves, after which I could ask a mod to close this topic.
Someone else did this at some point though, and then shortly abandoned it afterwards, leaving a duplicate topic floating about. It'd take some dedication.

   While I do really like this mod and don't mind updating it here and there, I really shy away from claiming it outright as I have gone on long absences for other mods I've worked on before. I took me about 2-3 years to eventually come back and finish my big mod for Fallout 4, during which I was extremely anxious about working on it.  My anxiety on these things has gotten better as of late, but I don't want to risk taking over and subsequently abandoning this project and letting everyone down.  As long as you're still OK with it, I may push a few polish updates here and there, but unless the moderators say we need to make a new thread or you decide to leave the forums entirely I'd rather keep things how they have been.

  This all being said I totally get you not coming back to this, as it can be crazy hard to back into modding a game you haven't touched in a while. While part of what kept me away from that Fallout 4 mod I mentioned was anxiety, part of it was...I just forgot how to use all the tools.  You're totally fine, and I appreciate you giving me and others the opportunity to continue it, even if its only small changes.

Mods / Re: [0.9.5a] Hiigaran Descendants v2.0.4/v5
« on: May 03, 2021, 07:02:09 PM »
Thanks for updating this and making it compatible!  Been playing with it and love Homeworld.  Works fine with a bunch of others in .95. 

Only issue I have had is that the faction seem weaker right now compared to others when I fight them (slow, low damage).  I need to run some of their ships and take a good look.

Interesting. my game as them I did quite well, but i also wasn't exclusively using Hiigaran weapons. The mod absolutely needs a balance pass.  I can't do anything at the moment because its crunch time with school, but I graduate in a couple weeks so I may look into it, but no promises. Its one of those things thats really daunting to me.

Edit: can definitely say the Sajuuk needs a speed boost because holy crap. It was my flagship for a while and it was painful to maneuver, but it shredded stuff when it got into position. If you see anything that's really noticeable let me know.

Also thank you Gotcha! for updating things! I like this mod so I didn't want to risk seeing it die.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Hiigaran Descendants v2.0.4/v5
« on: April 29, 2021, 10:08:40 AM »
I have no idea what the issue could have been in the first place, but glad its working for you.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Hiigaran Descendants v2.0.4/v5
« on: April 28, 2021, 11:21:28 PM »
Interesting. I haven't had any issues with it but i'll look into it

Edit: Just did a battle with a Tarii wing and it worked fine for me.  If it happens again, could you post your starsector.log file?  Not sure what the problem might be.

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