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Messages - Grievous69

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 208
General Discussion / Re: Is combat in this game good or bad
« on: August 24, 2024, 02:40:21 PM »
The icon for the thread is a winky face... I'm not jumping on anyone. Just saving time for someone who'd write a long post thinking he's actually helping a new player.

General Discussion / Re: Is combat in this game good or bad
« on: August 24, 2024, 02:21:24 PM »
If you're genuinely being honest here and not pulling my leg, then just continue playing the game? Not sure what would a new player gain from starting a discussion about player skill when they literally started the game.

Keep on playing boyo.

General Discussion / Re: Is combat in this game good or bad
« on: August 24, 2024, 02:00:42 PM »
Bait used to be believable.

The two sentences make zero sense when they're written by the same person. If battles are decided by ships and their loadouts, why ask the difference in skill from AI to the player?

General Discussion / Re: Steam release?
« on: August 22, 2024, 11:54:28 AM »
Probably the last one, if next version is 0.98 then I don't see more than 2 updates to wrap up the game. Majority of the meat is already here, just need to finish up the story along with introducing some end game phase. Not saying that's all that's to come but I feel those are the two main points.

General Discussion / Re: Steam release?
« on: August 22, 2024, 11:29:32 AM »
Tbf they asked for plans about Steam, not directly asking "omg why isn't this on steam right now !!1!1!".

So for plans, it's the same as before, it'll be decided before 1.0, and since we have no idea when 1.0 is coming, the real answer is just wait and see. Of course unless Alex changes his mind for some reason or something unexpected happens.

Suggestions / Re: Make some Crisis major events recurring.
« on: August 20, 2024, 11:21:08 AM »
We have truly come full circle.

General Discussion / Re: early acess beta?
« on: August 20, 2024, 09:37:20 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Wow......just wow
« on: August 19, 2024, 08:50:53 AM »
Tbf it would be an instant hit if it was released right now this moment. But I get not wanting to spend extra time to handle steam forums, get hit with negative reviews because some people don't like slow updates, etc.

Not sure if I said this before but it would be absolutely hilarious if Alex releases the game on Steam still in early access, make a disclaimer "sorry guys, the development is a bit slow" and then a week later drops the 1.0 update. Not sure if it's even worth releasing it in early access only for it to come out of early access so soon but you can't deny the meme potential this would have for a game that's been in development for 15+ years.

Suggestions / Re: Smuggling: Transponder and Patrols
« on: August 19, 2024, 12:26:02 AM »
People buy on the black market with Transponder on?
If you're buying a couple of weapons, it makes no difference. Sure I'll pay a bit extra but that's peanuts in the end.

Suggestions / Re: Smuggling: Transponder and Patrols
« on: August 18, 2024, 11:49:15 PM »
I get what the OP is saying but as one who pretty much uses the black market as intended (rarely, and in small doses), all this does is force me into a stealth quest every time I want to shop around the major markets. 99% of the time, I use the black markets to buy, not sell, so the proposed change would be a great inconvenience to me. I'm not against it, per se, but I'm also not abusing constant Pather shortages to make millions from trade early on. The problem I would have is that it might take me 2-3 minutes to coordinate a sneaky way in only to find the black market has nothing I want.

The thought occurred to me leave black market access as-is but limit how much can be sold on the black market as some function of colony size and stability. That is to say, there is a finite amount of funds available to buy up your stuff. A backwater frontier world shouldn't be able to pay out millions of credits for your Domain-era colony items or buy up strategic levels of commodities. If you want to sell large quantities or rare items, you'll have to go major population centers because they're the only ones with the capital to actually buy it.

Military markets could function similarly, albeit with much more purchasing power and their own limitations as to what they will or won't buy. Of course, you have to rep to access them and while off-topic, I've always thought the military market tariff should be a function of reputation (i.e. higher rep lowers the tariff). It does create "preferred market" status (i.e. optimal play might be to go to the same military market each time) but that's a perk for trade, too.
Same here, sometimes I find a weapon/hullmod that I really need and I buy that since it's on the way. I generally sell everything through the open market since I get my money from bounty hunting and exploration missions.

The proposed change would make selling stuff through black market harder and with more risk, but for people that use it here and there to buy a single Railgun, it would be ultra annoying for no reason.

All I'm saying is we don't need to introduce gimmicky mechanics to buff 2-3 weapons when a simple stat buffs does the same thing much more simply.

I'm well aware reworks bring their own stat adjustments, which is another argument why it shouldn't be done willy nilly.

Suggestions / Re: Hyperspace Combat
« on: August 18, 2024, 08:01:47 AM »
Why was nebula terrain removed anyways?
AI wasn't aware of it.

Yeah they've definitelly missed the hardest fights judging by the both posts. I just didn't want to spell them out in case of spoiling it. There's no way someone would call the game too easy after seeing what Ordos can do to your 2 Paragon with Sunders fleet. I also doubt they did contact bounties, as those ramp up to crazy levels once you raise the relations. Compared to triple s-modded enemy fleet, regular intel bounties are a tutorial basically.

Might be a dumb question but have you fought anything else apart from bounty fleets? The game currently has no real endgame (so it's kinda to be expected that it suddenly just stops), but there are harder enemies to fight than regular human fleets.

And you have found a fleet combo that works for you, the things you commented on balance imo don't deserve nerfs. As you'll find out there are equally if not more "broken" strats you can pull off to make the game seem easy.

DEMs returning to the ship is a little too much for me but balancing them around regenerating ammo seems interesting to me. As in, they have only have 1 ammo capacity but they reload semi-regularly. Their below-average damage is offset by more long-term use.

I suppose the downside is that the AI would not be particularly good at using them well or you’d just set them on auto-fire and forget about them. Neither makes for compelling gameplay.
And that would kill Gorgons and Hydra.

You guys have to understand you can't give a blanket buff or rework to all DEMs since you're not eliminating the issues, you'd just be moving them a bit up on the power scale. Not many would use the Gazers still, medium Gorgons would still remain a joke, and regenerating ammo for Dragonfire souns hilarious because the medium version has only TWO ammo. That would be a funny buff.

Dragonfire just needs faster flight speed and it should be decent, the biggest problem it has it getting so late to the target it's already dead, and that's a huge waste on such a limited missile.

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