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Topics - Straticus

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Mods / [0.9a] Vesperon Combine 1.2.0 - 03/03/19
« on: January 13, 2019, 12:26:56 PM »

Vesperon Combine

The Vesperon Combine is a secretive organisation that has data-mined intelligence on a number of hidden sites, created after the Collapse, that hold treasures for the would-be industrialist. For a very reasonable fee, it will provide a dossier containing the locations - and more importantly, the specific scanning frequencies needed to find them - to its members. But beware - the people who built these sites may have left a surprise or two behind...

Beyond the fluff, this is a small, lore-friendly...ish mod for those who are frustrated by the limited number of opportunities to find All The Things - well, blueprints at least - in a single playthrough. The opportunity to buy access to more locations as they crop up makes the experience repeatable, until the player can construct everything that is boardable and obtainable in the game. The flipside of this approach is that it will probably allow blueprints to drop for things that authors didn't intend, but things like derelicts and [REDACTED] should be filtered out.

I've tested this with what I consider the highest-quality mods on the board, including Nexerelin; if you notice any crashes, particularly when salvaging a facility, please let me know so I can investigate.


  • A certain person in a certain bar on a certain independent world...
  • Membership of a shadowy organisation
  • Hidden dangers


  • Some proper faction specific content
  • A TriTa-[REDACTED by Hegemony CommSec]
  • More lore
  • More varied challenges
  • A better way to blacklist more things that shouldn't drop or are problematic


- Add a second recruiter
- Move recruiters around independent worlds more reliably
- Vesperon cache reps spawn/despawn dynamically on worlds run by Independent authorities
- ...and also player colonies, for extra convenience :slightly_smiling_face:


- Fixed crash on referenced ships/weapons/fighters not existing


- Updated available vanilla blueprint whitelist to use fighter wing IDs, not fighter hull IDs
- Prevent Remnant and BB spawn breakage


- Added whitelisting system for other mods to opt-in
    - Add to `data/config/vesperon_blueprints.json` to whitelist content
    - See example vanilla config file
- Whitelisted all (obtainable) vanilla blueprints
- Slightly optimised VesperonIntelManager to not load new JSON structs all the time
- Move the Vesperon rep around once every 60 days to make sure market decivs (et al) can't break the mod


For v1.0.0 it'll no doubt suffer from "My First Mod" syndrome, so please don't expect a bug-free or well-balanced experience, and feel free to leave feedback. Have fun! ;D

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