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Topics - jerri

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Names longer than the textbox
« on: May 07, 2024, 06:42:25 AM »
Is there a way to input a name longer than the textbox allows? Maybe with a command or editing the campaign data?

In my opinion, surprisingly few. The main limitation of AI cores (as it appears in-game) is their lack of bodily autonomy. Otherwise you KNOW they'd be groovin' 'n' schmoovin' all over the hatch. So naturally the ONLY logical option is to bridge the central nervous system of a magpie (or other suitable corvid) with a couple of cores and Bob's your uncle. Even though my uncle was Dave.

Now, we know that modern day corvids are pretty smart; see attached Exhibit PROOF:

Exhibit proof: A crow being clever

This is a pristine example of, say it with me, problem solving! The very thing that lower-level AI cores are known to lack.

With all this in mind I present my thesis:

It would take AT MINIMUM two Gamma Cores or one Beta core to create a fully sentient magpie. Speech incomprehensible, perhaps, but when you have the power of sunflower seeds and wholegrain bread, who needs words? I know a couple luddies who do tailoring, despite the near arcane art that it is a few credits could convince them of the malleability of Ludd's word.

Magpie in a trenchcoat.
Magpie in a trenchcoat.
Corvid's brain on rice and oats with your
magpie in a trenchcoat.

I must offer my apologies, however, because creating such chimeras (chimmy-rays) and leaving them to their own devices will inevitably result in a caste system unless we ENFORCE (with our iron will and iron hearts) one and only one standard for magpie enhancement. Should we allow Beta cores for some and Gamma cores for others then those birds with less clockspeed will inevitably be tossed by the wayside. Magpies, Crows and other corvids are cruel, unpredictable. They revel in degeneracy and theft. Indeed, it is not uncommon for the average bird to squabble mightily over a mere crumb, to play piper and lead their fellows to certain demise in an attempt to steal their bathing spot. To them, we are gods among birds. We are Valhalla (the myth, not the star). We must civilize them, and introduce them to the sector at large as friends of humanity.

Anyway two gamma cores, one beta core. Any objections?

Sometimes when faced with a problem I can't solve I go and read support requests in Bug Reports & Support because it makes me happy to see other people's problems get solved. 5 minutes of this has guranteed a new idea that solves my problems every time.

Am I insane or has anyone else done something similar?

On a different note, in the core worlds, would it be more lore accurate to find Old Earth texts in Luddic libraries or Academies? Ones that haven't been digitised yet (if such a thing exists). Would there even be any left?

Running 0.96a-RC8

I picked up some academy missions and headed to Sindria. I noticed the debris field from Macario's agent's fleet was still at the fringe jump point, despite the fact I had already returned the data to him some time ago (I don't remember how long ago). I investigated it and the same dialogue appeared, allowing you to collect the data again. Also the debris field allows you to repeatedly investigate it.
If you bring this data to Macario, you can repeatedly "give him the data" by selecting any option when talking to him. He doesn't reward you with more EXP or more Executors but you do repeatedly gain story points.
If you select "My silence is very much for sale" when talking to him over and over you can also get infinite money too.

I don't think any mods I'm running could affect this but here's a list anyway.
Mods running currently:
LazyLib 2.8
SpeedUp 0.7.2
Stellar Networks 3.0.0
GraphicsLib 1.7.0

I do remember when first attempting to reach the debris field, the mercs defending it got caught up in a battle with some pirate merchants, so I just snuck past them. After investigating the merc fleet tried to emergency burn after me despite still being in a battle.

I have a save from before investigating the field for a second time, if it's needed.

General Discussion / The Domain Sent Magpies: Exhibit PROOF
« on: May 03, 2023, 12:09:21 PM »
It's known that Old-Earth lobster and a mix of other species (plus "creativity", whatever animal that is) became what we have come to know as Volturnian Lobster today. However, it seems odd that the domain would send only various crustaceans to assist in populating the more habitable worlds of the sector, so what other genetic abominations would they have sent? For that matter, what already existed when they arrived? You've got to wonder why the jungles of Jangala were just manageable enough to set up shop there.

What do you think of birds? I like magpies, myself. The cunning, devilish gold diggers they are. Beautiful, too. Shimmering blue/green and black wings and tail as if they were purposefully accented, contrasted to snow white feathers covering the bulk of their body. A black head, disguising the eyes from first glace, they're tricksters really, that's why they hide the eyes - windows to the soul. And yes, I say these birds - magpies, that is - damn well have souls! It takes a soul to be a bastard, to be a lecherous thieving git. No husk could plot and steal like a magpie plots and steals and schemes and craves and hoards.

The domain would have sent magpies, that's all I'm saying. Crows, too, and other corvids. Intelligent, strong, beautiful, graceful, active pest control. There's no good reason not to have sent them, or at least some modified version of perfection (if there exists such a thing). Some loon would've trained them, made them talk, dance and sing. Made them load missiles! Really! I believe they're better than men. Better than AI. And they were too powerful! Wiped out in the war. The other one. They killed off the magpies because they were too stunning and clever for their own good, poor sods.

Here's proof. Corvus. Corvus. Crow family, the family magpies are in. Why ever would they name the star and it's entire system Corvus if it had no meaning? Think about who we're dealing with, the Domain. Suspicious, forward-thinking, ever practical and meaningful. There were birds on Asharu and Jangala, let me tell you. I've seen them in books - paper books, illustrations of them. Asharu was always meant to crumble because the magpies grew too strong, they thought too freely. How about Jangala? Does the staion really just "cut the grass", just beat back the jungle to protect human civilisation? They're eradicating magpie strongholds, that's what. The last bastion of corvid kind in the entire sector. You've been rused, manipulated into a cognitive blind spot, fallen into a chasm of tricks. The magpies will rise again, and the moment they let me back on Jangala you'll see. You'll all see.

In reference to this thread:

Apparently, proc gen planets currently use a random function to determine how long it takes for them to orbit their parent star. This can lead to situations where planets further from their star orbit faster than planets closer to the star. This doesn't make much sense.

Solution? Have proc gen planets take the orbital period of the next closest planet into account when generating their own and add a random number to that.

Maybe it's harder to implement than I initially think it to be. Then again it's not as though some idiot is going to sit in orbit for 2 hours and measure the orbital periods manually hahaha. Ha.

As a bonus (though admittedly more complicated) suggestion, have the periods of the planets obey Kepler's 3rd law. The periods of the planets should only depend on their radius and mass of the parent star. There's more detailed speculation on how this might be achieved in the thread referenced before.

Would anybody notice the changes? Does this even matter in the first place? No. But it would be nice and I would love you forever (until you do something heinous such as break physics again).

General Discussion / Orbital Period of Planets
« on: March 09, 2023, 04:58:34 PM »
I don't suppose anyone would happen to have a list of the orbital period of every core world?

Unless it's in the code somewhere I'm not exactly willing to settle down in every system and log exactly how long it takes for a planet to repeat its position.
Although, as I write that the thought of some deranged captain sitting in orbit with nought but a tally counting the days without explanation grows more and more appealing...

General Discussion / I LOVE SALAMANDERS!!!
« on: February 22, 2023, 05:58:39 PM »
Salamander MRMs are so cute omg( •?• ) when you launch one at the enemy and it starts swerving its like its dodging flak shells(/) or when they turn around and target your engines like
"owo nya? :3c" hehe ~ engine-kun is happy to see me!!(?) and the most adorable thing ever is when EMP-sama comes out but theyre rlly high magnitude electromagnetic fields so u have to have resistant flux conduits!!(?••) but when engine-kun and EMP-sama meet and theyre blushing and all like "FLAMEOUT~!" (?´?)?: ?hehehe~salamander MRMs are so adorable (?´???)?::?

pic related

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