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Topics - KCR

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Saving error after creating a new game
« on: November 24, 2021, 01:33:12 AM »
Good time of day to everyone! I installed a bunch of mods (something like 150), and after creating new game, when the last screen that tells that the game is saving appears, the game crashes and shows some error. Here is the logs, maybe someone can tell me what's wrong here?

1405956 [Thread-3] INFO  - Saving to ..\\saves/save_kekw_5214497571857607254...
1405957 [Thread-3] INFO  - Saving stage 2
1405958 [Thread-3] INFO  - Saving stage 3
1407439 [Thread-3] INFO  - Error saving game
1407439 [Thread-3] ERROR  - Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.RuntimeException
cause-message       : org.json.JSONException: JSON does not allow non-finite numbers.
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity.writeReplace()
com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.RuntimeException
cause-message       : org.json.JSONException: JSON does not allow non-finite numbers.
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity.writeReplace()
   at com.thoughtworks.xstrea

General Discussion / What does "in the outer reaches" means?
« on: March 02, 2020, 04:49:49 AM »
Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great day. So, what am i confused of, is, well, described in the subject of this topic. You know, when you pick up an exploration mission that tells you to run a custom sensor package on, let's say, some derelict, and the intel says that it is located "in the outer reaches" of system_name. How can i find it? Is it even located on the system map (if you press tab), or it's not even on it? Like, ye, i know that Neutrino Detector exists, but still it does not help a lot. It just points in some random direction forever. I've read the article on the wiki, but still don't quite understand how to use it to actually navigate to the outer reaches. If anyone can clarify this to me, i'll be really thankful! Thanks in advance and have a great day!

General Discussion / How can i farm blueprints with mods?
« on: February 13, 2020, 12:05:23 AM »
The subject is pretty much what i'm looking for. So, i installed a bunch of mods, including Nex, Vayra's Sector, Better Colonies and some faction mods. I don't which mod is responsible for it, but after installing all this stuff, farming blueprints from raiding becomes waaaaay to boring. Because, after the first raid on a planet, the blueprint facility closes and all i can is just invade and move to another planet. So, maybe someone know, what mod is responsible for it, and how can i effectively acquire blueprints from factions? Thanks in advance!

General Discussion / (im)Mortal Officers
« on: February 12, 2020, 04:13:54 AM »
So, i've started playing this brilliant not so long ago, and become really wondered about the subject. Does Officers were immortal since the game was released, or there was some time, when they actually can be dead? Also, if i understood well, back in a day the Officer progression system was another? They (and marines?) used to have some sort of ranks? If it's what it was, then i think it was some sort of a nice thing. Imagine, like, having 1-2 veterans that you try to keep an eye on and not let them Burn Drive straight to Valhalla. Because, idk, in my current playthrough, when i'm trying to engage a battle fortress, i usually deploy about 8-10 ships with officers. And, due to battle fortress being, you know, battle fortress, sometimes it's quite difficult to manage to destroy it without having casualties. And then, imagine when you are on a big conquer mission, and you have to battle this things a lot. And you have a guy that literally survived full ship destruction like 10 times. I guess he will find what to say to his grandchildren. 

General Discussion / Soft cap/hard cap
« on: February 10, 2020, 04:44:28 AM »
So, if i understand correctly, with changing hard cap to soft in the next release, it will allow me to choose from all the salvageable ships after battle? So, basically, it's just for fixing the salvage bug, because we already know, that bringing ships above the limit will cost you crazy amounts of supplies/fuel.

What i think about it, is that this bug feels for me like not a bug at all! I mean, yeah, after bringing 30 ships to a very tough battle maybe you will want to salvage some of them for you, idk, like trophy or fleet strengthen, and i'm okay with that, in this case, new soft cap will be just what it's needed to be. But, what i'm concerned about, is that i like the currently implemented system, and it's gonna be changed in the next release.

I'll make some examples for better understanding.

First, we've got some custom mod-added bounty with unique ship, idk, like Vayra or IBB. So, if i want to acquire this unique ship, the first thing that i will consider is that i need a maximum battle-efficient fleet with a lot of free slots in it for more chances to salvage this unique ship after battle. For most cases, i usually make 14-16 battleships and 3-4 logistics, resulting in total 18-20 ships per fleet. And here is the main point. Even if after battle i will not get a chance to salvage this unique ship, i'm totally okay with this. Because, it's already been a tough and interesting fight, and if i didn't get it, well, better luck next time. It's like, you know, a raid boss in some mmorpg, where after destroying him, you will 100% get an item, but will this item be worth it, or will it be some common or underlevel garbage only gods know. The same logic applies here, at least for me. I will be 100% happy if i will get the ship i wanted, but if not, then okay, that's fine and i'm totally okay with it. It's like, you don't know what you gonna get after this battle + if you want to have bigger chances of acquiring something, you'd better consider leaving more free slots for more chances! And if you leave more free slots, then you must make maximum efficient ships, and i think that's really great, when you need to think more of what you need to build and bring with you and in what amounts. It adds a lot of immersiveness, for me at least. If i will know, that i will have a 100% chance of acquiring that ship, idk, it becomes not so interesting, i guess? You just bring all of your big guns and destroy whatever was that bounty for, and then get what you want. Not so cool, imo.

Second, we are on a conquer mission. Our goal is to destroy all Hegemony colonies in some system. So, here is some things. The first thing is, if i'm going on a conquer mission, then i'm already have enough firepower to defeat my enemies, or i can just simply "print" new fleets right away, so there is basically no need in restoring defeated ships. The second thing is, if i'm on a conquer mission, and i'm fighting some big and tough fleets, i'm 99 times out of 100 will salvage all salvageable, just to get all possible supplies and stay "on air" more before landing to restock supplies. So, there is no need for ships recovery on such missions, for me at least.

As you can see, in both cases, imo, soft cap is not so important? Well, what am i afraid the most is that with soft cap releasing in next release, it will break those, idk, magic and exciting moments of guessing, will you get the ship you want or will you get back home with empty hands. Because now you will get like a much more better chance of acquiring what you want. I understand, that this is an old complaint and by making this it becomes more "new-player" friendly. Well, what do you think of this improvement, and, what do you think about cases that i described? Thanks in advance and feel free to discuss!

General Discussion / Your thoughts on Odyssey with 2 TL
« on: February 03, 2020, 02:40:03 AM »
So, played some time with this ship, trying different loadouts. Aaand, i actually think that packing 2 Large Energy with Tachyon Lances is pretty damn good. Adding to this great Odyssey maneuverability, and you get a very deadly capital ship, that can FLANK almost everything with same sizes and lower. So, your thoughts on this thing. I just find this really enjoying to play, you know, maneuver around and dealing some pretty good damage. Or maybe you know some loadout, that is even more deadly/maneuverable, or maybe i'm doing a mistake and with bringing another loadout Odyssey can become even more dangerous and flanky? So, feel free to discuss and thanks in advance!

Hello everyone. Just wondering, for what you can use CP? Like, ye, i know that i can give orders to certain ships, etc. I'm just interested, like, do somebody preparing some formations with it? Because all that i use them for now is to just select what ship to eliminate and what ship to retreat. I'm asking this because i'm interested in it's, you know, sort of capability? Like, can i use it to create some interesting formations or something like that. Not just order one ship to fly around another. So, anyway, do you guys are managing something like this, or just give some simple orders and then return to command your flagship? I'm really curios in this and want to know, can i do something more effective then just give some simple orders. Thanks in advance!

General Discussion / Conquest builds
« on: January 28, 2020, 12:32:01 AM »
Find out that Conquest is actually not so bad. Have played around some time with this ship and discovered, that it's actually very versatile and can be build almost to anything. So, basically, if you are using conquest, what builds do you use on it? And maybe you know some interesting builds for this ship? I remember some time ago i've seen a post, where some guy was describing that he made missile conquest and that it was actually really good. Also, is it worth to put guns only on one side, leaving other empty for some reason? Thanks in advance!

General Discussion / How to outfit carriers?
« on: January 22, 2020, 01:56:01 AM »
Hello everyone! Some days ago i've created a topic about proper fleet creation and ship refitting. Advises given there were super useful and right now helps me a lot. Still struggling a bit, but anyway making progress in refitting. But now i've come across another problem. Carriers. So, here is some of the questions i have:
1) What type of fighters do i put there?
2) How can i even decide which fighter is better for what goal/ship?
3) Is it necessary to put all fighter slots, or maybe let some be empty for bigger guns/better hullmods? Or vice versa?
4) Does player/officer skills have big impact on carriers?
5) Is it valuable to keep more then one officer with carrier skills?
6) Is it fun, you know, to play on something like command carrier? Or better give it to officer?
7) Which type of officer is best for putting on carrier?
8 ) Big carriers - better? Or maybe 4-6 destroyer size carriers > 1 legion?
Also, tried some mods last playthrough, and it just becomes soooo hard to, you know, select a proper fighter or just a normal fighter, because there is just so lot of them, that my mind goes round. Anyway, here is some of questions i have right now, will appreciate if anyone helps me with them. Maybe i'll found something more and post here. Thanks in advance and have a great day!

Hello everyone, have been playing this beatiful game a lot since i've discovered it about a month ago. But still i can not understand how to create good fleet compos, and, most importantly, how to make good ships fits. 50% of a time i pick all types of ships in various fits, and then just get destroyed from 2-3 strong expeditionary fleets/1-2 remnant ordos. Other 50% i just go 4-5 caps + 12-16 cruisers, all fitted to attack with ingame prepared refits. This composition lives a bit more, but still get destroyed from 2-3 simultaneously attacking remnant ordos. And that's on easy difficulty. I'm just scared to see what is going on in normal. Same goes to ship refiting. I've tried to make some designs, that suits me, but they was not super efficient. Most of the time i just put all guns that i can and then go to simulation to see if i can win this eagle/conquest. But later this ship comes in to a real fight, and there it just can't do anything, besides making 1-2 shots and catching some enemy fire, then go venting and die in that process. So, most of ships in my fleet are just fitted with ingame made refits. And that's dissapoints me a bit. Because i read forum from time to time, and see some crazy fleet compos and refits that people make. Then i just go, copy them, and all of the time it's just great and outstanding fleets. And then i'm trying to create something myself, and i just can't. I don't understand how to properly fit ship with guns and mods, what hullmod is best for what ship, how to combine it all and prepare some fleets and etc. So, guys, maybe someone knows, on what should i prioritize my attention, or knows some guides/advices, which will help me to understand what is needed in which cases. Or is it just that type of things, that comes to you with an experience? Anyway, i'll be really glad if someone would tell me something useful. Because it's a great game and i really enjoy spending my time in it. Thanks in advance!

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