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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Spess Mahren

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Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Content Unlocking Missions 1.12
« on: October 02, 2022, 02:25:13 AM »
You mean when you recovered it (which is supposed to be unrecoverable).

No as soon as it appears as more then a sensor blip on the campaign map it despawns without me ever interacting with it.

Disregard what I posted, the issue stemmed from a bad templars bootleg. I just got rid of it.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Content Unlocking Missions 1.12
« on: September 30, 2022, 04:10:14 AM »
Bug report, it seems the Bismar in Duzhak disappears the instant it fully appears on sensors.

How would you go about changing the probability of facing a autonomous defense fleet in SalvageGenFromSeed? I have a personal mod to set the strength of them to max at game start but with the change that lowered the probability of facing them if their strength is high I'm not fighting them as often as I like.

I have a question after reading the weapon description of the Vertice arm cannons on the Monjeau, they both do high explosive by default but mention being good anti-shield weapons and they have kinetic tags in the weapons file, is that because of the flux efficiency of the guns or was one of them supposed to deal kinetic but they got jumbled together along the way?

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Console Commands v2021.04.10
« on: July 19, 2021, 12:49:21 AM »
Would anyone know how to use the console to set the "level" of autonomous defenses to max at game start?
The code in question is in com\fs\starfarer\api\impl\campaign\rulecmd\salvage\ with the code suggested to me being
Global.getSector().getMemoryWithoutUpdate().setFloat(SalvageGenFromSeed.DEFEATED_DERELICT_STR, 1000);

I got it to work code goes like this for anyone interested.
runcode import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.rulecmd.salvage.SalvageGenFromSeed; Global.getSector().getMemoryWithoutUpdate().set(SalvageGenFromSeed.DEFEATED_DERELICT_STR, 1000);

Mods / Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« on: July 18, 2021, 07:09:12 PM »
They should be appearing similar to other hullmods you don't start knowing. Although the stronger ones vary in rarity, much like vanilla.

(Alternatively, it may be that I forgot to assign any factions to know them, and that causes them to not show up?)

Pretty sure that is the issue, none of the hull mods are unlocked in the hull_mods.csv so they they aren't given by default to the player or any faction with base_bp in known hullmods. There is also no faction files to tell the game what faction knows what specific hull mod, they can only sell what they know.

Also after checking you are going to have to add faction files for your arsenal mod weapons that aren't attached to a vanilla blueprint package or faction tag and are simply a rare_bp if you want them to show in markets.

Mods / Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« on: July 18, 2021, 05:35:54 AM »
Do the hull mods have to be scavenged off fleets/derelict stations and such? I'm not seeing any at markets despite searching quite a bit.

Where in the code is the "level" of autonomous defenses determined? I would like to make a personal mod to set the level to max right at game start, I just haven't had any luck finding out on my own.

Just wanted to report a few minor bugs, first Object 108's creep drive ship system regenerates charges so fast it never runs out of charges in the simulator even if you indefinitely hold down the ship system key. The Greasy has the wrong ship description, the Hornworks description calls it the Barbicon, and Soul in the Mercy system is missing the habitable condition. Last thing I want to ask is if it's intended that the domres Sapper and Hornworks don't receive any hull mods over the base model, just better weapon mounts.

Late edit, I forgot to mention that you should increase the market value of the remnant weapons for those of us that use nex and the remnant contact it adds, right now the remnant weapons are so cheap as a general rule they utterly obsolete quite a bit of stuff for your whole fleet once you get access to that contact.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.10 [6/1/21]
« on: June 13, 2021, 01:43:33 AM »
I wanted to ask, are the hidden ARS bases intended to be like normal markets or are they intended to act akin to pirate raider bases? I noticed they start with two, and in my current cycle 213 game they now have four, I use nex so the bases have already grown once or twice, and it seems they never get targeted by strike missions, bounties, invasions, or raids. Anargaia does sometimes get invasions/raids/etc.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v7.1.3)
« on: June 03, 2021, 02:18:25 PM »
Would it be possible for you to add the gate building option as a separate toggle? Really like being able to build them but I personally don't use the stable domain structures. Also I think it would be nice from a lore perspective if the gates we make are makeshift in name, look, and description. Lastly building them should unlock after you finish the quest line, perhaps with some exposition somewhere somehow to give at least a thin explanation why the player can create janky mini gates.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Commissioned Crews 1.999999gg
« on: May 26, 2021, 03:37:20 AM »
Bug report, I got the ARS commission hull mod as a regular drop from some planet ruins.

I wanted to ask if it was intended that black caps have neither guided_poor or do_not_aim, if anti-fighter is their job then they would want one of those tags, I find they can hit anything in their range regardless of firing angle so not having one of those tags by default makes auto aim sub optimal. Also it seems the shadowyards defense station blueprint will never spawn in the current version.

i've had the blueprint spawn, it was in the theramin military market for like 400k. but i for some reason can already build it without the blueprint, but i think that may just be a weird interaction with something else

I did some more checking, stelnet was no use do to the station using a custom spawning script from what I can gather, and it seems the station does have a chance to spawn. It just appears when the market is opened and its much more random where it will pop up then in 0.91.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.7 [5/18/21]
« on: May 20, 2021, 01:55:36 PM »
Is it intended that the society field bases no longer sell society blueprints in their military markets? Being limited to the ARS capital for blueprints makes it rather aggravating to collect blueprints from them.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Kadur Remnant 3.2.3 - life support 2021-03-27
« on: May 20, 2021, 01:52:32 PM »
Just wanted to report that something is buggy with the Kadur blueprint packages, they never seem to refresh. I noticed after a combination of using stelnet to remote check the markets and the fact that after buying all but one of the blueprint packages at the Revenant Gestalt no more ever spawned there.

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