« on: February 21, 2024, 04:03:37 PM »
I started a Nexerelin run with a Grendel and two Gremlins. The Grendel was given the "Support" autofit. I'm not one who usually pilots, but the "phase ship paralysis" mentioned irritated me to the point where I actually started piloting it just so that it would stop pussyfooting around and actually be effective.
I'm not the best pilot, and I have gotten blown to pieces multiple times, usually from either mistaking a Hammer for a Salamander or getting too overzealous with the phase cloak and eating a Reaper to the face.
I picked up two more Grendels, one as salvage from a deserter bounty, and another from a surplus purchase event, and have given both the support autofit. Now that my fleet has a bit more meat to it, they seem to be effective as flankers.
Overall, pretty good ship. I could probably do better if I was a better pilot or had more of a brain for ship design.