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Messages - spacepilot alex

Pages: [1] 2
my thanks goes out to
Upgradecap really thank you guys I appreciate it

You can change a fighters ship file to frigate, and you will  be able to command ONE of them.
and how i can do that can somebody give me a step by step help ??

I'm pretty sure there WAS a mod that allowed you to pilot the lead fighter in a "wing" (it made the lead fighter a frigate with the rest of your fighters as drones) but I'm not sure what happened to it...
interesting ...but i really wanted such a mod

General Discussion / Re: why was starfarer unnamed ?
« on: January 31, 2013, 08:30:08 PM »

business reasons, alex already said he won't say anything more....

hm i see sorry i don't visit the forums often i'm pretty outdated about starfarer/sector :(



I guess I just don't understand what the difference between piloting a frigate and a fighter are. There are only two things a fighter can do that a frigate can't: repair mid battle and fly over stuff. A frigate can be just as fast, has better defenses, has more weapons, customization, blah blah blah ect.
hm yeah but i was curious if that is possible ....

General Discussion / why was starfarer unnamed ?
« on: January 31, 2013, 08:10:30 PM »
just wondering...

Nope, you can't pilot fighter wings. AFAIK, there's no mod for it either.
damn ! this is bad ....can someone from you mod guys can do a mod that allows to fly fighter wings? i'm sure this will be good and i'm sure the others think the same .....

I wonder if there is a option/mod ? i'm glad if there is one i want to fly a wing and kill other ships
thanks a lot for help

General Discussion / Re: How old are we players? (poll)
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:13:56 PM »
i´m 18

Modding / Re: Charles Nelson Reilly portraits! (pictures added)
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:39:30 AM »
that was crazy pics my friend

Mods / Re: Weird Portrait pack (55+17 pictures) (pictures added)
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:31:51 AM »
hehe looks cool good work :D

Modding / Re: Tyrian 2000 ship + weapon + bullet sprites
« on: April 17, 2012, 03:08:24 PM »
The real question is: WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO?! It's windows!! Kill it with fire!!!!
Good sir, learn secrets of Windows Kernel and it will become your best friend :)

haha that was a good joke ask albert einstein :P

Modding / Re: Tyrian 2000 ship + weapon + bullet sprites
« on: April 16, 2012, 09:15:01 PM »

that was a nice story sir hehe i own windows 10 years that was a time :P im 18 but i still have windows xp

Windows is EVIL. It will get you, just you wait, when you least expect it, when everything is going just fine, it will get you.

well im sure i own that for the rest of my life hehe

Modding / Re: Tyrian 2000 ship + weapon + bullet sprites
« on: April 16, 2012, 08:09:11 PM »
Let me put it this way

Windows and I go way, way back. Back when it still had dos running underneath it and everything would be unrecognizable to modern windows users.
I was actually taught by my dad on how to use dos, I grew up on even older systems, with hardware that actually used caset (sp?) tapes as we now use hard disks, damn that time was awesome!

I have used it all the way up until even windows 7.

Then (just a few years ago) I was given linux by a friend, I started with ubuntu, bought a few books on the linux system, tried some other distributions and found crunchbang.

It was love on first sight.

I regret ever having spent time with that damned windows system, that pile of crap has caused me so much grief, such an unforgivable amount of annoyance I will never ever touch it again, not even to play my large collection of games, *** that ***, it's just not worth it.

Linux is not perfect by any means, but it is way beyond what windows will ever be.

All I can hope for now is more people making games that run on linux systems and I'm all good. Luckily there's stuff like the humble indy bundle, those are a great boon to starting over a new games collection.

And of course there's starfarer.

that was a nice story sir hehe i own windows 10 years that was a time :P im 18 but i still have windows xp

Modding / Re: Tyrian 2000 ship + weapon + bullet sprites
« on: April 16, 2012, 05:10:58 PM »
puuu pretty hard.i have try out to make a ship but its really really hard i need weeks  :-\

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