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Messages - Alliostra

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Oops! all fuel containers®

Suggestions / Re: A ruler for the map.
« on: September 27, 2021, 12:42:17 AM »
A tool to create a circle with a radius of x light years at any point of the map would be really nice too, currently the only way of getting a visual representation is to fly to the system with the megastructure and eject a part of your fuel reserves.

Blog Posts / Re: Of Slipstreams and Sensor Ghosts
« on: September 26, 2021, 10:58:15 AM »
I think one thing that could go a long way to make the half-a-cycle change appear more organic to the player would be to simply randomize the actual date where the slipstreams change by, say, a month and a half, and to make a smaller part of the network change at an earlier or later date than the rest does (although this would probably be harder to actually implement).
These irregularities shouldn't be severe enough to make people stop planning around the "seasons" of course, but I feel like a little bit of unreliability wouldn't hurt the system while making it that much more believable.
This could also allow for interesting (or annoying) scenarios to happen, such as the slipstreams persisting a bit longer then usual before changing, just long enough to allow you to rush to the defense of your colony in time- or the opposite of that.

Edit: Couldn't a special combat scenario while in a slipstream just be something small like the faster drain of PPT in a corona? The zero flux boost always being active or just a bit of extra bonus speed for all ships come to mind, and it doesn't seem like the AI would react strangely to that, as it can deal with getting a speed boost from Nav rating or having SO installed already.

Blog Posts / Re: Of Slipstreams and Sensor Ghosts
« on: September 25, 2021, 03:43:19 AM »
This looks amazing, I can't wait to travel through a giant pyrosome!  :D

[attachment deleted by admin]

General Discussion / Re: Fixing the Prometheus Mk.II
« on: September 17, 2021, 03:48:28 AM »
I think a simple buff through less DP cost, better flux stats, more armor or especially more OP would suffice to make the Prometheus more competitive.

However, one thing I'd like to see buffed is it's burn drive. In addition to it being cancelable for finer control, It should last longer and grant extra bonus speed (This could be explained by toggling SO on for the duration of the burn, which would explain it thematically and look very cool. Hell, what if it actually got ALL the SO effects while it's burn drive is active?).

This would not only make ramming maneuvers more easy to pull off, but it would also make the Prometheus function more like the rest of the LP ships which try to get into your face as fast as possible to overwhelm you with high firepower. The Prometheus currently cannot really do this to anything but the slowest capitals, and because the rest of a LP fleets flies (and breaks) so extremely fast, the battle is likely to be decided before the comparatively slow Prometheus even encounters it's first enemy ship.

I'd also like to see a slight bit of maneuverability to be left during regular burn drives, too, but with cancelable burns this might prove too powerful in the end.

General Discussion / Re: Build Two Items into new Paragon
« on: September 17, 2021, 01:27:40 AM »
I haven't used the Paragon extensively, but the hardened shields are a definitive pick here. Paragon can do armor and hull tanking when it's necessary, but it has good flux stats, a strong shield and a shield-boosting system, so boosting it's shields will get you much more mileage.

Technically you can easily beat the doritoes without skills or piloting, the question is just by how much you'll have to exceed the 30-ship fleet cap  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Do we really need Fragmentation damage ?
« on: September 14, 2021, 12:49:37 AM »
I usually prefer vulcans over machine guns, apart from SO builds that can actually get within machine gun range. They're much better at stopping missiles, a task which I've always found machine guns to be underwhelming for, as it's not uncommon for them to miss most of their shots if the missile or a fast fighter does not approach it directly in a straight line.

Flaks aren't underwhelming at all in their PD role due to their AoE, efficiency and reliability, and if you want a high firerate just use a dual flak or vulcans.  Not to mention that converting LAGs into PD costs extra OP and also makes other weapons target missiles, which might not always be what you want them to do.

Locusts already shred hull, giving it any damage type other than frag would make it too powerful against shields and armor, and nerfing it's damage down to 25% of it's nominal value would make it too bad at anything but destroying light fighters.

is an absolute beast.

Amusingly, you forgot to mention the only gun with frag damage that is actually worthless: the Thumper which is bad at everything and can't even deal significant damage to the bare hull of anything but the lightest armor due to it's low damage per shot.

As far as I'm concerned, frag damage has it's place in PD weapons which primarily fight low/no armor targets, while keeping them from melting regular ships with ease (imagine vulcan cannons with energy instead of frag damage).

General Discussion / Re: 0-flux speed boost question about realism
« on: September 13, 2021, 12:13:57 AM »
My headcanon regarding the 0-flux boost is that built-up flux interferes with whatever system keeps the ship from accelerating on and on, and moving too fast with built-up flux heavily stresses the deceleration system which puts a heavy strain on rest of the ship' systems. This is the main reason for why SO ships have worse PPT and faster CR degradation.

The reason for why it's a flat bonus might be that the 0-flux boost was never an intended by the domain, but instead it's the result of a small modification to the ship's computers that has become a standard in the sector. Due to anti-tampering mechanisms baked into the systems of every ship, there is only a single known bypass, and it just so happens to be that it increases the maximum allowed speed by a flat value regardless of hull type.

General Discussion / Re: On iron mode and the consequences of loss
« on: September 08, 2021, 11:14:20 AM »
I'd really like to see the changes you mentioned, this feels like a much better way of making being caught less punishing instead of removing consequences for being caught (almost) altogether through story points.

Another way to make escaping more viable would be by making progress in the clean disengage meter spawn your non-deployed ships closer to the escape zone in a pursuit scenario the closer you are to a clean disengage rating, so attacking with frigates and fast destroyers could buy your dominators and enforcers some time to make their way to the exit. This would also be a great encouragement to always have a few frigates in your fleet, too.

Suggestions / More distinction for Pirate hulls
« on: September 06, 2021, 11:18:56 AM »

Right now, most of the pirate ship versions are essentially just worse versions of the standard hulls. While this may be compatible with the lore with them being hacked and all, it also creates a large group of ships that lack any use when compared to their regular counterparts.
I suggest giving all pirate ships varying modifications similar to those the LP ship hulls get, ones that overall aren't really worth the downsides that they come with, but which still allow the ship to at least perform decently in a niche (like LP ships perform in having the highest damage output there is for about 20 seconds :D )

The nature of a ship could be completely changed similar to how it's changed in the pirate falcon. What if the pirate afflictor actually had no phase coil at all but heavier armor so it's allies can enjoy the entropy amplification for as long as possible? Or the pirate kite's jets could be replaced with a burn drive, and it's armor and mass would be increased heavily (ramming maneuver!). How about a pirate wolf that can mount missiles in it's small energy slot in exchange for the worse skimmer, 2 energy slots less and having less OP?
Or it could just be small, generally unfavorable tradeoffs that would still add a bit more character to the ship, like a pirate hound that's been modified for racing (fleeing) so it's faster but also loses a lot of armor and flux dissipation, or a pirate mule that actually has more OP than the standard variant but much worse shields and flux stats (non-essential components have been removed to add more shielded cargo space)

Another Idea regarding Pirate hulls I had is that pirate fleets should occasionally have weapons and ships that are not known by their faction, It seems weird that pirates only stick to using the same types of ships and weapons when they're all about, you know, plundering. These should by no means be common, and should always come with D-mods (since they've been blown up previously) so you can't farm pirate fleets for rare hulls with few d-mods.

And speaking of LP hulls, I think the ill-advised modifications should not be removable through restoration, as that just nets you inbuilt SO, at a heavy cost, sure, but it's still a huge improvement over pretty

What do you think about this? I'd love to hear your ideas for a few pirate ships variants   ;)

General Discussion / Re: A Veteran's Insight On Guns
« on: September 06, 2021, 12:37:05 AM »
I feel like the proximity charge launcher is not that terrible. Sure, you might want to put something more impactful into a medium missile slot, but it deals very good AoE damage not only against fighters but also against missiles and their low velocity means that you'll usually have a few bombs in front of your ship that will destroy incoming missiles and fighters. It's pretty overpriced for what it does though and it definitely needs more ammo too if it wants to compete with non-missile PD.

Not to mention that it gets coolness points for being flingable with plasma burn.

General Discussion / Re: Killing Pirate Bases
« on: September 04, 2021, 09:55:54 AM »
The stations located in the core worlds can't be destroyed, otherwise they'd all be gone very quickly due to warring factions and pirate raids destroying them. Randomly-generated pirate and pather bases outside the core worlds, however, can be destroyed completely, and after some time they'll build a new base somewhere else.

Suggestions / Re: Separate Fleet and Officer skills
« on: June 29, 2021, 03:21:04 AM »
That is one way to do it. A second idea would be to let you designate one officer as a "Second in Command" who is assigned to your own ship, and they would provide the player's combat skills.

This idea sounds great, being able to choose between different sets of skills instead of being locked to always piloting the same ship type that gets the most out of your combat skills would be really nice. Would also allow you to play without active skills so you can get a better feeling for how well your build really works without skills in non-simulator combat.

I really like the idea of being able to slightly maneuver the ship while burn driving. If you've ever used an SO enforcer, you know how clunkily it turns despite it's high speed, burn drive should have a similar, albeit more pronounced effect on maneuverability to allow for finer control (and more successful ramming). Bonus points if burn drive also increases ramming damage.
Besides, the ship just flying in a 100% straight during full burn doesn't really feel natural to me.

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