General Discussion / Re: if your fleet had a theme song/s what would it be.. or they be.
« on: March 06, 2012, 07:12:57 PM »
black hawk down
Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)
Honestly I don't think ships should explode in space, as unless the ships are actually touching there's no transfer of energy. So maybe it should be changed to fragmentation damage instead of explosive and have the hitbox reduced?if you are referring to the explosion damage that is taken if your ship is too close to an exploding cruiser believe me a most power sources strong enough to power a ship while staying practical would explode in a way that would create a lot of radiation, heat, and possibly a shock wave that travels through different parts of the space time continuum.
well then you could balance by making the hoplite's ships primarily forward firing with very few rear or side facing weapons?can i offer some advice?
Forget the balancing make the Hoplite ships super tough after all the real Greek Hoplites took years of training almost from birth balance them by making them really really REALLY expensive
BTW the closest thing that Firefox could come up with for spell checking Hoplite was shop lifter
I don't think the tech should mirror their historic prowess in battle. Then I would rather just use senior personnel to ground their capabilities in game terms. However I feel like they should be more of an underdog faction, since their main concern is resisting being annexed by particularly the TT or Hegemony. Besides it will be difficult to achieve a sense of "fun" when meeting OP ships in battle that just obliterates your fleet. I feel like any fleet should have a strenghts & weaknesses, not only in price & numbers.
The way I am hoping to balance the ships is through their preferences in loadouts. The ships are exhibiting only energy & missile weapons, so the opposing fleet should focus on safety and defence, maybe kill off some lesser ships but focus on surviving the missile onslaught. Once the missile barrage thins out, it should be possible to overcome the opposing fleet if you have not yet suffered too heavy casualities and are in control of some controlpoints.
The problem lies in not making the initial missile punch too massive. Sabbots are often very limited but is the best way of punching through shields. The alternative is gravitonbeams but they are difficult to overload destroyers or larger with, so survive the sabbots and you should have a good chance.
On the flipside, the many missiles means that large lowtech ships often are barraged quickly to death, so they need PD help at times :/