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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - AccuracyThruVolume

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Mods / Re: [0.97.XX] Battlefleets of the Gothic Sector (Space Dwerfs!)
« on: November 08, 2024, 09:34:22 PM »

Acutally I was working on the Void Stalker.  Was about 60% done.    But things can and are being rebuilt.  It's back in progress once again.  This will lead to the creation of the fighters as well.  My preferred way to start a new faction.   

Ship suggestion Imperator Somnium as a special ship  :)

Hmmm I'm not familiar with that one, will look it up :-)

Cool mod, I like broadsides, shame the AI has absolutely no idea how to use Imperium ships, they will literally sit and hide behind you every fight watching you get beamed by the entire enemy fleet. Sometimes they'll wiggle back and forth at the target I ordered them to fight, missing every salvo. Rage inducing, happened LITERALLY every single fight. The most useful the AI can be is getting in the way of every Nova cannon shot, just the worst. I'm sure this is a Starsector issue and nothing to do with the mod, very sad.

Yeah the AI is not the best with broadsides.   It is what it is.  A custom AI would need to be written to handle it better and that is beyond my knowledge base at this time.  Also I have more factions yet to make.

This ship I think should have a cargo capacity rivaling that of the Mass Universe Conveyors.
In my game it had a massive capacity of 600.
While the Conveyor had something like 12000 capacity.

The Gal leath was first a colony/cargo ship before being a battleship so it would be at least nice to have a purely merchant version of all their merchant/explorer ships being used for their main purpose. Trade/Logistics.

In mod balance wise the Explorer starship does do better than Imperial battleships of it's size. Feels a bit like the Tau are a bit more DP efficient than the Imperium. Though that might not be a bad thing.

If possible it would be nice to get all the ship statistics listed on the main page of this mod. And I think there are some hold over weapons that got left in the blueprints list. I found myself being able to loot prow mounted nova cannons and lances from raids on New Meridian.
And the font for New Meridian was a weird lowercase in my playthrough for some reason.

If anyone has made a discord for this mod, I would be interested in joining.

Yeah The Tau deliver a lot of kinetic dmg, which is pretty good against Imperium.   The couter balance for Tau is the Orks as they have a harder time with them.   I will take a look at the cargo of the tau ships you mentioned.   I don't want to completely invalidate the need for transport ships either.

Mods / Re: [0.97.XX] Battlefleets of the Gothic Sector (Space Dwerfs!)
« on: October 02, 2024, 08:08:41 AM »

I have suffered a catastrophic SSD crash.
Unfortunately this was also the drive where all my mod source files were located.  I was able to recover a few things off the drive for other mod projects before it went fubar, but not this one.   I was in progress of starting the next faction, So I lost few wip sprites.   

Actually this means I lost all rulebooks, reference library, and all sprite source files.   The mod itself survived, being on another drive.  Also the download link means it's offsite anyway.

Let this be a reminder, backup your files regularly, don't be the dumb like me.

The mod will continue, but this means don't expect any real new content update for several months (doing a new faction takes awhile anyway).

I may take this naughty drive to a data recovery place, but they want $$$$$ and that is simply not in the budget at this time.

Update time.  V0.5.2

The space Dwerfs make an appearance:

* Added Demiurg Stronghold, an incredibly rare and unique ship.  Players will have to discover it's location as it was rumored lost somewhere out in the void...
* Added Demiurg Bastion
* Added Demiurg Citadel

* Added Demiurg Fighter
* Added Demiurg Bomber

* Added Demiurg Mining Torpedo
* Added Demiurg Mining Missile (Fighter)

For now the Demiurg ships should be rarely seen in the largest of TAU fleets, and will make use of TAU weapons in their turret slots.   I may make some Demiurg specific ones.

Yes Eldar are likely next.  They will be a faction of entire phase ships, representing their holo-fields.  Should be a faction that is different to play.  Weather that means they are balanced, OP, or trash... we'll have to see.


Hmmm, undecided on Imperium sub-factions.   Space marines could stand alone.  Admech seems more likely a sub.

Yes for any ship that doesn't have the correct hangar equipped to use it   ;)

Eldar are definitely one of them.  Hmmm are their useable votann ships?   Off to google things.....

Greetings Neopetkyrii.

Sub-chaos factions are a "not a this time" kind of answer.  There are still at least 2 other factions to get to that haven't been touched that could make for player factions, and at least 2 others for purely things to fight against.   Perhaps somewhere down the line.  Some like a nurgle ship does sound intriguing.

Also sunshineandfireball,

Yes but the Necrons would be one of the "play against factions".  Having standard conversations with them...would not really fit.

After getting the urge to mod the list of ship names for my faction, I found a mod that does that, altered it for my purposes (purely for my personal use, I'm not intending to distribute it and claim credit for someone else's work), but in the process I was looking at the vanilla ship names list and there's a #'d out section for names for specific ship classes. Is there a way to specify which names go to which class?

Ah, that's very old and I don't think it ever actually was implemented.

Also, on a slightly different but related note, is it possible to have some sort of toggle so that names aren't re-used unless there are no names left on the list?

There isn't sorry!

No problem in either case, just curious :) Thanks!

My solution to the ship names was to just make a list of over one thousand names for every faction in my mod.  Should make repeats kinda rare  :-)


I am working on a beam weapon that does additional damage based on the flux level of the ship that fires the beam.

Here is my code:

package data.scripts.weapons;

import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.WeaponAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BeamAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BeamEffectPlugin;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.CombatEngineAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.CombatEntityAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.util.IntervalUtil;

public class DemiurgCuttingBeam implements BeamEffectPlugin

    private final IntervalUtil fireInterval = new IntervalUtil(0.1f, 0.1f); //interval between applying flux
    private float FluxLevel = 0f;
    private float MaxFluxLevel = 0f;
    private float FluxPercentage = 0f;

    private float BaseBeamDamageMulti = 0f;

    public static String DAMAGE_MOD_ID = "demiurgmining_dam_mod";

    public void advance(float amount, CombatEngineAPI engine, BeamAPI beam)

        if (engine.isPaused())


        CombatEntityAPI target = beam.getDamageTarget();
        //If we have a target, target is a Ship
        if (target != null && target instanceof ShipAPI)
            if (fireInterval.intervalElapsed())
                if (beam.getBrightness() >= 1f)
                    ShipAPI targetship = (ShipAPI) target; //cast as ship
                    ShipAPI firingship = beam.getSource();

                    FluxLevel = firingship.getCurrFlux();
                    MaxFluxLevel = firingship.getMaxFlux();
                    FluxPercentage = ((FluxLevel/MaxFluxLevel) * 100);

                    if (FluxPercentage < 20 )
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 1;
                    else if ((FluxPercentage >= 20 ) &&  (FluxPercentage < 30 ))
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 2;
                    else if ((FluxPercentage >= 30 ) &&  (FluxPercentage < 40 ))
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 3;
                    else if ((FluxPercentage >= 40 ) &&  (FluxPercentage < 50 ))
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 4;
                    else if ((FluxPercentage >= 50 ) &&  (FluxPercentage < 60 ))
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 5;
                    else if ((FluxPercentage >= 60 ) &&  (FluxPercentage < 70 ))
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 6;
                    else if ((FluxPercentage >= 70 ) &&  (FluxPercentage < 80 ))
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 7;
                    else if (FluxPercentage >= 80 )
                        BaseBeamDamageMulti = 8;

                    if (target.getShield() != null && target.getShield().isWithinArc(beam.getTo()))  // target has a shield, beam hits shield
                        targetship.getFluxTracker().increaseFlux(BaseBeamDamageMulti * beam.getWeapon().getDerivedStats().getDps(), false); //apply flux
                    else if (target.getShield() == null || (!(target.getShield().isWithinArc(beam.getTo()))))  // No Shield or not hitting target's shield
                        if (BaseBeamDamageMulti > 1)
                            targetship.getMutableStats().getBeamDamageTakenMult().modifyMult(DAMAGE_MOD_ID, 1f + BaseBeamDamageMulti * 0.01f);



It does seem to compile and do the additional damage as flux raises.
My question is, can this code as above cause the additional damage multiplier to stay on the target ship and not be removed?  If so is there a more reliable way to remove the damage multiplier?

I love all of this, Throne bless you and your efforts.

At the risk of sounding heretical, are Necrons on the docket?

Necrons would be a future faction that would be non-interactable and purely hostile.   Similar to [Redacted]

There is at least one more faction to be playable yet to make first.

Recon scans of the Tau inhabited area have picked up a disturbing data intercept.   Appears to be a type of unknown craft that differs from Tau designs.   Likely an affiliated race...

Update Time !   8)

V0.5.1:  MAOR Greater-Gooder-er  Edition.

+ Hero Starship (cruiser) and variant
+ Merchant Starship (cruiser) and variant

+ Explorer Starship (Capital Ship) and variant

+ Tau Blueprints

Next will be to tackle the Demiurg sub-faction ships, which might take a moment since it's gonna take some improvising / investigating of their weapons

Yup, this can be considered an intro to the Tau faction.  They still need a lot of work including blueprints which I think I forgot and there are several other cap ships and cruisers to add in yet.  Enjoy   8)

Mods / Re: [0.96.XX] Battlefleets of the Gothic Sector (Chaos Logistics)
« on: February 12, 2024, 12:36:31 AM »
tau will be cool :)
maybe the mod will be updated with them on a Tausday  :)

Tausday... LOL

Well it's prolly Tausday somewhere, so...  Update Time!

V.0.5.0:   The Greater Good Enters the fray:

+ mod updated for new version of Starsector (0.97) 
+ Added Tau faction with several ships:


Tigershark AX-1-0
DX6 Remora

Support ships (cargo and Fuel haulers)




Emissary (Bor Kan Configuration)
Emissary (Dal Yth Configuration)
Emissary (Sa Cea Configuration)



Capital Ship

Custodian Battleship

An Assortment of Tau weapons:

Tau Burst Cannon
Tau Blaster

Tau Railgun
Tau Heavy Railgun

Tau Ion Cannon
Tau Fusion Blaster
Tau Fusion Collider
Tau Fusion Eradicator
Tau Pulse Ordnance Accelerator Cannon

Other then the burst cannon, railguns, and the Ion Cannon, the lore is a bit thin on Tau ship weapons.   Therefore some improvising was done.  Turned out that Tau are specialists with their large energy weapons, have several nifty bits of ordnance in their arsenal.

First Post updated with images and such.

* Refactored Nex faction configs.   
* Added Orks as a playable faction for Nex.

With some discord help I was able to get my code working for my fusion blaster.

Here it is in case anyone else can make use of it:

package data.scripts.weapons;

import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipEngineControllerAPI.ShipEngineAPI;
import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector2f;

import com.fs.starfarer.api.Global;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.*;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.CombatEngineAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.CombatEntityAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipEngineControllerAPI;

public class FusionBlasterOnFireEffect implements OnFireEffectPlugin

        public static final float OVERLOADCHANCE = 10f;
public static final float FLAMEOUTCHANCE = 1f;

private ShipEngineControllerAPI shipengine;

public void onFire(DamagingProjectileAPI projectile, WeaponAPI weapon, CombatEngineAPI engine)
ShipAPI ship = weapon.getShip();
// Percentage chance (1 - 100)
int rndChance = (int)Math.round((Math.random() * 99)+ 1);

if (rndChance <= OVERLOADCHANCE)
if (!ship.getEngineController().getShipEngines().isEmpty())
for(ShipEngineControllerAPI.ShipEngineAPI eachengine : ship.getEngineController().getShipEngines())
int rndChance2 = (int)Math.round((Math.random() * 99)+ 1);
if (rndChance2 <= 33)

if (rndChance <= FLAMEOUTCHANCE)

Mods / Re: [0.96.XX] Battlefleets of the Gothic Sector (Chaos Logistics)
« on: February 07, 2024, 08:51:25 PM »
V 0.5.0 is on the way, it will update the mod for the new starsector version and also introduce the Tau.

I have one weapon effect I'm stumbling on that I have to solve and then mod will be releasable.   Stay tuned   8)

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