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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - AllanV

Pages: [1]
Garnir deciv
If you think that's bad, I had SEVERAL games in the last version where SINDRIA deciv'd
Fuel prices skyrocketed like they did IRL

I've been babysitting Askonia on my current game because they just keep losing for some reason. I had to do something because rhe Sindria crisis won't start.

It's weird how events pan out when off-screen. At one point, I had 4 defence fleets orbiting Volturn and somehow the invasion fleet still got to the ground and won. But when I reloaded and went there personally, it was just one lonely Heg invasion fleet that only has cruisers and Atlases.

Ofc, since I'm already watching, my defence fleets along with one Sindrian Grand fleet were suddenly motivated to work and pummeled it to oblivion. It wasn't "evenly matched" as the reports claimed.

General Discussion / Re: 0.96a World seed
« on: October 30, 2023, 12:34:06 AM »
Got this seed from here and plugged it in a Nex game, got good results.

Seed: AN-135556437129712166

Mods: Nex, Better Colonies, Terraforming & Station Construction + libs, portait packs etc.

Info: Qades system, Nav buoy + 2 stable points, Remnant activity (med, no base), 9 LY from Cryosleeper, 10LY SE of Galatia with clear path

Random invasion fleets with dozens of capitals is very annoying. It is doesn't make sense.

Indeed, I did a head count on one such fleet, ran it through a calculator and my agents' intel reports and concluded that the cost of that one fleet was greater than five years GDP of that entire nation.  Yet the game spawns fleets like these every two minutes.

In a more realistic scenario the fleet sizes of nations would be limited by their number of heavy industries, nanoforges and total income.  If you want to get more detailed then factor in things like the availability of ship hulls commodities.  This would make selective targeting of a nations' infrastructure a valid strategy, instead of what we have now - namely, grinding our way through infinite waves of magic fleet spawns.
Exactly this. Agreed with every word. I need to experiment - create invasion fleet and see what it cost to move it from system to system with occasional fights.

Is it possible to edit outpost settings? I want remove supplies and fuel generation.
Also did invasion points generation depends on ships types or it is generic? Its 24000 for Hegemony fleet with 30 battleships and 24000 for TT with 30 wolves?

Is this being considered? If it is, can we also have an option to sell ships to an up and coming invasion fleet? You know like the trade missions where we deliver supplies and goods but this time we deliver slightly-used/pre-loved (read: structurally damaged) Onslaughts at premium prices for more war profiteering enjoyment?

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