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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: New music for Galatia Academy (06/12/24)

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Messages - SONZ-INA

Pages: [1]
Mods / Re: [0.96a] Unofficial New Game Plus 2.2.0 (2023/5/7)
« on: April 07, 2024, 01:48:50 PM »
Came here to say if anybody's having any issues with the mod crashing and the crash log contains something like CombatTag or similar, it's not the UNGP's fault but some other mod. I just had to manually enable-disable a batch-by-batch of mods to figure out that I had an outdated mod (Traverser Design Bureau) which had UNGP_rules.csv inside it which is not supported.
If you wanna figure out what mod causes it to crash, check some comments on this thread some people have listed some mods that have similar issues (you might have them enabled), which is most likely due to that UNGP_rules.csv. Simply delete it in the mod files (the mod's files, not UNGP files) and you can play with the mod enabled, it won't crash anymore.

Hi, this is my first time playing since the Governance Types were introduced, i made a colony on a class V planet, a really good one, and since i want as much money as possible (lmao) i've changed it to Corporate Governance. However this in turn instantly made my stability go to 0 resulting in negative income. I've built 3 industries and a lot more buildings to support the growth of the colony which never went in positive, and it resulted in even more negative income since the stability is still 0, so it literally can't go in positive, resulting in the stability remaining at 0 since that's the perk of the governance type. Then after a couple of months the planet rebelled and "died", i couldn't save it even if i cheated in 4k heavy armanents.
I played around with cheats and set the market size to 5 before the rebellion happened (reverted save), this resulted in exponentially more negative income and stability is STILL 0. Changing the governance type to vanilla, it worked as intended (a lot more positive growth and positive income). Am i in the wrong or is this not supposed to happen?

Suggestions / Re: API request thread (please read OP before posting!)
« on: October 10, 2023, 11:19:32 AM »
I don't know if this has been requested, but it would be nice to have some kind of WeaponSlot listener? Something like onInstalled() / onRemoved().

For example, the current problem I have is setting a slot's Arc. I want a weapon I'm modding to always have 360 arc because of it's nature, but when I use the setArc() function, it persists even after uninstalling the weapon. I created a function that would reset that, but the problem is when all weapons get uninstalled, the script gets destroyed and the slot's arc remains at 360. For that exact reason, the setArc() for WeaponSlotAPI isn't very useful.

It would be amazing if we could have onInstalled() / onRemoved() functions for weapons/weaponslots (or even hullmods?).

Also, since we have setUnaffectedBySpeedBonuses() for weapons, we should have setUnaffectedByRangeBonuses() as well.
I want to have a weapon with fixed range, unaffected by range bonuses. Yes you can do it with math and a lot of code, but it isn't a really clean solution.

Is there a way to set a slot's, or weapon's arc to a value, and it resets to default when changing to other weapon?
Example: If i install a custom weapon and i set it's Arc to 360 via code, and then uninstall it, the Arc will go back to the Ship's default.
Can't really get it to work with code, so i'm wondering if there's an easier (or existing) solution.

Is there a way to remove the UI for arc radius on a weapon?
The weapon will still have range, it'll still work, however the arc display HUD will just not show up for those weapons.
I see that there's a displayArcRadius for weapons, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Modding / Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« on: September 21, 2023, 10:49:35 AM »
Would be nice to have this one updated if possible, since it's in 0.96 now I believe:

Any updates on the Valkyrians? The ships look stunning

I don't know where else to ask. I've searched on the internet and literally nothing helps.
I want to edit Industrial Evolution for the engineering hub to give 100% completion of a blueprint 'cause i don't wanna bother gathering like 4 blueprints per 'payout', and i basically need to edit values, and re-compile it.
When i use javac with the specified path, i get like 360 errors. However i changed absolutely nothing except the values.
I just need that one re-compiled so i can change it inside the actual .jar file. When i don't recompile it, the mod crashes on startup.
Am i missing something? Do i need to recompile the entire de-compiled folder? how do i do that?

Hi, does anyone know how can i change the percentage rate progress of Reverse Engineering?
I have opened the files and edited the valuemap. values to 1f but it doesn't seem to work...

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Very low FPS
« on: January 06, 2023, 09:19:32 AM »
Is your graphics driver older than Oct 2022? AMD fixed their OpenGL to a good degree with that driver version so the game should run better from then on. You can get version 22.11.2 WHQL here. Make sure to "clean install".

Yes, LWJGL and AMD OpenGL do not play nicely together but with the latest driver it's very playable.

Also, if you run GraphicsLib, you can try going into GRAPHICS_OPTIONS.ini in the mod folder and setting  "enableShaders":false, to get some more FPS.

Alright man, forgot to say that i didn't have GraphicsLib enabled, and the main problem was that i was getting 35ish FPS even in vanilla, but updating the drivers like you said worked.
I now have ~120fps on average with these.
thanks so much :)

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Very low FPS
« on: January 06, 2023, 09:03:20 AM »
thanks, i'll try it out.
I think my driver version is adrenaline march 2022. Never bothered to update them since with every update they messed up the streaming/recording software which i use a lot.

As for the graphicslib, i tried it out already, didn't help.
Hopefully the drivers will fix it. They added this whql that wasn't there before.
will update soon with results.

Bug Reports & Support / Very low FPS
« on: January 06, 2023, 06:51:56 AM »

RX580 8gb VRAM
Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz
16gb DDR4 3200MHz
I game the game 8gb of RAM.

I've always had FPS problems with this game, and i don't know for the life of me what to do with it. It's an amazing game but i cannot play in 40FPS.

When using mods, just flying around drops me to 21FPS, and when using speedup mod it drops to 15FPS, at first i thought it was because of the heavily modded game, but then i turned off all the mods did a clean install and ran the game vanilla (with 8gb RAM changes), only to find out i have around 45-52 FPS when not moving. It drops to a staggering 35FPS when just flying around which is nonsense.

I've read a couple of posts and it seems that's because i have an AMD card, but every game i've ever played, no matter the graphical demand it would ran at 60+ fps, depending on what graphical preset i play at.
Starsector does not seem like a graphical-heavy game, it's something else.

Does anyone have any suggestions? playing the game on 30-40fps is really wearing down my ability to play, and that's vanilla.
Is the game even using my GPU?

Discussions / I've put a certain sound effect as a phone notification
« on: September 30, 2020, 10:36:33 AM »
If you wanna have a 'cool' notification sound when a notification pops up on your phone, go through starsector-core files, into sound, and find the 'colony raid' sound. Set it as your notification sound.
I did this and i'm actually flinching every time i get a message. I don't know why i'm doing this to myself

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