Just in case there is any misunderstanding : You don't actually need to put a Large Ballistic in the Large Ballistic slot to get the highest benefit of Ballistic Rangefinder. You could put a HVD in there and it would have 1100 range all by itself.Oh yeah I'm aware, and it's cool that it works that way. I just don't see myself putting any medium ballistic on a Manticore as that large ballistic is pretty much the whole point of the ship. I'm just glad that a Mjolnir build can mostly work with enough skills, I've always wanted a ship that can use this weapon and not feel bad.
Admittedly, this is a support build to go with Eradicators, but I still feel like Mjolnir is too hungry for this ship.The shield shunt seems to help a lot with the poor flux management on the Manticore imo.Spoiler(https://i.imgur.com/74qEoSw.png)[close]
The first thing that comes to mind when I see medium missile slots on a smallish hull? Pilum massIf you are going to spam out 12 Destroyers like that, they don't need Expanded Missile Racks when they all have Pilums. Try putting Nav Relay or Converted Hangar(Wasp wing) on them instead.
The first thing that comes to mind when I see a large ballistic slot on a small hull? Gauss
With the manticore you can now have both meme builds in one ship!
Works surprisingly well, 12 of these took out 2 paragons losing only 1 ship.
I'd even go so far as to say that build has more dissipation than it strictly needs and it could cut the vents down by 10 to add move caps or hullmods! Which is a crazy thing to say about a low tech build.