My feedback takes a lot from what you already wrote, but still I have something to add:
- now more than ever I felt the need of some consequence for my action. After building a sizeable fleet I tried to seize "control" of some pirate sub-system... until they endless piled on me and ate all my CR. Their fleets keep spawning like rabbits during the mating period. We are just looking at the iceberg's tip of this campaign, I know it is normal that the game is like this now, I'm just depressed that I cannot influence the status quo of anything on all these system, just some inconsequential shortage which is going to solved at some point, since my CR do not allow for unending pressure.
- I'm very much stressed by how much it costs to maintain a fleet, and how few income venues I have. Later in my quest of conquest, I resolved in laying in ambush in the Luddic yellow nebula, waiting for a big patrol to ambush and squeeze for supplies. That or going back to be an errand boy, for this or that merchant, which is silly having a fleet of capitals and destroyers. In few words: the quests do not take into account who you are and what you could do. (as before, this is prone to be expanded, but still, this could already be in place so I feel it is ok to mention)
Side note: did they nerf the paragon? Since I "finished" the game I cheated to helm the paragon... man it is underwhelming. With my gorgeous Onslaught I dove into the enemy fleet, guns blazing, Maulers and Hephaestus mauling frigates, and never had to rise my shield. With the paragon I get swarmed in a blink since I'm a sitting duck, and with most of energy weapons having a flux-damage ratio ridicule and it is bursty, missing a kill with a salvo of a big gun means you are probably overloading. Dunno what happened, I remember a full lvl character could own fleets with a paragon, with ease. Man i missed the nerf somewhere
This game is addicting. I stopped played in wait of the new releases. I experimented a bit with an array of mods but ultimately I feel I have not seriously played SS in quite a lot of months. But then, I launch the updated game, build my new commander, and already the blood is rising wait of the challenges ahead... iron mode, do you even lift?
The sensor mechanic is already mature enough to be of use "almost" form the get go (I stayed ON for most of my firsts few hours, I understood what other fleets were doing at it was awesome).I felt a lot like in a submarine, with every ping revealing the larger but also yourself, I guess it is literally the same mechanic, nevertheless it felt good.
The little snippets of lore are awesome. I totally read every description of every planet and station. Side note here: 2 layers of description often of the same length are a bit redundant. Isn t better to have a much more generic tooltip on the star map, and a very detailed story board once I click on it? Now I often need to pause to read all the description while traveling, only to find another layer of narration on a deeper level. (kudos for the peripheral planet with those mass drivers launching water and other organics to the inner planets, that is very clever concept)
The combat is mind-blowing as usual. Aggressive captains suiciding with my destroyers 2 times per battle is the routine, and yet there are those epic moments where I rush forward with my Onslaught, creating a barrage of ordinance to shield my fellow captain from a deadly salvo of missiles and eventually interposing my MUSCULAR AND OILED body amor between me and his ship, allowing his retreat. Ah such cool moments.
Love you all.