Buffalo, Buffalo, Hound, Buffalo, Hound, Hound, Buffalo...
Hehe, didn't notice all those until you mentioned it.
I'm surprised how different the coloration on the Sunder (U) is compared to the Sunder - I didn't pay close attention to mine, but I don't recall it looking substantially different to me.
Also, my eye is drawn to the support fighter in the SS+ set - it's
purple. We have plenty of blue, off-blue, and muddy-blue ships, but that's the one and only whose average color is purple.
These are also super handy for appreciating the scale of the game.
Huh, I don't remember my Decurion being hot-rod red. (or my Interrex, for that matter) Is that just a result of averaging the brown greebles into the yellow?Whoops, those are the (D) variants, nevermind!