Silly request that I've had for a long time:
Can you make the time acceleration key toggle-able on Linux/Windows installs? I hear that it works that way on Macs, but I don't have one, so I've never been able to experience that wonderful feature.
Like seriously half my time on the campaign map is spent with my left hand permanently pushing the shift key. At first this doesn't seem like a big deal, but after a few hours of play it begins to get a little bit aggravating.
If we're being honest, it's more of a bug that it works that way on a Mac (but only if bound to the Caps Lock key).
Beyond that, my thoughts on it: personally, I prefer the "hold to <do whatever>" behavior, so it'd need to be a UI toggle to toggle the behavior one way or the other. The way the game is now, the time speedup is a necessity. However, I'd love for the campaign gameplay to get to the point where it either wasn't necessary at all, or just wasn't necessary nearly as much. I also have some concerns about being to support it as the Sector gets larger, as it basically demands double the performance, though there are probably ways to work around that.
Anyway, what all that boils down to is me not wanting to mess with it right now, until it's clear which way it's going to go. Apologies

Did the Pilum range bug get fixed? They move slower now and I remember hearing their flight time wasn't changed to compensate.
Yep, that's fixed.