i dont have the corrupted save any more but will b glad send log file there have been other crashes but don't remember the specifics.
i have had other thoughts on game like when i do cap a ship that has a captain why do i lose that stolen captain when i mothball and store the ship?
also i don't know about other ppl but me i have never or rarely made any $ doing trades (except buying low end newb crew and selling high end elite crew or when there is a massive price increase from a shortage) any thoughts there?
as for hiding the trades it's a lil hard to hide 115k bm trades with 5k legit trades

but there are no legit trades at a pirate base lol and as a pirate can't really do any legit trading as all markets (except neutral atm) are banned from me.
i constantly get into fights where i take on 50 or 100+ ships ( yes i do win) law of averages would state there b more then 1 ship that can be captured but as it currently is m lucky to even get 1 ship that i can cap is that something else being looked into? maybe cap more than 1 ship at a time divide mercs up so many ship a so many ship b etc by selecting the number of mercs i want to attack ship a and ship b?
bounty missions go kill so and so at location so and so always affects the pirate rep how about other bounties for other factions or have all bounty kill so and so missions not mess with any faction rep as it's a specific target not a faction target?