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Author Topic: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3c "Planet Tales" (fixes 2025-01-26)  (Read 3522715 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4980 on: December 04, 2022, 05:36:50 PM »

Can my faction or my Alliance faction use my awakened gates?
NPCs can't use gates, and it probably wouldn't be feasible for me to change this :-X

I noticed an issue but it seems like for invasions the game isn't properly calculating if it's outmatched or not.  An invasion fleet with 3 flotillas was labeled outmatched against a 400% fleet power fleet, but the actual ships were able to easily beat the fleets using the auto-resolve mechanic.  That indicates to me that the fleets aren't being calculated accurately. I also noticed that invasion fleets similarly are always "evenly matched" even when it's overwhelming in advantage, and it's basically impossible to see an invasion fleet spawn that's not powerful enough to actually invade a planet (of like a few dozen invasions that happened of my planets, only one was unsuccessful without player intervention).
By auto-resolve do you mean you actually go into the system and watch the fleets fight each other?

The strength estimate and 'far' autoresolve (when player isn't anywhere near the system, so the fleets are purely abstracted instead of appearing on campaign map) just adds up the strength in 'fleet points' for the attacking and defending faction, and compares the two numbers.
But if the player is close enough that fleets are actually generated, they can end up doing things like repeatedly the invasion fleets always locally overpowering patrols that fail to concentrate force against the attackers. Or conversely, they could wander into a hostile third party's battlestation and die that way.

HOWEVER even in far autoresolve the estimate still seems unreliable. Next playthrough I'll probably make it print debug data to show the actual strengths of participating fleets and see if funky things are going on.

EDIT:  I also noticed, but if a colony gets Decivilized none of the factions seem interested in trying to recolonize it.
Factions can resettle decivilized colonies that the specific faction previously owned (and should do so with a very high priority if it was a core world colony). The faction that previously owned the colony may just not have been picked for colony expeditions; else, I may need to look into it.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4981 on: December 05, 2022, 01:23:00 AM »

Here's some example of weird colonization oversights in my current playthrough:

Seems like they eventually did recolonize some of them, but there's still a lot of decivilized worlds from frequent invasions that weren't ever reclaimed.  Maybe they're too marginal even if they're habitable?  Not sure.  I did scoop up a couple of the ones that were decivlized (like Diable Avionic's Silvie, a class V)

Also, is it possible to get some tweaks to the reputation system to make it a bit less... silly at times?  Transponders are a pretty big one, even factions who are Welcoming, Friendly, and even Cooperative still get pissy about transponders even if you're "well known across the faction" and are willing to go to war over it.  No diplomatic immunity if you're an established faction, no ignoring the violation if you're friendly to them, no bribing them to look the other way, and they'll still bother you even if you're clearly an invasion fleet looking to gobble up any flounders that wander near you on your way to invade their world while running dark (Really, pickets should maintain contact on much larger fleets if their transponders are off rather than suicide diving to ask them about their license plates).

Similar case with Colony creation, if a faction is "Cooperative" and you're benefiting from trade concessions, that ought to cover establishing a colony in their systems and probably shouldn't ever do expeditions on your faction.  It's kinda like if Britian sent in a team to sabotage or capture the industries of a france principality, it just doesn't make sense to do so given the political climate.  Or if Germany attacked a US military base inside of their borders, just doesn't make a lot of sense.

Maybe worth looking at Saturation Bombings too, the AI factions don't seem to care reputation wise if it happens between two AIs, but if the player does it you get into a hot war with everyone.  Realistically, it should have a more gradual curve.  Allies of the faction that got bombed should get a pretty sizable loss in reputation (let's say 30-40) with you, neutrals to the faction that got bombed lose maybe like 20 reputation with you, and enemies lose maybe 10 reputation with you if any at all.  It should also apply to AI factions as it's kinda weird that factions will saturation bomb each other and that seems to matter less to the political climate of the system than a jilted wedding arrangement. 
« Last Edit: December 05, 2022, 01:36:30 AM by Reshy »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4982 on: December 05, 2022, 06:01:32 PM »

Marie-Galante is already decivilized at the start of the game. Perinthus is (well, was) pirate, and pirates don't [re]colonize. Both are bad enough that a different faction might not otherwise pick them up. (I forget if DME has also applied the do-not-colonize tags to Marie-Galante)

Also, is it possible to get some tweaks to the reputation system to make it a bit less... silly at times? Transponders are a pretty big one, even factions who are Welcoming, Friendly, and even Cooperative still get pissy about transponders even if you're "well known across the faction" and are willing to go to war over it.  No diplomatic immunity if you're an established faction, no ignoring the violation if you're friendly to them, no bribing them to look the other way, and they'll still bother you even if you're clearly an invasion fleet looking to gobble up any flounders that wander near you on your way to invade their world while running dark (Really, pickets should maintain contact on much larger fleets if their transponders are off rather than suicide diving to ask them about their license plates).
I found a way to mess with the rep penalty for being caught with your transponder off, so I might well remove it in a future version. It's the most annoying part of the mechanic, especially if it happens to push you over the hostile threshold.
Sadly I don't have a way to change the behavior of patrol fleets regarding the 'bother a huge fleet which realistically should be presumed hostile' behavior (here's an interesting post/thread on a related topic, at least).

Similar case with Colony creation, if a faction is "Cooperative" and you're benefiting from trade concessions, that ought to cover establishing a colony in their systems and probably shouldn't ever do expeditions on your faction.  It's kinda like if Britian sent in a team to sabotage or capture the industries of a france principality, it just doesn't make sense to do so given the political climate.  Or if Germany attacked a US military base inside of their borders, just doesn't make a lot of sense.
For a colony in their system, just pay the tribute when the demand is made, or have an alliance with the system owner.

Expeditions in general are vanilla (and a placeholder mechanic, I assume) but Nex already lets you turn them off! enablePunitiveExpeditions in exerelin_config.json
I've considered making that setting default off since expeditions are a really daft concept in a bunch of ways, but I dunno if I want to outright remove features from the base game.

Maybe worth looking at Saturation Bombings too, the AI factions don't seem to care reputation wise if it happens between two AIs, but if the player does it you get into a hot war with everyone.  Realistically, it should have a more gradual curve.  Allies of the faction that got bombed should get a pretty sizable loss in reputation (let's say 30-40) with you, neutrals to the faction that got bombed lose maybe like 20 reputation with you, and enemies lose maybe 10 reputation with you if any at all.  It should also apply to AI factions as it's kinda weird that factions will saturation bomb each other and that seems to matter less to the political climate of the system than a jilted wedding arrangement.
If sat bombing by NPC factions had reputation penalties, I'd need a way for the faction to figure out whether it was actually worth doing so. The upcoming strategic AI could do just that (so I might implement this at that time), but it's likely the answer (compared to alternative actions by the faction) would be 'never'. Which, to be fair, is also often the case for player.
That said, the asymmetry here with player getting punished when NPCs don't is exactly why there's an allowNPCSatBomb setting in the config file :)

As for player's rep penalties, there are currently a few cases where the impact is reduced: a third party faction is vengeful to the target; the target faction has the Monstrous trait; or the planet/station is small (size 3 or lower) and/or outside the core worlds.
Other than that, well, if you mass-murder a hundred thousand or a million civilians in an already decaying sector, don't expect other factions to approve of this :-X
(Insta-hostile is an unlikely response, insta-suspicious or inhospitable with a large numerical penalty to push already-neutral factions into hostile territory would be more likely. All the same, I don't have a particular reason to change this right now, especially when a remarkably large number of players in the community are apparently still perfectly happy to sat bomb Hegemony and others for comparatively minor offences)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4983 on: December 07, 2022, 11:36:15 AM »

Marie-Galante is already decivilized at the start of the game. Perinthus is (well, was) pirate, and pirates don't [re]colonize. Both are bad enough that a different faction might not otherwise pick them up. (I forget if DME has also applied the do-not-colonize tags to Marie-Galante)

Also, is it possible to get some tweaks to the reputation system to make it a bit less... silly at times? Transponders are a pretty big one, even factions who are Welcoming, Friendly, and even Cooperative still get pissy about transponders even if you're "well known across the faction" and are willing to go to war over it.  No diplomatic immunity if you're an established faction, no ignoring the violation if you're friendly to them, no bribing them to look the other way, and they'll still bother you even if you're clearly an invasion fleet looking to gobble up any flounders that wander near you on your way to invade their world while running dark (Really, pickets should maintain contact on much larger fleets if their transponders are off rather than suicide diving to ask them about their license plates).
I found a way to mess with the rep penalty for being caught with your transponder off, so I might well remove it in a future version. It's the most annoying part of the mechanic, especially if it happens to push you over the hostile threshold.
Sadly I don't have a way to change the behavior of patrol fleets regarding the 'bother a huge fleet which realistically should be presumed hostile' behavior (here's an interesting post/thread on a related topic, at least).

Similar case with Colony creation, if a faction is "Cooperative" and you're benefiting from trade concessions, that ought to cover establishing a colony in their systems and probably shouldn't ever do expeditions on your faction.  It's kinda like if Britian sent in a team to sabotage or capture the industries of a france principality, it just doesn't make sense to do so given the political climate.  Or if Germany attacked a US military base inside of their borders, just doesn't make a lot of sense.
For a colony in their system, just pay the tribute when the demand is made, or have an alliance with the system owner.

Expeditions in general are vanilla (and a placeholder mechanic, I assume) but Nex already lets you turn them off! enablePunitiveExpeditions in exerelin_config.json
I've considered making that setting default off since expeditions are a really daft concept in a bunch of ways, but I dunno if I want to outright remove features from the base game.

Maybe worth looking at Saturation Bombings too, the AI factions don't seem to care reputation wise if it happens between two AIs, but if the player does it you get into a hot war with everyone.  Realistically, it should have a more gradual curve.  Allies of the faction that got bombed should get a pretty sizable loss in reputation (let's say 30-40) with you, neutrals to the faction that got bombed lose maybe like 20 reputation with you, and enemies lose maybe 10 reputation with you if any at all.  It should also apply to AI factions as it's kinda weird that factions will saturation bomb each other and that seems to matter less to the political climate of the system than a jilted wedding arrangement.
If sat bombing by NPC factions had reputation penalties, I'd need a way for the faction to figure out whether it was actually worth doing so. The upcoming strategic AI could do just that (so I might implement this at that time), but it's likely the answer (compared to alternative actions by the faction) would be 'never'. Which, to be fair, is also often the case for player.
That said, the asymmetry here with player getting punished when NPCs don't is exactly why there's an allowNPCSatBomb setting in the config file :)

As for player's rep penalties, there are currently a few cases where the impact is reduced: a third party faction is vengeful to the target; the target faction has the Monstrous trait; or the planet/station is small (size 3 or lower) and/or outside the core worlds.
Other than that, well, if you mass-murder a hundred thousand or a million civilians in an already decaying sector, don't expect other factions to approve of this :-X
(Insta-hostile is an unlikely response, insta-suspicious or inhospitable with a large numerical penalty to push already-neutral factions into hostile territory would be more likely. All the same, I don't have a particular reason to change this right now, especially when a remarkably large number of players in the community are apparently still perfectly happy to sat bomb Hegemony and others for comparatively minor offences)

Yeah, the tribute is fine though it has a couple of issues with it.  Namely if you conquer a colony, no tribute is necessary so it's almost always preferable to conquer someone compared to trying to cohabitate (or do shenanigans where you give it to a faction you're hostile to and conquer it later like you're planting crops).  Second, as far as I know it's the same amount of tribute regardless of how friendly or not you are with the faction, so long as you're not outright hostile?  Guess the other issue is that systems will still be "claimed" by other factions, even if they own like a single pirate outpost and you control the other four colonies in the star system.

On the saturation bombardment topic though no faction as far as I know are ever vengeful with pirates or luddic path, so if you wanna nuke them everyone will hate you for it, despite everyone being hostile to those factions with a couple of exceptions.  There's also the thing that, for the most part, it's just much easier to just repeatedly raid the industries over and over and over again as it gives no major penalties aside from just needing the marines and a couple in game days to go and sang bag their industries till they're -30 or more instability.  That's more of a vanilla issue though.  I guess in general the saturation bombardment being so punitive relative to you know, invading worlds so hard that they decivilize entirely or mass invading the entire sector like the space mongols is a far healthier for your reputation, especially given that other factions also use saturation bombardment fairly regularly.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4984 on: December 07, 2022, 06:50:35 PM »

Two things:

First, I provoked a higher-level vengeance fleet for the first time since updating to the newest version of Nex.  I remember in the past if I didn't want to fight them I could just wander through nebulas and the like and they'd eventually get bored and go home.  I also remember Vayra's bounty fleets would spawn within a certain radius of you but then they would behave like normal mission-spawned hostile fleets - if they lose sight of you, they have to search, and if they can't find you, they just hang around in the area hoping to catch you again until the game despawns them.  Both of these behaviors were reasonable.  This current one, however, has behavior "trailing your fleet" which apparently means it has a total lock-on to my current position and makes a beeline for me no matter where I am, no matter how good stealthing I'm doing (it _may_ be that vengeance fleets always did this but I really don't remember seeing this before).  Anyway, this is cheating and it's *** me off.  How do I make this stop, and have any response fleets have to actually search for and find me?

Second, I am comissioned with a faction and took a mission to conquer a planet for another faction (it was an easy target - most conquest missions are ridiculously harder than the money being offered - and I could use the cash).  However, having taken it, I can't give it to them.  I can only buy the governorship and, once I have it, cede it.  Is the intended behavior that faction-comissioned players cannot successfully complete the conquest missions?  If so, it's a dirty trick to make the missions visible and acceptable to the player without any warning that they'd need to resign their commission before being able to complete it.  I expect that, having done the work of taking the planet, if I resign my comission now it just reverts to my current faction, meaning I've totally wasted my time and effort and probably need to revert to an earlier save.

Edit: ok, never mind that second part.  After seeing the "take" option mentioned above I went and pored over the conquest screen and finally found it.  Never saw that before.  So, used it, transferred the planet, got paid about 60% of the agreed-on price due to instability resulting from the invasion and tacbombing.  Net profit 200K.  Opportunity cost?  This is TERRIBLE.  Between everything I spent on supplies, fuel, marines, heavy weapons, and the time spent going there and doing it, I could have been doing pretty much anything else and made twice as much money in that time.  Not to mention, a contract is a contract, I accepted the mission based on the payout specified in the mission text, I damn well want my money.  Except I can't take it out on the faction, they didn't make a choice to cheat me, it's the guy who coded the algorithm who did that!

Well, now I know.  And I know to apply a reduction to the posted mission rewards for those.  Making them probably even less likely to be worth it.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2022, 07:31:27 PM by vok3 »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4985 on: December 08, 2022, 01:39:53 AM »

Yeah, the tribute is fine though it has a couple of issues with it.  Namely if you conquer a colony, no tribute is necessary so it's almost always preferable to conquer someone compared to trying to cohabitate (or do shenanigans where you give it to a faction you're hostile to and conquer it later like you're planting crops).  Second, as far as I know it's the same amount of tribute regardless of how friendly or not you are with the faction, so long as you're not outright hostile?  Guess the other issue is that systems will still be "claimed" by other factions, even if they own like a single pirate outpost and you control the other four colonies in the star system.
Hmm, if I didn't break anything then tribute should crop up eventually even for captured colonies (unless it's size 5 or larger, big colonies won't get territorial satbombed and so don't require tribute).
The colony screen with the warning of claimed systems uses the vanilla logic, where player can never be considered the owner of a system (and also it doesn't detect Nex alliances), but the mod does make it so player can be the system owner under the same rules as the NPC factions.

Two things:

First, I provoked a higher-level vengeance fleet for the first time since updating to the newest version of Nex.  I remember in the past if I didn't want to fight them I could just wander through nebulas and the like and they'd eventually get bored and go home.  I also remember Vayra's bounty fleets would spawn within a certain radius of you but then they would behave like normal mission-spawned hostile fleets - if they lose sight of you, they have to search, and if they can't find you, they just hang around in the area hoping to catch you again until the game despawns them.  Both of these behaviors were reasonable.  This current one, however, has behavior "trailing your fleet" which apparently means it has a total lock-on to my current position and makes a beeline for me no matter where I am, no matter how good stealthing I'm doing (it _may_ be that vengeance fleets always did this but I really don't remember seeing this before).  Anyway, this is cheating and it's *** me off.  How do I make this stop, and have any response fleets have to actually search for and find me?
Nothing's changed with vengeance fleet pursuit logic in over a year (other than the addition of the setting described below). They always had a maphack to find the player, but lose it when getting close. In particular, if they've seen your fleet once but lost it, they have trouble finding you again until you leave the system.

If you find things sufficiently bothersome, there's a useNewVengeanceEncounters setting in the main config you can try. Although one could argue it's even worse in terms of somehow knowing where the player is.

Edit: ok, never mind that second part.  After seeing the "take" option mentioned above I went and pored over the conquest screen and finally found it.  Never saw that before.  So, used it, transferred the planet, got paid about 60% of the agreed-on price due to instability resulting from the invasion and tacbombing.  Net profit 200K.  Opportunity cost?  This is TERRIBLE.  Between everything I spent on supplies, fuel, marines, heavy weapons, and the time spent going there and doing it, I could have been doing pretty much anything else and made twice as much money in that time.  Not to mention, a contract is a contract, I accepted the mission based on the payout specified in the mission text, I damn well want my money.  Except I can't take it out on the faction, they didn't make a choice to cheat me, it's the guy who coded the algorithm who did that!

Well, now I know.  And I know to apply a reduction to the posted mission rewards for those.  Making them probably even less likely to be worth it.
Is that 200k net after the supplies, fuel, etc.? I'd say that's pretty good for not having to leave the core worlds, considering top-end intel bounties are like 350k gross.
(If it's 200k gross, how tiny was the planet you took?)
That said, I've already increased the payout somewhat in dev (payment for market size is now 6k * 2^size instead of 5k * 2^size, and it counts six months of market income instead of three). Also might make ground battle deployments cost fewer supplies.

As for the amount printed in the mission intel, well the parameters that go into the reward calculation are specifically listed in the intel description before accepting, so


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4986 on: December 08, 2022, 02:37:38 AM »

You can drag vengeance fleets into whatever faction is at war with their faction. If you cruise around the core worlds, they generally just die. I've had multiple instances of only getting a "vengeance fleet defeated" message without even seeing those idiots.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4987 on: December 08, 2022, 04:27:11 AM »

Yeah, the tribute is fine though it has a couple of issues with it.  Namely if you conquer a colony, no tribute is necessary so it's almost always preferable to conquer someone compared to trying to cohabitate (or do shenanigans where you give it to a faction you're hostile to and conquer it later like you're planting crops).  Second, as far as I know it's the same amount of tribute regardless of how friendly or not you are with the faction, so long as you're not outright hostile?  Guess the other issue is that systems will still be "claimed" by other factions, even if they own like a single pirate outpost and you control the other four colonies in the star system.
Hmm, if I didn't break anything then tribute should crop up eventually even for captured colonies (unless it's size 5 or larger, big colonies won't get territorial satbombed and so don't require tribute).
The colony screen with the warning of claimed systems uses the vanilla logic, where player can never be considered the owner of a system (and also it doesn't detect Nex alliances), but the mod does make it so player can be the system owner under the same rules as the NPC factions.

Two things:

First, I provoked a higher-level vengeance fleet for the first time since updating to the newest version of Nex.  I remember in the past if I didn't want to fight them I could just wander through nebulas and the like and they'd eventually get bored and go home.  I also remember Vayra's bounty fleets would spawn within a certain radius of you but then they would behave like normal mission-spawned hostile fleets - if they lose sight of you, they have to search, and if they can't find you, they just hang around in the area hoping to catch you again until the game despawns them.  Both of these behaviors were reasonable.  This current one, however, has behavior "trailing your fleet" which apparently means it has a total lock-on to my current position and makes a beeline for me no matter where I am, no matter how good stealthing I'm doing (it _may_ be that vengeance fleets always did this but I really don't remember seeing this before).  Anyway, this is cheating and it's *** me off.  How do I make this stop, and have any response fleets have to actually search for and find me?
Nothing's changed with vengeance fleet pursuit logic in over a year (other than the addition of the setting described below). They always had a maphack to find the player, but lose it when getting close. In particular, if they've seen your fleet once but lost it, they have trouble finding you again until you leave the system.

If you find things sufficiently bothersome, there's a useNewVengeanceEncounters setting in the main config you can try. Although one could argue it's even worse in terms of somehow knowing where the player is.

Edit: ok, never mind that second part.  After seeing the "take" option mentioned above I went and pored over the conquest screen and finally found it.  Never saw that before.  So, used it, transferred the planet, got paid about 60% of the agreed-on price due to instability resulting from the invasion and tacbombing.  Net profit 200K.  Opportunity cost?  This is TERRIBLE.  Between everything I spent on supplies, fuel, marines, heavy weapons, and the time spent going there and doing it, I could have been doing pretty much anything else and made twice as much money in that time.  Not to mention, a contract is a contract, I accepted the mission based on the payout specified in the mission text, I damn well want my money.  Except I can't take it out on the faction, they didn't make a choice to cheat me, it's the guy who coded the algorithm who did that!

Well, now I know.  And I know to apply a reduction to the posted mission rewards for those.  Making them probably even less likely to be worth it.
Is that 200k net after the supplies, fuel, etc.? I'd say that's pretty good for not having to leave the core worlds, considering top-end intel bounties are like 350k gross.
(If it's 200k gross, how tiny was the planet you took?)
That said, I've already increased the payout somewhat in dev (payment for market size is now 6k * 2^size instead of 5k * 2^size, and it counts six months of market income instead of three). Also might make ground battle deployments cost fewer supplies.

As for the amount printed in the mission intel, well the parameters that go into the reward calculation are specifically listed in the intel description before accepting, so

Here's a screen shot from my longish run with all the places that got decivilized and didn't get rehabitated:

EDIT:  A weird bug, I assume, but a raiding force retreated before taking action, but no reason was given (not destroyed as I was trailing the fleet looking for freebies, not due to changing faction attitude as they're still hostile to each other).  How does that happen?  The fleets jumped in, and them immediately jumped out of the system from the nearest point.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2022, 11:39:32 PM by Reshy »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4988 on: December 09, 2022, 09:24:06 AM »

i recently joined an alliance but i don't want to have the game pause with popups aka "make peace/war with x". i know about ceasefireNotificationPopup:false but is there a option to always abstain or say yes to alliance proposals. otherwise i'll have to leave because popups pausing my game unexpectedly is something i don't want.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4989 on: December 09, 2022, 01:32:17 PM »

Can Nexerelin adjust the market discount given for ships with dmods for sale at stations?

I want to change the discount off the base price for the number of dmods. To say 20% per dmod or something similar.

Does anyone know where this variable is? I know you can change the ship price easily in the config. Can’t find the dmod scale though.




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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4990 on: December 10, 2022, 06:38:17 AM »

Here's a screen shot from my longish run with all the places that got decivilized and didn't get rehabitated:


EDIT:  A weird bug, I assume, but a raiding force retreated before taking action, but no reason was given (not destroyed as I was trailing the fleet looking for freebies, not due to changing faction attitude as they're still hostile to each other).  How does that happen?  The fleets jumped in, and them immediately jumped out of the system from the nearest point.
Well, a lot of the names look like pirate and/or marginal planets. But I'm more concerned in that this is a lot of planets to be decivilizing in the first place. How long has this game been running?

The 'raiders retreated before action' thing happens if the raiders are weaker than the system patrols + least defended planet when they arrive (and the faction isn't too aggressive; else they'll take their chances with the weakest planet).

i recently joined an alliance but i don't want to have the game pause with popups aka "make peace/war with x". i know about ceasefireNotificationPopup:false but is there a option to always abstain or say yes to alliance proposals. otherwise i'll have to leave because popups pausing my game unexpectedly is something i don't want.
There currently isn't a setting for that, sorry! The code currently expects an immediate response; maybe I'll change this as part of the improved voting system in the future diplomacy rework.

Can Nexerelin adjust the market discount given for ships with dmods for sale at stations?
Doesn't look like it's readily moddable, alas. I thought there was a line in base game's settings.json for it, but I think it only controls the price penalty for the player selling the D-modded ship to a market.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4991 on: December 10, 2022, 03:02:05 PM »

Can Nexerelin adjust the market discount given for ships with dmods for sale at stations?
Doesn't look like it's readily moddable, alas. I thought there was a line in base game's settings.json for it, but I think it only controls the price penalty for the player selling the D-modded ship to a market.

Thank you for replying to my question, I thought I might be missing something obvious. I am trying to make pristine ship prices very high (like 5x or 10x) with dmods bringing down the price by a decent amount (say 20% per dmod). Like you said, the config file lets you adjust the overall price but I cant seem to find any reference to the dmod discount anywhere. I am loving Nexerilian with Starpocalypse to make things a little harder.

I will dig through a few more config files and see if I can find it.

Thanks again.



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Nexerelin v0.10.6
« Reply #4992 on: December 14, 2022, 06:19:31 AM »

Hi Histidine, didn´t know where you want to get the feedback on v0.10.6 released on discord. There is a bug currently, where you are hard locked in the military option screen ( the one to decide to steal stuff or disrupt something), when you have too few marines. There is some text about a % exception


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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4993 on: December 16, 2022, 02:45:41 PM »

Hello, when creating a player faction alliance, is it possible to select which attribute will be used to create the Alliance? I am trying to ally with two otherwise opposed factions (hegemony and the league) but keep getting that they are incompatible ideologies.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Nexerelin v0.10.5b "Sierra Nevada" (update 2022-09-17)
« Reply #4994 on: December 16, 2022, 03:47:45 PM »

Your XP for colony income ratios is a little overtuned

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