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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3c "Planet Tales" (fixes 2025-01-26)  (Read 3535515 times)

Some random guy

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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2790 on: January 13, 2020, 03:10:16 AM »

Congrats on being the first Starsector mod to get over 1Million views!
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 11:46:23 AM by Phoenix »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2791 on: January 13, 2020, 08:41:53 PM »

can i have a small question or more like a suggestion about the respawning factions ? From what i noticed its all nice and dandy but i never actualy saw them take the base back..... would it be posible to make it so they dont actualy suicide into heavily protected star system, and instead go for some empty planet ? and start a new ? also when they fail and trust me they do a lot do they ever try it again or thats it for the whole faction ? the only way for me to actually bring somebody back is to go find decent planet build it up and then give it to the dead faction, at least that's what i saw in my playthrough. If im wrong and simply had back luck with the system in place tell me. next are the aliances i have curently a decent empire with 7 members but some random events keep damaging the reputation between them is there anything i can do to prevent that ? or is it just random ? Thank you
other then that i love the mod, also sorry for the english, its not my native language


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2792 on: January 14, 2020, 05:31:47 AM »

Is it possible to change the legality of things in invaded markets?
For example, change Recreational Drugs to legal/illegal?

Also wondering about changing player faction alignment.
If the market is yours, you have the free port setting. Other than that, there's no way to determine which goods are legal.
Markets taken by an NPC faction will use that faction's illegal goods settings.

Alignment: You can change it in the player.json config file in faction config folder. There's no ingame setting for this, though (nor any particular reason for it, since the player faction isn't checked for alignments when forming an alliance).

Congrats on being the first Starsector mod to get over 1Million views!
Actually four other mods have already exceeded that:

Still feels good though! ;D

can i have a small question or more like a suggestion about the respawning factions ? From what i noticed its all nice and dandy but i never actualy saw them take the base back..... would it be posible to make it so they dont actualy suicide into heavily protected star system, and instead go for some empty planet ? and start a new ? also when they fail and trust me they do a lot do they ever try it again or thats it for the whole faction ? the only way for me to actually bring somebody back is to go find decent planet build it up and then give it to the dead faction, at least that's what i saw in my playthrough. If im wrong and simply had back luck with the system in place tell me.
Yeah, faction respawn may not work very reliably at present. Although founding a new colony may not work any better, with such a weak planet they'd probably just get re-stomped.
I'll probably review this in the future (could tie it to the rebellion mechanic when that comes back).
Thanks for the feedback!

next are the aliances i have curently a decent empire with 7 members but some random events keep damaging the reputation between them is there anything i can do to prevent that ? or is it just random ? Thank you
It's largely random, but you can make positive events more likely by doing some things to improve relations between the factions involved.
(see the diplomacy profiles in intel tab for details)

Although an alliance that big will likely have a huge dominance score, which leads to increased likelihood of negative events between them and promoting shedding of alliance members. This is by design.

There's an option in exerelin_config.json to disable the random diplomacy events between player and other factions, but this won't help with interactions between two NPC factions.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2793 on: January 14, 2020, 09:52:35 AM »

can i have a small question or more like a suggestion about the respawning factions ? From what i noticed its all nice and dandy but i never actualy saw them take the base back..... would it be posible to make it so they dont actualy suicide into heavily protected star system, and instead go for some empty planet ? and start a new ? also when they fail and trust me they do a lot do they ever try it again or thats it for the whole faction ? the only way for me to actually bring somebody back is to go find decent planet build it up and then give it to the dead faction, at least that's what i saw in my playthrough. If im wrong and simply had back luck with the system in place tell me.
Yeah, faction respawn may not work very reliably at present. Although founding a new colony may not work any better, with such a weak planet they'd probably just get re-stomped.
I'll probably review this in the future (could tie it to the rebellion mechanic when that comes back).
Thanks for the feedback!

yeah no problem :) about the new olony i do have the console comands mod so what i usualy do is build it up using that and set marketsize to something like 7 or 8 so its not puny little colony you can even edit the planet itself which could help to give them decent start up location and after some testing they actualy go from there nicely, even had the new colony event when they send a colonization exepedition so if there could be a scrip that does all this gives them new planet and builds it up instantly to decent size, that could work betther then the fleets

next are the aliances i have curently a decent empire with 7 members but some random events keep damaging the reputation between them is there anything i can do to prevent that ? or is it just random ? Thank you
It's largely random, but you can make positive events more likely by doing some things to improve relations between the factions involved.
(see the diplomacy profiles in intel tab for details)

Although an alliance that big will likely have a huge dominance score, which leads to increased likelihood of negative events between them and promoting shedding of alliance members. This is by design.

There's an option in exerelin_config.json to disable the random diplomacy events between player and other factions, but this won't help with interactions between two NPC factions.
yeah i was afraid of that well never mind they can either stay with us or get some fuel presents if you get what i mean :D it's up to them honestly


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2794 on: January 14, 2020, 02:42:37 PM »

Not sure if it has been covered in the 187 pages of this thread, but is there a way to tweak the starting settings for the random sector start?

I've spawned a dozen sectors and every time my starting system has 3-4 other factions (always including pirates and often including path). I've tried setting the inhabited worlds to 20, stations to 6, and inhabited systems to 26. 4 other factions spawned with me. And nearly every system around me has at least 3 factions 2 of which are hostile to each other. Buying/selling/doing a mission for anyone makes me KoS for the next planet over...

Is there a setting i missed to make each system be mostly the same faction or to make only 1-2 inhabited planets/stations per system at the start?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2795 on: January 14, 2020, 05:51:44 PM »

Hello, hope this post finds you well, I recently bought  Starsector and have been enjoying it quite a bit, I already have well over 100 hours into the base game and about 60 into modded.
I have done a search for what I am about to ask but for the life of me I can not figure it, my big brain hurts and no matter what I can doesn't yield the result I want and more then often just makes the game crash or unplayable.

So I am resorting to asking it here because I tier of hitting the cycle random ships button for what feels like hours on end to get the ships I want with this mod, basically what I want to be able to pick the ships I want or have a start with them, all I want is a Colossus and 2 shepherds.

if anyone could direct me on how to do this I'd be most grateful.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2796 on: January 14, 2020, 06:33:16 PM »

Hello, hope this post finds you well, I recently bought  Starsector and have been enjoying it quite a bit, I already have well over 100 hours into the base game and about 60 into modded.
I have done a search for what I am about to ask but for the life of me I can not figure it, my big brain hurts and no matter what I can doesn't yield the result I want and more then often just makes the game crash or unplayable.

So I am resorting to asking it here because I tier of hitting the cycle random ships button for what feels like hours on end to get the ships I want with this mod, basically what I want to be able to pick the ships I want or have a start with them, all I want is a Colossus and 2 shepherds.

if anyone could direct me on how to do this I'd be most grateful.
Hi if you talking about new game i would probalby get the console comands mod and just dock at any port add the ships you want via the console and sell or scuttle the ones you dont want, i dont think there is a way to pick the ships you want there are few chooises and thats it from what i saw


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2797 on: January 14, 2020, 06:44:32 PM »

Hi if you talking about new game i would probalby get the console comands mod and just dock at any port add the ships you want via the console and sell or scuttle the ones you dont want, i dont think there is a way to pick the ships you want there are few chooises and thats it from what i saw

Thank you for your response, it is possible to do, people can reprovingly do it in non-modded star-sector, so I was hoping it was possible to do it in mods as well, as for the console command... well... you see... I have no self control and I would use it for more then just getting the ships, I know I can uninstall it but seems like a lot of work every time I restart, because I tend to restart a lot as I play on Ironman Mode and.... well autopilot into blackholes.... anyways, I guess I will just have to suffer for now until it becomes a thing.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2798 on: January 15, 2020, 04:59:09 AM »

Hello, hope this post finds you well, I recently bought  Starsector and have been enjoying it quite a bit, I already have well over 100 hours into the base game and about 60 into modded.
I have done a search for what I am about to ask but for the life of me I can not figure it, my big brain hurts and no matter what I can doesn't yield the result I want and more then often just makes the game crash or unplayable.

So I am resorting to asking it here because I tier of hitting the cycle random ships button for what feels like hours on end to get the ships I want with this mod, basically what I want to be able to pick the ships I want or have a start with them, all I want is a Colossus and 2 shepherds.

if anyone could direct me on how to do this I'd be most grateful.
It's probably easiest to edit Nexerelin/data/config/exerelinFactionConfig/player.json with the starting ship set you want.

Not sure if it has been covered in the 187 pages of this thread, but is there a way to tweak the starting settings for the random sector start?

I've spawned a dozen sectors and every time my starting system has 3-4 other factions (always including pirates and often including path). I've tried setting the inhabited worlds to 20, stations to 6, and inhabited systems to 26. 4 other factions spawned with me. And nearly every system around me has at least 3 factions 2 of which are hostile to each other. Buying/selling/doing a mission for anyone makes me KoS for the next planet over...

Is there a setting i missed to make each system be mostly the same faction or to make only 1-2 inhabited planets/stations per system at the start?
Hmm, it already tries to spread out the starting homeworlds, then put markets for each faction close to its homeworld where possible. But there are ways it can break.

What's your game seed + modlist? I could try to debug it.
In the meantime, try the "Maximum inhabited planets per system" and "Maximum inhabited planets + stations per system" sliders if you haven't already.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2799 on: January 15, 2020, 05:34:20 PM »

I'm sure this has already been asked; sorry for the frustration, BUT:

Do the blueprints you sell to pirates using the mod get used? I sold a ton to them and nothing has happened for like a good year and a half. I was hoping to do a playthrough in which I befriend the pirates and upgrade them continuously, but it seems that isn't working.

I did it using Console Commands while experimenting to see if it would work, and I had a few utility mods like space station construction, Starship Legends, and Gates Awakened active. Anyone know what the deal is?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2800 on: January 15, 2020, 08:15:57 PM »

I'm sure this has already been asked; sorry for the frustration, BUT:

Do the blueprints you sell to pirates using the mod get used? I sold a ton to them and nothing has happened for like a good year and a half. I was hoping to do a playthrough in which I befriend the pirates and upgrade them continuously, but it seems that isn't working.

I did it using Console Commands while experimenting to see if it would work, and I had a few utility mods like space station construction, Starship Legends, and Gates Awakened active. Anyone know what the deal is?
it should pirates should learn those blueprints don't know if that includes modded stuff tho, it could only be for vanilla blueprints not sure about that. keep in mind that they also probably need heavy industry or orbital works in order to use those blueprints i think, If you going for pirate playtrought i would suggest checking out this
« Last Edit: January 15, 2020, 11:59:52 PM by Tralalakk »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2801 on: January 16, 2020, 11:36:50 AM »


Thank you! you have saved me many hours of frustration, I am forever grateful!


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2802 on: January 18, 2020, 04:51:21 AM »

small question here is there any way to tweak the change of colonization event for factions ? or force it maybe ? or what things can affect it ?  thank you
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 05:09:36 AM by Tralalakk »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2803 on: January 18, 2020, 08:12:02 AM »

I tried looking around but is it possible to join the pirate faction AFTER starting the game as a non-pirate? I got my rep with them to 100 but they won't let me be "commissioned"


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nexerelin v0.9.5h "Corporate Warfare" (fixes 2019-12-20)
« Reply #2804 on: January 18, 2020, 09:15:17 AM »

I tried looking around but is it possible to join the pirate faction AFTER starting the game as a non-pirate? I got my rep with them to 100 but they won't let me be "commissioned"
i think console comands mod has set comision comand hope that helps
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