So I am encountering an error wiht markets being created that cannot be directly interacted with. The only factions mod I have installed is the Steelclads set, so I am basically looking to confirm it is either this or that causing the issue at hand. I am seeing is this - A space port that shows up on maps, but is not intractable (it also does not show up in sector info, but it does generate patrol and trade fleets). I am not entirely sure how to parse this campaign file, but I am seeing lines that look something like this:
<CCEnt z="51058" fL="STATIONS">
<loc z="51059">2293.675|-769.24805</loc>
<vel z="51060">0.0|0.0</vel>
<j0>{"f6":10.804474,"f0":"Brand Base","f3":"orbital_station_default","f2":[255,232,232,255],"f4":"brand_base"}</j0>
<ow ref="1989"></ow>
<orbit cl="COrbtPD" z="51061" r="344.0" op="33.122406" ca="10.804474">
<e cl="CCEnt" ref="51058"></e>
<f cl="Plnt" ref="94"></f>
<cL cl="Sstm" ref="60"></cL>
<ls cl="Plnt" defined-in="BaseCampaignEntity" ref="68"></ls>
<me z="51062">
<d z="51063"></d>
<market cl="Market" z="51064">
<name>Brand Base</name>
<commodities z="51065">
(it continues a bunch after this, I assume dictating the entire market's contents as of the save, not sure what amounts of this are useful)
Which seems to be the item at hand .. I just dont know where I would be looking in this to further diagnose this problem. It seems to be saying its of type orbital_station_default? But really beyond this I am pretty far out of my depth when it comes to modding starsector. I imagine its something dumb like that station type doesnt properly have some sort of interaction map object created, but again I am not sure where I would be looking to solve this on my own, so I am asking for help.
edit;; it looks like maybe ive missed a step in installation? lemme confirm its still an issue, I feel like this is a repeated issue not related to that however.
edit2;; Yep this should be properly installed and I am still encountering this sort of station problem. It does however possibly seem unique to RSF outposts, which lends towards it being not nexerelin's fault.
edit3;; Alright so theres some weird lines that look something like this:
"defaultName":"Mini Stations", # used if name=null in addCustomEntity()
"defaultRadius":0, # used if radius<0 in addCustomEntity()
"layers":[STATIONS], # what layer(s) to render in. See for possible values
Which I am not entirely sure how they are supposed to work, mostly just the interactable = false confuses me. I mention these solely because they are brought up in the RSF faction thing, under customstations it links directly to stations_rsf. I have changed that to rsf_orbital which seems to be working appropriately, which does in fact seem to be a steelclads problem. Ill bring it up there.
Sorry to uh clutter up your thread with things