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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 333351 times)


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #795 on: March 16, 2015, 10:43:26 PM »

I must have been too late for the missile regen/reloading topic, and i have only read the first 60 pages so my following idea/suggestion might have been proposed already:
First, regen mechanism:
    I think it's better to design some ammo fabricator hull modules which requires high OP so that normally they can be only installed onto cruiser/capital ships (some destroyers might worth a try if they are not lacking OP elsewhere too much). I don't know if it's easy to implement different types of ammo fabricator, like for bullets/shells, or for missiles/torps so that we can give different costs to them so that even frigates/destroyers can install one for bullets/shells.
Second, about reloading:
    Why don't we simply have two variants of missile launcher for Pilum, Salamander, Reaper, etc? One variant that has much lower OP is simply an external rack that cannot be reloaded from in-hull weapon bay during a battle (it might have its own ammo reserve though). Another type has much higher OP for the reloader devices and a weapon bay for more ammo.
    The purpose is not to pursue realism, but we can get some good references from reality: e.g. on modern missile frigates/destroyers, we have twin-arm launcher which can launch two missiles quickly, but takes ten seconds or more to reload from the weapon bay which is located under the turret.

    So making player have their choices depending on their play style: either long solo battle which requires more endurance or a quick strong assault to kill everything on the field, might be a good solution.
    Reaper Torp Rack: 1 rack, 1 torp. 1 OP.
    Reaper Torp Tube: 1 tube, total 4 torps. 6 OP. // OP/torp increased due to reloader devices/storage.
    Typhoon Torp Pack: 2 tube, total 4 torps, 8 OP. // OP increased compared to the Reaper Torp Tube due to complex launching device which brings better salvo capability.
    Typhoon Torp Launcher: 2 tubes, total 8 torps, 15 OP.
    Cyclone Torp Pack: 4 tubes, total 8 torps, 18 OP. // OP increased compared to the Typhoon Torp Launcher due to even more complex launcing device which brings even better salvo capability.
    Cyclone Torp Launcher: 4 tubes, total 16 torps, 26 OP. // OP/torp slightly decreased because some devices' OP costs are not linearly increased when torp amount get doubled. plus, such high OP device will be cautiously chosen by player so a small discount might be needed.

Well the exact numbers can be tweaked, but the overall idea is like this.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 11:39:21 PM by HoneyFox »


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #796 on: March 17, 2015, 09:10:00 PM »

Been a while since I read the forum, so my thoughts might seem a bit off-topic:

Maybe a better question would be "Why do we have XP?"
XP is one of the resources that is universal between trading and combat - the other being credits.
So why don't we remove XP and use achievements for the purpose of leveling?
Missile specialization 10 = launch 1 million missiles?
Navigation 10 = jump 500000 times?
Logistics 10 = use 5 million supplies?
Leadership 10 = board 100 ships?
I admit that it might be a bit gamey, but isn't that what the current system already is?
Putting together a mod sometime in the distant future.

Lucian Greymark

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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #797 on: March 17, 2015, 11:02:50 PM »

I didn't like that system in spore and I don't like it here. It just promotes senseless grinding. Like in spore when you'd jump between two systems over and over again to grind up your jump drive, same issue here.


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #798 on: March 22, 2015, 07:36:40 PM »

I really hope that in the far future of industry the rules replicate the abilities of the omnifactory mod in a broader extent. That more than any other mod truly changes starsector into a game where one can strategically advance while still taking tremendous (awesome) risks. For example, I just deployed 12 wings of talons and 5 supped up, crack smoking lashers against an exigen fleet, it was a really, really bad idea but it was awesome and probably the most fun the game has ever been, and afterwards, after my transports flee'd in terror, I had the option, as it were, to limp back "to the drawing board" and plan the next strategy without the griefing of finding the ships, grief finding the weapons of the ships, finding out there are no weapons or ships at three stations, rage quitting. It's the really entertaining Independence Day kind of combat that I've always wanted from Starsector and would never bother attempting in vanilla because even one causalty of a semi-rare ship would mark the battle "a defeat" that leads either to troll station searching or a diminished fleet; vanilla fleet dynamics completely disincentivizes all but lopsided battles in your favor (unfun) whereas it should be encouraging pitched battles where you take lots of exploding risks with your awesome fleet (fun). Even though it's just a stop gapped jury rigged thing, starsector seems fully playable and arguably "complete" with the omnifactory.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 07:46:30 PM by Argh »


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #799 on: March 23, 2015, 07:33:15 AM »

This is why I do not play Ironman (because I do not have time to recover from a catastrophic defeat), and if a find a rare ship in an enemy fleet, I savescum until I board it!  It may take an hour of grinding (because the ship may explode or be unrecoverable nine times before I succeed), but it is much less time than grinding for gear for weeks in Diablo 2.

I want to get blueprints and a factory, then crank out what I want.

vanilla fleet dynamics completely disincentivizes all but lopsided battles in your favor (unfun) whereas it should be encouraging pitched battles where you take lots of exploding risks with your awesome fleet (fun).
What's more, you are more likely to recover more CR (up to 50%), making it cheaper to deploy all than matching forces.  If you cannot overdeploy, chain-flagships (one vs. all) is usually optimal.


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #800 on: March 29, 2015, 03:02:01 PM »

Give the Gemini's point defense drones Vulcans so they can present a credible threat to missiles and light fighters.  The Gemini was made much worse by the laser range increase now that any Wolf(D) in the sector can effortlessly destroy its drones in a few seconds, and in my opinion needs some kind of buff to compensate.
Not sure if I want that.  Most times when I need drones, I need them as an emergency against bigger ships, to help crack their shields.  Unless Gemini gets its own drone system, other ships use the same type of drones, and I definitely do not want my Heron's drones to use Vulcans - I have plenty of PD on a Heron, and MG drones are useful for a Heron armed with a blaster or mauler.

The Heavy Machine Gun is better than it used to be, but now it's only "possibly situationally useful" rather than "terrible and never worth taking ever".  If it wasn't as expensive as a Heavy Mauler or a Dual Flak Cannon it would have more of a niche.  Personally I would buff the range to 500 or 600 and reduce the OP cost to 10.
I agree.  HMG will never compete with Flak for PD, so its only use is as a chainsaw for melee fights.  Due to HMG's OP cost, anytime I would consider HMG, I gravitate toward Heavy Autocannon or Heavy Needler instead.  The only time I actually mount HMGs is on a Falcon or Eagle armed with pulse lasers.  For anything else, there are better alternatives.


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #801 on: March 29, 2015, 03:13:50 PM »

@Network Pesci
The rings on planets aren't made of asteroids - they're made of the remains of asteroids that have collided together and have pounded themselves into a very fine dust.  The actual asteroid belts have lots of asteroids.
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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #802 on: April 02, 2015, 04:22:01 PM »

I'm not here to be snarky, I just wanted to mention that I've been playing mostly as a frigate swarm in my latest campaign, and I notice that when I add a Front Shield Generator to the Hound, most front-mounted medium weapons stick out well past the shield, looks to me like the shield arc needs a tiny increase in diameter.

Oh, hey - thank for bringing that up, fixed!

(Re: masses of asteroids in combat: I'm reluctant to do that because the AI doesn't deal with it well at all. They're more flavor than significant gameplay mechanic.)


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #803 on: April 03, 2015, 06:55:27 AM »

Not to be a smartass, The Soldier, but the picture I posted clearly shows chunks of rock at least the size of my biggest ships.  Maybe real-life rings aren't asteroid belts, but StarSector planetary rings as they are shown in the game depict asteroids.  Is there an asteroid belt in vanilla StarSector that looks anything like the combat screen I posted?  If so, I would sure like to fight some battles there, and if not, I'd like a few locations like that added.

The game doesn't depict chunks of rock in space to be as large as your ship.  Otherwise an Onslaught would be about the size of an entire Station in comparison to the planets.  Besides, the "asteroids" in the rings are much smaller than the asteroids you find in the actual asteroid belts in the game.

And no, there's nothing like that in the campaign mode of Starsector.  I think that screenshot came from a mission mod that just came up recently.
Quote from: Trylobot
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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #804 on: April 03, 2015, 08:13:11 AM »

And no, there's nothing like that in the campaign mode of Starsector.  I think that screenshot came from a mission mod that just came up recently.

Yep. :)


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #805 on: June 05, 2015, 03:26:11 AM »

Uuuum hello ^^' been away for a while so i have forgotten pretty much everything about how to do things.. How can i download the lastest patch? :)


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Re: Starsector 0.65.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« Reply #806 on: June 05, 2015, 04:49:59 AM »

Uuuum hello ^^' been away for a while so i have forgotten pretty much everything about how to do things.. How can i download the lastest patch? :)

In the first page of the thread. Link for ease of life:
Itches are scratched. Back-rubs are savored.
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