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Author Topic: What Paragon-Class loadout do you use?  (Read 3991 times)

Bob McBobbyton

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What Paragon-Class loadout do you use?
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:26:51 PM »

Before the 0.65 update, I made an incredible powerful Paragon loadout (pulse lasers, autopulse laser and IR pulse laser). It has low flux cost and has a high dps. This got me thinking: 'what other powerful loadouts have other people made?'
List your loadouts, people!
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Re: What Paragon-Class loadout do you use?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2014, 03:49:00 PM »

With most skills maxed, this is what I used in 0.65:

Paragon (0.65)
Weapons:  Plasma Cannon x2, Tachyon Lance x2, Heavy Needler x2, Heavy Blaster x4, Burst PD Laser x9, Reaper Torpedo x4
Hullmods:  Accelerated Shields, Augmented Engines, Auxiliary Thrusters, Integrated Targeting Unit, Resistant Flux Conduits
Capacitors:  0
Vents:  89

Tachyon Lances at side turrets for long range sniping and EMP damage.  Plasma Cannons and Heavy Blaster for damage.  Heavy Needler for shield buster.  Burst PDs for point defense.  Reapers with Missile Specialization 10 are one of the most powerful attacks in the game, great for killing obnoxious enemy capitals with Combat 10.

Accelerated Shields because omni shields on capitals raise too slowly.  Augmented Engines and ITU because both are just that good and are no-brainers.  Auxiliary Thrusters because capital turn too slowly without it.  Resistant Flux Conduits for faster venting and shrugging off EMP damage.

I would use four Tachyon Lances and six Heavy Blasters instead of plasma cannons and heavy needlers, but the recent POV change while using Tachyon Lance is intolerable.  In 0.62, I used this:

Paragon (0.62)
Weapons:  Tachyon Lance x4, Heavy Blaster x6, Burst PD Laser x9, Sabot (single) x4
Hullmods:  Accelerated Shields, Augmented Engines, Auxiliary Thrusters, Integrated Targeting Unit, Resistant Flux Conduits
Capacitors:  45
Vents:  50

Back then, I did not go past the mid-forties and get max Flux Dynamics or Missile Specialization or Applied Physics (no Hardened Shields).  Also, missiles were slower and I used only single missiles because Optimized Assembly made them free.  Back then, I used Tachyon Lances to snipe and shut down enemies while Heavy Blasters did big damage to everything else.  This configuration was made to not rely on ammo and fight as long as it takes to win.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 04:01:37 PM by Megas »


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Re: What Paragon-Class loadout do you use?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2014, 10:52:35 PM »

My Paragon loadouts all start the same.

Weapons: Heavy Needler x2, Phase Beam x4, Burst PD Laser (All small slots), Swarmer SRM x4
Hullmods: Auxiliary Thrusters, Augmented Engines, ITU, Accelerated Shields

Then, any choice of:
1.) Plasma Cannon x4
2.) Autopulse Laser x4
3.) Tachyon Lance x4
4.) OR Replace Phase Beam x4 for a total of Heavy Blaster x8

With differing amounts of capacitors and vents as I see fit.

x4 Plasma Cannon has always been my go-to flagship, because one-two bursts basically kills any ship that isnt another Paragon. (Or Monitors, god I hate those things)
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Bob McBobbyton

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Re: What Paragon-Class loadout do you use?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2014, 08:12:47 AM »

weapons I used:
4x Autopulse lasers
6x Pulse lasers
9x IR pulse lasers
4x Single reaper torpedoes

The lasers give a very high DPS and very low flux usage.

Hull mods I used:
integrated targeting unit
augmented engines
front shield emitter
expanded magazines
stabilised shields

The mods give the ship really low shield costs (1/4 of original rate).

I then tend to have the rest of the points as:
50 vents
50+ capacitors

The loadout is primarily used against Hegemony as they are slow and have crap shields.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 08:15:16 AM by Bob McBobbyton »
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